Show / Hide Table of Contents
- BaseConfig
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- SampleBrowser.Maui.Base.CustomView
- SampleBrowser.Maui.Base.Hosting
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- Syncfusion.CompoundFile.DocIO.Net
- Syncfusion.CompoundFile.Net
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- Syncfusion.CompoundFile.XlsIO.Net
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- ChatScrolledEventArgs
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- ICardButton
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- IncomingMessageAvatarView
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- IncomingMessageTimestampView
- ISuggestion
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- MessageInteractedEventArgs
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- MessageSwipeStartedEventArgs
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- MessageTappedEventArgs
- OutgoingMessageAuthorView
- OutgoingMessageAvatarView
- OutgoingMessageTextView
- OutgoingMessageTimestampView
- SendMessageEventArgs
- SfChat
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- SfBadgeView
- SfBadgeViewStyles
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- SfView
- SfViewHandler
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- TooltipClosedEventArgs
- ViewPosition
- Syncfusion.Maui.Core.Carousel
- Syncfusion.Maui.Core.Chip.Theme
- Syncfusion.Maui.Core.Chips
- BoolToObjectConverter
- BoolToOpacityConverter
- BrushToColorConverter
- CasingMode
- ColorToBrushConverter
- ColorToGrayScaleColorConverter
- ColorToInverseColorConverter
- ColorToOnColorConverter
- CompareConverter
- CompareConverter.OperatorType
- DecimalValueConverter
- DoubleToIntConverter
- EnumToIntConverter
- EqualConverter
- FormatStringConverter
- IndexToArrayItemConverter
- InverseOpacityConverter
- InvertedBoolConverter
- IsListNotNullOrEmptyConverter
- IsStringNotNullOrEmptyConverter
- IsStringNotNullOrWhitespaceConverter
- ListToStringConverter
- MultiConverter
- NumberToBoolConverter
- OutputType
- ParametersOfMultiConverter
- StringToListConverter
- TextCaseConverter
- Syncfusion.Maui.Core.Hosting
- Syncfusion.Maui.Core.Rotator
- Syncfusion.Maui.Core.Themes
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- CollectionViewAdv.CollectionViewFlags
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- DataTableCollectionViewExt
- DataTableRecordsList
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- GroupRecordEntry
- GroupResult
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- IGroupRefresh
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- IPropertyAccessProvider
- IPropertyChangedEventHandler
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- ISummaryExpressionAggregate
- ISummaryRow
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- ISupportInitialize
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- IUnboundExpressionFunc
- ListIndexer<T>
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- NodeEntry
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- NotifyGroupsChangedEventArgs
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- PageChangedEventArgs
- PageChangedEventHandler
- PageChangingEventArgs
- PageChangingEventHandler
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- PagedCollectionView
- PredicateType
- PropertyAccessor
- PropertyChangingEventArgs
- PropertyChangingEventHandler
- QueryableCollectionRecordsList
- QueryableCollectionView
- QueryableCollectionViewExtensions
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- RecordsEntryList
- RecordsList
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- SortComparers
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- SummaryType
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- SummaryWrapperModel
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- VirtualizingCollectionView
- VirtualRecordEntryList
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- DataFormCheckBoxItem
- DataFormComboBoxItem
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- DataFormItem
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- DataFormLabelPosition
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- DataFormNumericItem
- DataFormPasswordItem
- DataFormPickerItem
- DataFormRadioGroupItem
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- DataFormSwitchItem
- DataFormTextEditorItem
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- DataFormValidateFormEventArgs
- DataFormValidatePropertyEventArgs
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- DataFormValueConverterAttribute
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- GenerateDataFormItemEventArgs
