Enum FOPTELineStyle
Lines are centered about the infinitely thin proto-line along which they are drawn. Complex dash effects are supported only for simple lines (e.g. changing the end cap) - defaults should be used for other line styles. The line width is in EMUs; a line width of zero should not be used - there is no logical interpretation on a high-resolution printer.
Namespace: Syncfusion.DocIO.ReaderWriter.DataStreamParser.Escher
Assembly: Syncfusion.DocIO.Base.dll
public enum FOPTELineStyle
Name | Description |
lineBackColor | The line back color |
lineBackColorExt | The line back color ext |
lineBackColorExtMod | The line back color ext mod |
lineColor | The line color |
lineColorExt | The line color ext |
lineColorExtMod | The line color ext mod |
lineCrMod | The line cr mod |
lineDashing | The line dashing |
lineDashStyle | The line dash style |
lineEndArrowhead | The line end arrowhead |
lineEndArrowLength | The line end arrow length |
lineEndArrowWidth | The line end arrow width |
lineEndCapStyle | The line end cap style |
lineFillBlip | The line fill blip |
lineFillBlipFlags | The line fill blip flags |
lineFillBlipName | The line fill blip name |
lineFillDztype | The line fill dztype |
lineFillHeight | The line fill height |
lineFillWidth | The line fill width |
lineJoinStyle | The line join style |
lineMiterLimit | The line miter limit |
lineOpacity | The line opacity |
lineStartArrowhead | The line start arrowhead |
lineStartArrowLength | The line start arrow length |
lineStartArrowWidth | The line start arrow width |
lineStyle | The line style |
lineStyleBooleanProperties | The line style boolean properties |
lineType | The line type |
lineWidth | The line width |
reserved474 | The reserved474 |
reserved476 | The reserved476 |
reserved478 | The reserved478 |
reserved480 | The reserved480 |
reserved481 | The reserved481 |
reserved482 | The reserved482 |