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- AutoGenerateColumnsModeForCustomType
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- DataGridAutoGeneratingRelationsArgs
- DataGridCaptionSummaryCell
- DataGridCaptionSummaryCellRenderer
- DataGridCaptionSummaryRowView
- DataGridCell
- DataGridCellDoubleTappedEventArgs
- DataGridCellEnteredEventArgs
- DataGridCellExitedEventArgs
- DataGridCellHoveredEventArgs
- DataGridCellLongPressEventArgs
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- DataGridCellRightTappedEventArgs
- DataGridCellSelectionController
- DataGridCellTappedEventArgs
- DataGridCellTemplateRenderer
- DataGridCellValueChangedEventArgs
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- DataGridColumn
- DataGridColumnDragView
- DataGridColumnGroupChangedEventArgs
- DataGridColumnGroupChangingEventArgs
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- DataGridColumnSizer
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- DataGridComboBoxRenderer
- DataGridCurrentCellActivatedEventArgs
- DataGridCurrentCellActivatingEventArgs
- DataGridCurrentCellBeginEditEventArgs
- DataGridCurrentCellEndEditEventArgs
- DataGridCurrentCellManager
- DataGridDateCellRenderer
- DataGridDateColumn
- DataGridDetailsViewCollapsedEventArgs
- DataGridDetailsViewCollapsingEventArgs
- DataGridDetailsViewExpandedEventArgs
- DataGridDetailsViewExpandingEventArgs
- DataGridDetailsViewLoadingEventArgs
- DataGridDetailsViewUnloadingEventArgs
- DataGridDragAction
- DataGridGroupDescriptionChangedEventArgs
- DataGridGroupSummaryCell
- DataGridGroupSummaryCellRenderer
- DataGridGroupSummaryRowView
- DataGridHeaderCell
- DataGridHeaderCellRenderer
- DataGridHeaderRow
- DataGridImageCellRenderer
- DataGridImageColumn
- DataGridIndentCell
- DataGridItemsSourceChangedEventArgs
- DataGridLoadMorePosition
- DataGridLoadMoreView
- DataGridLostFocusBehavior
- DataGridModel
- DataGridNavigationMode
- DataGridNumericCellRenderer
- DataGridNumericColumn
- DataGridProgressState
- DataGridQueryColumnDraggingEventArgs
- DataGridQueryRowDraggingEventArgs
- DataGridQueryRowHeightEventArgs
- DataGridRow
- DataGridRowDragView
- DataGridRowHeaderCell
- DataGridRowHeaderCellRenderer
- DataGridRowSelectionController
- DataGridScrollView
- DataGridSearchCellInfo
- DataGridSearchController
- DataGridSearchType
- DataGridSelectedCellCollection
- DataGridSelectionChangedEventArgs
- DataGridSelectionChangingEventArgs
- DataGridSelectionController
- DataGridSelectionMode
- DataGridSelectionPropertyChangedEventArgs
- DataGridSelectionUnit
- DataGridSortColumnsChangedEventArgs
- DataGridSortColumnsChangingEventArgs
- DataGridSortDescriptionChangedEventArgs
- DataGridSortingGestureType
- DataGridSortingMode
- DataGridStackedColumn
- DataGridStackedHeaderCell
- DataGridStackedHeaderCellRenderer
- DataGridStackedHeaderRow
- DataGridStackedHeaderRowView
- DataGridStyle
- DataGridSummaryColumn
- DataGridSummaryRow
- DataGridSwipeDirection
- DataGridSwipeEndedEventArgs
- DataGridSwipeOffsetMode
- DataGridSwipeStartingEventArgs
- DataGridSwipingEventArgs
- DataGridTableSummaryCell
- DataGridTableSummaryCellRenderer
- DataGridTableSummaryRow
- DataGridTableSummaryRowView
- DataGridTapAction
- DataGridTemplateColumn
- DataGridTextBoxCellRenderer
- DataGridTextColumn
- DataGridUnboundActions
- DataGridUnboundCellRenderer
- DataGridUnboundColumn
- DataGridUnboundColumnEventArgs
- DataGridUnboundRow
- DataGridUnboundRowCell
- DataGridUnboundRowCellRenderer
- DataGridUnboundRowEventArgs
- DataGridUnboundRowPosition
- DataGridUnboundRows
- DataGridUnboundRowView
- DataGridVerticalOverScrollMode
- DataGridViewDefinition
- DataUnboundRow
- DetailsViewContentPresenter
- DetailsViewDataGrid
- DetailsViewDataGridRow
- DetailsViewDataRow
- DetailsViewDefinition
- DetailsViewExpanderCell
- DetailsViewExpanderCellRenderer
- DetailsViewIndentCell
- DetailsViewNotifyListener
- DisplayMemberConverter
- GridCellRendererCollection
- GridDataTableCollectionViewWrapper
- GridLinesVisibility
- GridOperationHandlerArgs
- GridQueryableCollectionViewWrapper
- GroupColumnDescription
- GroupColumnDescriptionCollection
- GroupingMode
- IDataGridCellRenderer
- IItemsSourceSelector
- IncrementalList<T>
- NumericColumnValueConverter
- RowGenerator
- RowRegion
- RowType
- SelectedCellInfo
- SelectedCellsInfo
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- SfDataGridContentView
- SfDataGridEntry
- SfDataGridHeaderLabel
- SfDataGridImage
- SfDataGridLabel
- SfLoadMoreViewButton
- SfLoadMoreViewIndicator
- SortColumnDescription
- SortColumnDescriptionCollection
- SpannedDataColumn
- SummaryRowPosition
- ViewDefinition
- VisualContainer
- Syncfusion.Maui.DataGrid.DataPager
- DataGridCellExcelExportingEventArgs
- DataGridCellPdfExportingEventArgs
- DataGridExcelExportingController
- DataGridExcelExportingOption
- DataGridExportCellStyle
- DataGridExportFontInfo
- DataGridPdfExportingController
- DataGridPdfExportingOption
- DataGridPdfHeaderFooterEventArgs
- DataGridRowExcelExportingEventArgs
- DataGridRowPdfExportingEventArgs
- ExportCellType
- ExportMode
- ExportRowType
- GridLineType
- Syncfusion.Maui.DataGrid.Helper
- CollectionViewFlags
- ColumnFilter
- Comparer
- DataSource
- DataSourceHelper
- DisplayItems
- DynamicClass
- DynamicProperty
- FilterBehavior
- FilterDefinition
- FilterOperatorType
- FilterPredicate
- FilterType
- GroupContext
- GroupDescription
- GroupDescriptor
- GroupList
- IFilterDefinition
- INotifyPropertyChanging
- ISortDirection
- ListSortDirection
- LiveDataUpdateMode
- Nullable
- Nullable<T>
- PredicateType
- PropertyChangingEventArgs
- PropertyChangingEventHandler
- QueryableCollectionViewExtensions
- SortColumn
- SortDescriptor
- Syncfusion.Maui.DataSource.Extensions
- Syncfusion.Maui.Expander
- AnnotationDirection
- BarPointer
- ContentPointer
- CornerStyle
- DigitalGaugeCharacterType
- DigitalGaugeTextChangedEventArgs
- GaugeAlignment
- GaugeAnnotation
- GaugeElementPosition
- GaugeGradientStop
- GaugeLabelInfo
- GaugeLabelsPosition
- GaugeLabelStyle
- GaugeOrientation
- GaugeTickStyle
- LabelCreatedEventArgs
- LinearContentPointer
- LinearLineStyle
- LinearMarkerPointer
- LinearPointer
- LinearRange
- LinearShapePointer
- LinearTickStyle
- MarkerPointer
- NeedlePointer
- RadialAxis
- RadialLineStyle
- RadialPointer
- RadialRange
- RadialTickStyle
- RangePointer
- SfDigitalGauge
- SfDigitalGaugeStyles
- SfLinearGauge
- SfLinearGaugeStyles
- SfRadialGauge
- SfRadialGuageStyles
- ShapePointer
- ShapeType
- SizeUnit
- ValueChangedEventArgs
- ValueChangingEventArgs
- ITreeTable
- ITreeTableBranch
- ITreeTableCounter
- ITreeTableCounterNode
- ITreeTableCounterSource
- ITreeTableEmptySummaryArraySource
- ITreeTableEntry
- ITreeTableEntrySource
- ITreeTableNode
- ITreeTableSource
- ITreeTableSummary
- ITreeTableSummaryArraySource
- ITreeTableSummaryNode
- TreeTable
- TreeTableBranch
- TreeTableCounterCookies
- TreeTableEntry
- TreeTableEntrySourceCollection
- TreeTableEntrySourceCollectionEnumerator
- TreeTableEnumerator
- TreeTableNode
- TreeTableNodeColor
- TreeTableVisibleCounter
- TreeTableVisibleCounterSource
- TreeTableWithCounter
- TreeTableWithCounterBranch
- TreeTableWithCounterEntry
- TreeTableWithCounterEnumerator
- TreeTableWithSummary
- TreeTableWithSummaryBranch
- TreeTableWithSummaryEntry
- TreeTableWithSummaryEnumerator
- Syncfusion.Maui.GridCommon.Collections.ComponentModel
- GenericBinaryTreeCollection<V>
- GenericBinaryTreeCollectionEnumerator<V>
- GenericBinaryTreeWithCounterCollection<V, C>
- GenericBinaryTreeWithCounterCollectionEnumerator<V, C>
- GenericBinaryTreeWithSummaryCollection<V>
- GenericBinaryTreeWithSummaryCollectionEnumerator<V>
- GenericTreeTable<V>
- GenericTreeTableEnsureInitializedEventArgs
- GenericTreeTableEntry<V>
- GenericTreeTableEnumerator<V>
- GenericTreeTableWithCounter<V, C>
- GenericTreeTableWithCounterEntry<V, C>
- GenericTreeTableWithCounterEnumerator<V, C>
- GenericTreeTableWithSummary<V>
- GenericTreeTableWithSummaryEntry<V>
- GenericTreeTableWithSummaryEnumerator<V>
- IGenericBinaryTreeCollection<V>
- IGenericBinaryTreeWithCounterCollection<V, C>
- IGenericBinaryTreeWithSummaryCollection<V>
- ITreeTableEntryHost
- CornerSide
- DefaultLineSizeChangedEventArgs
- DefaultLineSizeChangedEventHandler
- DistanceCounterCollection
- DistanceCounterSubset
- DistanceRangeCounterCollection
- EmptyLineSizeCollection
- EmptyLineSizeHost
- HiddenRangeChangedEventArgs
- HiddenRangeChangedEventHandler
- IDistanceCounterCollection
- IDistancesHost
- IEditableLineSizeHost
- ILineSizeHost
- INestedDistancesHost
- IPaddedEditableLineSizeHost
- IScrollBar
- LineScrollAxis
- LinesInsertedEventArgs
- LinesInsertedEventHandler
- LineSizeCollection
- LineSizeUtil
- LinesRemovedEventArgs
- LinesRemovedEventHandler
- PixelScrollAxis
- RangeChangedEventArgs
- RangeChangedEventHandler
- RangeValuePair<T>
- RowColumnIndex
- ScrollAxisBase
- ScrollAxisRegion
- ScrollChangedAction
- ScrollChangedEventArgs
- ScrollChangedEventHandler
- ScrollInfo
- SortedRangeValueList<T>
- ValueChangingEventArgs
- ValueChangingEventHandler
- VisibleLineInfo
- VisibleLinesCollection
- Syncfusion.Maui.GridCommon.Utility
- AnnotationSelectedEventArgs
- AnnotationShape
- AnnotationUnselectedEventArgs
- IImageEditorToolbarItem
- ImageCropType
- ImageEditorAnnotationSettings
- ImageEditorShapeSettings
- ImageEditorTextSettings
- ImageEditorTextStyle
- ImageEditorToolbar
- ImageEditorToolbarGroupItem
- ImageEditorToolbarItem
- ImageEditorToolbarSettings
- ImageEffect
- ImageFileType
- ImageFlipDirection
- ImageSavedEventArgs
- ImageSavingEventArgs
- SfImageEditor
- SfImageEditorStyles
- ToolbarGroupItemAlignment
- ToolbarItemSelectedEventArgs
- ToolbarOrientation
- ToolbarPosition
- AutocompleteFilterBehavior
- AutocompleteFilterInfo
- AutocompleteMultiSelectionDisplayMode
- AutocompleteSearchBehavior
- AutocompleteSearchInfo
- AutocompleteSelectionMode
- AutocompleteTextSearchMode
- AutocompleteTokensWrapMode
- ComboBoxFilterBehavior
- ComboBoxFilterInfo
- ComboBoxMultiSelectionDisplayMode
- ComboBoxSearchBehavior
- ComboBoxSearchInfo
- ComboBoxSelectionMode
- ComboBoxTextSearchMode
- ComboBoxTokensWrapMode
- DropDownButtonSettings
- IAutocompleteFilterBehavior
- IAutocompleteSearchBehavior
- IComboBoxFilterBehavior
- IComboBoxSearchBehavior
- InputValidationMode
- MaskedEntryMaskFormat
- MaskedEntryMaskType
- MaskedEntryValueChangedEventArgs
- MaskedEntryValueChangingEventArgs
- NumericEntryUpDownPlacementMode
- NumericEntryValueChangedEventArgs
- OccurrenceMode
- PercentDisplayMode
- Precision
- RatingSettings
- RatingShape
- SelectionChangedEventArgs
- SelectionChangingEventArgs
- SfAutocomplete
- SfComboBox
- SfMaskedEntry
- SfMaskedEntryStyles
- SfNumericEntry
- SfNumericEntryStyles
- SfRating
- SfRatingStyles
- UpDownButtonAlignment
- ValueChangedEventArgs
- ValueChangeMode
- Syncfusion.Maui.Inputs.DropDownControls
- Syncfusion.Maui.Kanban
- AutoFitMode
- AutoScroller
- CachingStrategy
- DragAction
- DragDropController
- DragIndicatorView
- DragItemView
- DragStartMode
- GridLayout
- GroupExpandCollapseChangedEventArgs
- GroupExpandCollapseChangingEventArgs
- ItemAppearingEventArgs
- ItemDisappearingEventArgs
- ItemDoubleTappedEventArgs
- ItemDraggingEventArgs
- ItemLongPressEventArgs
- ItemRightTappedEventArgs
- ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs
- ItemSelectionChangingEventArgs
- ItemsGenerator
- ItemsSourceChangeCachingStrategy
- ItemTappedEventArgs
- ItemType
- LinearLayout
- ListViewFooterItem
- ListViewFooterPosition
- ListViewGroupHeaderItem
- ListViewHeaderItem
- ListViewItem
- ListViewItemInfo
- ListViewItemInfoBase
- ListViewLayout
- ListViewLoadedEventArgs
- ListViewLoadMoreIndicator
- ListViewLoadMoreItem
- ListViewScrollState
- ListViewScrollView
- LoadMoreOption
- LoadMorePosition
- QueryItemSizeEventArgs
- ResetSwipeEventArgs
- ScrollStateChangedEventArgs
- SelectionController
- SelectionMode
- SfListView
- SfListViewStyles
- SwipeEndedEventArgs
- SwipeStartingEventArgs
- SwipingEventArgs
- TouchGesture
- VisualContainer
- Syncfusion.Maui.ListView.Helpers
- CenterChangedEventArgs
- ColorMapping
- EqualColorMapping
- IShapeLayer
- LegendSourceType
- MapAlignment
- MapArc
- MapArcLayer
- MapBubbleSettings
- MapCircle
- MapCircleLayer
- MapDataLabelSettings
- MapDistanceType
- MapGeometryType
- MapIconType
- MapLabelOverflowMode
- MapLabelStyle
- MapLatLng
- MapLatLngBounds
- MapLayer
- MapLegend
- MapLine
- MapLineLayer
- MapMarker
- MapMarkerCollection
- MapPolygon
- MapPolygonLayer
- MapPolyline
- MapPolylineLayer
- MapSelectionMode
- MapShapeLayer
- MapShapeSublayer
- MapSource
- MapSublayer
- MapTileLayer
- MapTooltipInfo
- MapTooltipSettings
- MapZoomPanBehavior
- MarkerSelectedEventArgs
- PanningEventArgs
- RangeColorMapping
- SfMaps
- SfMapsStyles
- ShapeSelectedEventArgs
- TappedEventArgs
- ZoomLevelChangingEventArgs
- Syncfusion.Maui.NavigationDrawer
- Syncfusion.Maui.ParallaxView
- Syncfusion.Maui.PdfToImageConverter
- Annotation
- AnnotationAppearanceSettings
- AnnotationEventArgs
- AnnotationModalViewAppearingEventArgs
- AnnotationMode
- AnnotationSelectorSettings
- AnnotationSettings
- BaseAnnotationSettings
- Bookmark
- BorderStyle
- ButtonFormField
- CheckboxFormField
- CircleAnnotation
- ComboBoxFormField
- DocumentLoadFailedEventArgs
- FlattenOptions
- FormField
- FormFieldFocusChangedEvenArgs
- FormFieldModalViewAppearingEventArgs
- FormFieldValueChangedEventArgs
- FreeTextAnnotation
- FreeTextAnnotationSettings
- GestureEventArgs
- HighlightAnnotation
- HyperlinkClickedEventArgs
- InkAnnotation
- InkAnnotationSettings
- InkEraserSettings
- LineAnnotation
- LineEndingStyle
- ListBoxFormField
- ModalViewAppearingEventArgs
- OutlineElement
- PageLayoutMode
- PasswordRequestedEventArgs
- PolygonAnnotation
- PolylineAnnotation
- RadioButtonFormField
- SfPdfViewer
- ShapeAnnotation
- ShapeAnnotationSettings
- SignatureCreatedEventArgs
- SignatureFormField
- SquareAnnotation
- SquigglyAnnotation
- StampAnnotation
- StampAnnotationSettings
- StampType
- StickyNoteAnnotation
- StickyNoteAnnotationSettings
- StickyNoteIcon
- StrikeOutAnnotation
- TextFormField
- TextMarkupAnnotationSettings
- TextSearchProgressEventArgs
- TextSearchResult
- TextSearchSettings
- TextSelectionChangedEventArgs
- TextSelectionSettings
- Toolbar
- ToolbarCollection
- ToolbarItem
- ToolbarItemCollection
- TouchScreenInputMode
- UnderlineAnnotation
- Widget
- ZoomMode
- DatePickerColumnHeaderView
- DatePickerSelectionChangedEventArgs
- DateTimePickerColumnHeaderView
- DateTimePickerHeaderView
- DateTimePickerSelectionChangedEventArgs
- PickerBase
- PickerColumn
- PickerColumnHeaderView
- PickerDateFormat
- PickerFooterView
- PickerHeaderView
- PickerItemDetails
- PickerMode
- PickerRelativePosition
- PickerSelectionChangedEventArgs
- PickerSelectionView
- PickerTextDisplayMode
- PickerTextStyle
- PickerTimeFormat
- SfDatePicker
- SfDatePickerStyles
- SfDateTimePicker
- SfDateTimePickerStyles
- SfPicker
- SfPickerStyles
- SfTimePicker
- SfTimePickerStyles
- TimePickerColumnHeaderView
- TimePickerSelectionChangedEventArgs
- Syncfusion.Maui.Popup
- CornerStyle
- LabelPosition
- ProgressBarBase
- ProgressGradientStop
- ProgressValueEventArgs
- SfCircularProgressBar
- SfCircularProgressBarStyles
- SfLinearProgressBar
- SfLinearProgressBarStyles
- SfStepProgressBar
- SfStepProgressBarTheme
- SizeUnit
- StepContentType
- StepProgressBarItem
- StepProgressBarOrientation
- StepProgressBarPropertyChangedEventArgs
- StepProgressBarToolTipSettings
- StepSettings
- StepShapeType
- StepStatus
- StepStatusChangedEventArgs
- StepTappedEventArgs
- StepTextStyle
- Syncfusion.Maui.PullToRefresh
- CenterButtonBackTappedEventArgs
- ClosedEventArgs
- ClosingEventArgs
- DragBeginEventArgs
- DragEndEventArgs
- ItemTappedEventArgs
- LayoutType
- NavigatedEventArgs
- NavigatingEventArgs
- OpenedEventArgs
- OpeningEventArgs
- RadialMenuItemEventArgs
- RadialMenuItemsCollection
- SfRadialMenu
- SfRadialMenuItem
- SfRadialMenuStyle
- SubMenuItemsCollection
- Syncfusion.Maui.Rotator
- AppointmentDragOverEventArgs
- AppointmentDragStartingEventArgs
- AppointmentDropEventArgs
- CalendarType
- DragDropSettings
- ReminderAlertOpeningEventArgs
- SchedulerAgendaView
- SchedulerAppointment
- SchedulerAppointmentBorderStyle
- SchedulerAppointmentMapping
- SchedulerAppointmentType
- SchedulerCellSelectionView
- SchedulerDayHeaderSettings
- SchedulerDaysView
- SchedulerDoubleTappedEventArgs
- SchedulerElement
- SchedulerHeaderDetails
- SchedulerHeaderSettingsBase
- SchedulerHeaderView
- SchedulerInteractionEventArgs
- SchedulerLongPressedEventArgs
- SchedulerMonthAppointmentDisplayMode
- SchedulerMonthCellDetails
- SchedulerMonthCellStyle
- SchedulerMonthHeaderSettings
- SchedulerMonthNavigationDirection
- SchedulerMonthView
- SchedulerQueryAppointmentsEventArgs
- SchedulerRecurrenceInfo
- SchedulerRecurrenceManager
- SchedulerRecurrenceRange
- SchedulerRecurrenceType
- SchedulerRegionBase
- SchedulerReminder
- SchedulerReminderMapping
- SchedulerResource
- SchedulerResourceMapping
- SchedulerResourceView
- SchedulerSelectionChangedEventArgs
- SchedulerTappedEventArgs
- SchedulerTextStyle
- SchedulerTimelineView
- SchedulerTimeRegion
- SchedulerTimeSlotView
- SchedulerView
- SchedulerViewChangedEventArgs
- SchedulerViewHeaderSettings
- SchedulerViews
- SchedulerWeekDays
- SchedulerWeekHeaderSettings
- SchedulerWeekNumberStyle
- SfScheduler
- SfSchedulerResources
- SfSchedulerStyles
- Syncfusion.Maui.Shimmer
- Syncfusion.Maui.SignaturePad
- DateTimeElement
- DateTimeRangeSelectorValueChangedEventArgs
- DateTimeRangeSelectorValueChangingEventArgs
- DateTimeRangeSliderValueChangedEventArgs
- DateTimeRangeSliderValueChangingEventArgs
- DateTimeSliderValueChangedEventArgs
- DateTimeSliderValueChangingEventArgs
- IDateTimeElement
- INumericElement
- IOrientationElement
- NumericElement
- OrientationElement
- RangeSelectorBase<T>
- RangeSelectorValueChangedEventArgs
- RangeSelectorValueChangingEventArgs
- RangeSliderBase<T>
- RangeSliderValueChangedEventArgs
- RangeSliderValueChangingEventArgs
- RangeView<T>
- SfDateTimeRangeSelector
- SfDateTimeRangeSlider
- SfDateTimeSlider
- SfRangeSelector
- SfRangeSlider
- SfSlider
- SfSliderStyles
- SliderBase<T>
- SliderDateIntervalType
- SliderDividerStyle
- SliderDragBehavior
- SliderEdgeLabelsPlacement
- SliderLabelCreatedEventArgs
- SliderLabelsPlacement
- SliderLabelStyle
- SliderOrientation
- SliderStepDuration
- SliderStepDurationConverter
- SliderThumbOverlayStyle
- SliderThumbStyle
- SliderTickStyle
- SliderTooltip
- SliderTooltipLabelCreatedEventArgs
- SliderTooltipPosition
- SliderTrackStyle
- SliderValueChangedEventArgs
- SliderValueChangingEventArgs
- Syncfusion.Maui.SunburstChart
- Syncfusion.Maui.TabView
- Syncfusion.Maui.Themes
- BaseToolbarItem
- SeparatorToolbarItem
- SfOverlayToolbar
- SfToolbar
- SfToolbarItem
- SfToolbarStyles
- ToolbarItemAlignment
- ToolbarItemLongPressedEventArgs
- ToolbarItemOverflowMode
- ToolbarItemPointerActions
- ToolbarItemTextPosition
- ToolbarItemTouchInteractionEventArgs
- ToolbarMoreButtonTappedEventArgs
- ToolbarMoreItemsChangedEventArgs
- ToolbarOrientation
- ToolbarRelativePosition
- ToolbarTappedEventArgs
- ToolbarTextStyle
- ToolbarToolTipSettings
- LayoutType
- LegendIconType
- LegendPlacement
- SelectionMode
- SfTreeMap
- SfTreeMapStyles
- TextFormatOption
- TreeMapBrushSettings
- TreeMapDesaturationBrushSettings
- TreeMapDrillDownHeaderSettings
- TreeMapItemInfo
- TreeMapLeafItemSettings
- TreeMapLegendSettings
- TreeMapLevel
- TreeMapPaletteBrushSettings
- TreeMapRangeBrush
- TreeMapRangeBrushSettings
- TreeMapSelectionChangedEventArgs
- TreeMapTextStyle
- TreeMapToolTipSettings
- TreeMapUniformBrushSettings
- ItemDoubleTappedEventArgs
- ItemLongPressEventArgs
- ItemRightTappedEventArgs
- ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs
- ItemSelectionChangingEventArgs
- ItemTappedEventArgs
- ItemTemplateContextType
- ITreeItemView
- KeyPressEventArgs
- NodeCheckedEventArgs
- NodeExpandedCollapsedEventArgs
- NodeExpandingCollapsingEventArgs
- QueryNodeSizeEventArgs
- SfTreeView
- SfTreeViewStyles
- TreeViewExpandActionTarget
- TreeViewExpanderPosition
- TreeViewItem
- TreeViewItemInfo
- TreeViewItemInfoBase
- TreeViewItemType
- TreeViewLoadedEventArgs
- TreeViewNodeSizeMode
- TreeViewSelectionMode
- Syncfusion.Metafile
- FallbackFont
- FallbackFonts
- ICollectionBase
- ICrop
- IOfficeMath
- IOfficeMathAccent
- IOfficeMathBar
- IOfficeMathBaseCollection
- IOfficeMathBorderBox
- IOfficeMathBox
- IOfficeMathBreak
- IOfficeMathBreaks
- IOfficeMathDelimiter
- IOfficeMathEntity
- IOfficeMathEquationArray
- IOfficeMathFormat
- IOfficeMathFraction
- IOfficeMathFunction
- IOfficeMathFunctionBase
- IOfficeMathGroupCharacter
- IOfficeMathLeftScript
- IOfficeMathLimit
- IOfficeMathMatrix
- IOfficeMathMatrixColumn
- IOfficeMathMatrixColumns
- IOfficeMathMatrixRow
- IOfficeMathMatrixRows
- IOfficeMathNArray
- IOfficeMathParagraph
- IOfficeMathPhantom
- IOfficeMathRadical
- IOfficeMathRightScript
- IOfficeMathRunElement
- IOfficeMaths
- IOfficeMathScript
- IOfficeRun
- IOfficeRunFormat
- IOfficeShape
- IOfficeShapeFill
- IOfficeShapeFont
- IOfficeShapeGradientFill
- IOfficeShapeGradientStop
- IOfficeShapeGradientStops
- IOfficeShapeHyperlink
- IOfficeShapeLineFormat
- IOfficeShapePatternFill
- IOfficeShapePictureFill
- IOfficeShapeSolidFill
- IOfficeSmartArt
- IOfficeSmartArtNode
- IOfficeSmartArtNodes
- IOfficeSmartArtParagraph
- IOfficeSmartArtParagraphs
- IOfficeSmartArtShape
- IOfficeSmartArtShapes
- IOfficeSmartArtTextBody
- IOfficeSmartArtTextPart
- IOfficeSmartArtTextParts
- IVbaModule
- IVbaModules
- IVbaProject
- LimitLocationType
- LocaleIDs
- MathDelimiterShapeType
- MathFontType
- MathFractionType
- MathFunctionType
- MathHorizontalAlignment
- MathJustification
- MathLimitType
- MathScriptType
- MathStyleType
- MathVerticalAlignment
- MetaProperties
- MetaProperty
- MetaPropertyType
- OfficeShapeArrowheadLength
- OfficeShapeArrowheadStyle
- OfficeShapeArrowheadWidth
- OfficeShapeFillType
- OfficeShapeHorizontalAlignmentType
- OfficeShapeLineCapStyle
- OfficeShapeLineDashStyle
- OfficeShapeLineJoinType
- OfficeShapeLineStyle
- OfficeShapePatternFillType
- OfficeShapeTextCapsType
- OfficeShapeTextDirectionType
- OfficeShapeTextStrikethroughType
- OfficeShapeTextUnderlineType
- OfficeShapeTileMode
- OfficeShapeVerticalAlignmentType
- OfficeSmartArtType
- ScriptType
- SpacingRule
- VbaModuleType
- Syncfusion.Office.Markdown
- ChartBubbleSize
- ChartColor
- ChartColor.AfterChangeHandler
- ChartRenderingOptions
- ColorType
- ExcelDropLineStyle
- ExportImageFormat
- IChartLegendEntries
- IGradient
- IInterior
- IOfficeChart
- IOfficeChartAxis
- IOfficeChartBorder
- IOfficeChartCategories
- IOfficeChartCategory
- IOfficeChartCategoryAxis
- IOfficeChartData
- IOfficeChartDataLabels
- IOfficeChartDataPoint
- IOfficeChartDataPoints
- IOfficeChartDataTable
- IOfficeChartDropBar
- IOfficeChartErrorBars
- IOfficeChartFillBorder
- IOfficeChartFormat
- IOfficeChartFrameFormat
- IOfficeChartGridLine
- IOfficeChartInterior
- IOfficeChartLayout
- IOfficeChartLegend
- IOfficeChartLegendEntry
- IOfficeChartManualLayout
- IOfficeChartPlotArea
- IOfficeChartSerie
- IOfficeChartSerieDataFormat
- IOfficeChartSeries
- IOfficeChartSeriesAxis
- IOfficeChartTextArea
- IOfficeChartToImageConverter
- IOfficeChartTrendLine
- IOfficeChartTrendLines
- IOfficeChartValueAxis
- IOfficeChartWallOrFloor
- IOfficeDataRange
- IOfficeFill
- IOfficeFont
- IOptimizedUpdate
- IParentApplication
- IShadow
- IShapeLineFormat
- IThreeDFormat
- LayoutModes
- LayoutTargets
- Office2007ChartBevelProperties
- Office2007ChartLightingProperties
- Office2007ChartMaterialProperties
- Office2007ChartPresetsInner
- Office2007ChartPresetsOuter
- Office2007ChartPresetsPerspective
- OfficeArrowSize
- OfficeArrowType
- OfficeAxisType
- OfficeBaseFormat
- OfficeCategoriesLabelLevel
- OfficeCategoryType
- OfficeChartBaseUnit
- OfficeChartDisplayUnit
- OfficeChartLinePattern
- OfficeChartLineWeight
- OfficeChartMarkerType
- OfficeChartPictureType
- OfficeChartPlotEmpty
- OfficeChartType
- OfficeDataLabelPosition
- OfficeErrorBarInclude
- OfficeErrorBarType
- OfficeFillType
- OfficeFontVerticalAlignment
- OfficeGradientColor
- OfficeGradientPattern
- OfficeGradientPreset
- OfficeGradientStyle
- OfficeGradientVariants
- OfficeHorizontalAlignment
- OfficeKnownColors
- OfficeLegendPosition
- OfficePattern
- OfficePieType
- OfficeSeriesNameLevel
- OfficeShapeArrowLength
- OfficeShapeArrowStyle
- OfficeShapeArrowWidth
- OfficeShapeDashLineStyle
- OfficeShapeLineStyle
- OfficeSplitType
- OfficeTexture
- OfficeTickLabelPosition
- OfficeTickMark
- OfficeTopFormat
- OfficeTrendLineType
- OfficeUnderline
- OfficeVerticalAlignment
- QuartileCalculation
- ScalingMode
- TextDirection
- TextHorzOverflowType
- TextVertOverflowType
- TreeMapLabelOption
- Syncfusion.OfficeChart.Implementation
- CustomMetadata
- DuplexMode
- HttpReadType
- ICloneable
- ImageToPdfConverter
- PageAddedEventArgs
- PageAddedEventHandler
- PageScalingMode
- PdfAlignmentStyle
- PdfAnnotationException
- PdfArtifact
- PdfArtifactSubType
- PdfArtifactType
- PdfAttached
- PdfAttachmentRelationship
- PdfAutomaticField
- PdfBookletCreator
- PdfBorderOverlapStyle
- PdfBorders
- PdfCollection
- PdfCompositeField
- PdfCompressionExtension
- PdfCompressionLevel
- PdfCompressionOptions
- PdfConformanceException
- PdfConformanceExtension
- PdfConformanceLevel
- PdfCreationDateField
- PdfCrossReferenceType
- PdfDateTimeField
- PdfDestinationPageNumberField
- PdfDockStyle
- PdfDocument
- PdfDocumentAuthorField
- PdfDocumentBase
- PdfDocumentBase.ProgressEventHandler
- PdfDocumentException
- PdfDocumentInformation
- PdfDocumentJavaScriptCollection
- PdfDocumentLayerCollection
- PdfDocumentPageCollection
- PdfDocumentTemplate
- PdfDynamicField
- PdfEdge
- PdfEdges
- PdfException
- PdfFileStructure
- PdfFormFieldsTabOrder
- PdfGridBuiltinStyle
- PdfImagePosition
- PdfInvalidPasswordException
- PdfLayer
- PdfLightTableBuiltinStyle
- PdfLoadedPage
- PdfLoadedPageLabelCollection
- PdfMergeOptions
- PdfMultipleNumberValueField
- PdfMultipleValueField
- PdfNumberStyle
- PdfPaddings
- PdfPage
- PdfPageBase
- PdfPageCountField
- PdfPageLabel
- PdfPageLayer
- PdfPageLayerCollection
- PdfPageLayout
- PdfPageMode
- PdfPageNumberField
- PdfPageOrientation
- PdfPageResources
- PdfPageRotateAngle
- PdfPageSettings
- PdfPageSize
- PdfPageTemplateElement
- PdfPageTransition
- PdfPortfolioAttributes
- PdfPortfolioInformation
- PdfPortfolioSchema
- PdfPortfolioSchemaCollection
- PdfPortfolioSchemaField
- PdfPortfolioSchemaFieldType
- PdfPortfolioViewMode
- PdfPrintState
- PdfRoleMap
- PdfSection
- PdfSectionCollection
- PdfSectionNumberField
- PdfSectionPageCollection
- PdfSectionPageCountField
- PdfSectionPageNumberField
- PdfSectionTemplate
- PdfSingleValueField
- PdfSplitOptions
- PdfStampCollection
- PdfStaticField
- PdfStructureElement
- PdfTag
- PdfTagType
- PdfTransitionDimension
- PdfTransitionDirection
- PdfTransitionMotion
- PdfTransitionStyle
- PdfVersion
- PdfViewerPreferences
- ProgressEventArgs
- ScopeType
- TextGlyph
- TextLine
- TextLineCollection
- TextWord
- ZugferdConformanceLevel
- ZugferdVersion
- BarcodeException
- InputMode
- Pdf417Barcode
- Pdf417ErrorCorrectionLevel
- PdfBarcode
- PdfBarcodeQuietZones
- PdfBarcodeTextAlignment
- PdfBidimensionalBarcode
- PdfCodabarBarcode
- PdfCode11Barcode
- PdfCode128ABarcode
- PdfCode128Barcode
- PdfCode128BBarcode
- PdfCode128CBarcode
- PdfCode32Barcode
- PdfCode39Barcode
- PdfCode39ExtendedBarcode
- PdfCode93Barcode
- PdfCode93ExtendedBarcode
- PdfCodeUpcBarcode
- PdfDataMatrixBarcode
- PdfDataMatrixEncoding
- PdfDataMatrixSize
- PdfEan13Barcode
- PdfEan8Barcode
- PdfErrorCorrectionLevel
- PdfGS1Code128Barcode
- PdfQRBarcode
- PdfUnidimensionalBarcode
- QRCodeLogo
- QRCodeVersion
- TextLocation
- Syncfusion.Pdf.ColorSpace
- Syncfusion.Pdf.Exporting
- Syncfusion.Pdf.Functions
- BeginPageLayoutEventArgs
- BeginPageLayoutEventHandler
- EndPageLayoutEventArgs
- EndPageLayoutEventHandler
- EndTextPageLayoutEventArgs
- EndTextPageLayoutEventHandler
- LineInfo
- LineType
- PdfArc
- PdfBarcodeExtension
- PdfBezierCurve
- PdfBitmap
- PdfBitmapExtension
- PdfBlend
- PdfBlendBase
- PdfBlendMode
- PdfBrush
- PdfBrushes
- PdfCancelEventArgs
- PdfCjkFontFamily
- PdfCjkStandardFont
- PdfColor
- PdfColorBlend
- PdfColorMask
- PdfColorSpace
- PdfDashStyle
- PdfDrawElement
- PdfEllipse
- PdfEllipsePart
- PdfExtend
- PdfFillElement
- PdfFillMode
- PdfFont
- PdfFontFamily
- PdfFontStyle
- PdfFontType
- PdfGradientBrush
- PdfGraphics
- PdfGraphicsElement
- PdfGraphicsState
- PdfGraphicsUnit
- PdfGridImagePosition
- PdfHatchBrush
- PdfHatchStyle
- PdfHorizontalAlignment
- PdfHTMLTextElement
- PdfImage
- PdfImageMask
- PdfImageType
- PdfLayoutBreakType
- PdfLayoutElement
- PdfLayoutFormat
- PdfLayoutParams
- PdfLayoutResult
- PdfLayoutType
- PdfLine
- PdfLinearGradientBrush
- PdfLinearGradientMode
- PdfLineCap
- PdfLineJoin
- PdfMargins
- PdfMask
- PdfPath
- PdfPen
- PdfPens
- PdfPie
- PdfPolygon
- PdfRadialGradientBrush
- PdfRectangle
- PdfRectangleArea
- PdfShapeElement
- PdfSolidBrush
- PdfStandardFont
- PdfStringFormat
- PdfStringLayouter
- PdfStringLayoutResult
- PdfSubSuperScript
- PdfTemplate
- PdfTextAlignment
- PdfTextDirection
- PdfTextElement
- PdfTextLayoutResult
- PdfTiffImage
- PdfTilingBrush
- PdfTrueTypeFont
- PdfUnitConverter
- PdfUnitConvertor
- PdfVerticalAlignment
- PdfWordWrapType
- TextAlign
- Syncfusion.Pdf.Graphics.Fonts
- Syncfusion.Pdf.Graphics.Images.Decoder
- GridCellLayoutEventArgs
- PdfGrid
- PdfGridBeginCellLayoutEventArgs
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- PdfGridCell
- PdfGridCellCollection
- PdfGridCellStyle
- PdfGridColumn
- PdfGridColumnCollection
- PdfGridEndCellLayoutEventArgs
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- PdfGridLayoutFormat
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- PdfGridRow
- PdfGridRowCollection
- PdfGridRowStyle
- PdfGridStyle
- PdfGridStyleBase
- PdfHorizontalOverflowType
- Syncfusion.Pdf.HtmlToPdf
- HttpMethod
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- Pdf3DAnimation
- PDF3DAnimationType
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- Pdf3DLightingStyle
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- Pdf3DProjectionType
- Pdf3DRendermode
- Pdf3DRenderStyle
- Pdf3DView
- Pdf3DViewCollection
- PdfAction
- PdfActionAnnotation
- PdfActionCollection
- PdfActionDestination
- PdfActionLinkAnnotation
- PdfAnnotation
- PdfAnnotation1
- PdfAnnotationActions
- PdfAnnotationBorder
- PdfAnnotationCollection
- PdfAnnotationFlags
- PdfAnnotationIntent
- PdfAnnotationRotateAngle
- PdfAnnotationState
- PdfAnnotationStateModel
- PdfAppearance
- PdfAppearanceField
- PdfAppearanceState
- PdfAttachment
- PdfAttachmentAnnotation
- PdfAttachmentCollection
- PdfAttachmentIcon
- PdfBookmark
- PdfBookmarkBase
- PdfBorderEffect
- PdfBorderEffectStyle
- PdfBorderStyle
- PdfButtonField
- PdfCheckBoxField
- PdfCheckBoxStyle
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- PdfCircleAnnotation
- PdfCircleMeasurementAnnotation
- PdfCircleMeasurementType
- PdfComboBoxField
- PdfDestination
- PdfDestinationMode
- PdfDocumentActions
- PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation
- PdfEllipseAnnotation
- PdfEmbeddedFileSpecification
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- PdfField
- PdfFieldActions
- PdfFieldCollection
- PdfFileAnnotation
- PdfFileLinkAnnotation
- PdfFilePathType
- PdfFileSpecificationBase
- PdfForm
- PdfFormAction
- PdfFormFieldCollection
- PdfFormFieldVisibility
- PdfFreeTextAnnotation
- PdfGoToAction
- PdfHighlightMode
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- PdfJavaScriptAction
- PdfLaunchAction
- PdfLineAnnotation
- PdfLineBorderStyle
- PdfLineCaptionType
- PdfLineEndingStyle
- PdfLineIntent
- PdfLineMeasurementAnnotation
- PdfLinkAnnotation
- PdfListBoxField
- PdfListField
- PdfListFieldItem
- PdfListFieldItemCollection
- PdfLoadedAnnotation
- PdfLoadedAnnotationType
- PdfLoadedAnnotationTypes
- PdfLoadedAttachmentAnnotation
- PdfLoadedBookmark
- PdfLoadedCircleAnnotation
- PdfLoadedDocumentLinkAnnotation
- PdfLoadedEllipseAnnotation
- PdfLoadedFileLinkAnnotation
- PdfLoadedFreeTextAnnotation
- PdfLoadedInkAnnotation
- PdfLoadedLineAnnotation
- PdfLoadedNamedDestination
- PdfLoadedPolygonAnnotation
- PdfLoadedPolyLineAnnotation
- PdfLoadedPopupAnnotation
- PdfLoadedRectangleAnnotation
- PdfLoadedRedactionAnnotation
- PdfLoadedRichMediaAnnotation
- PdfLoadedRubberStampAnnotation
- PdfLoadedRubberStampAnnotationExtension
- PdfLoadedSignatureFieldExtension
- PdfLoadedSoundAnnotation
- PdfLoadedSquareAnnotation
- PdfLoadedStyledAnnotation
- PdfLoadedTextMarkupAnnotation
- PdfLoadedTextWebLinkAnnotation
- PdfLoadedUriAnnotation
- PdfLoadedWatermarkAnnotation
- PdfLoadedWebLinkAnnotation
- PdfLoadedWidgetAnnotation
- PdfMeasurementUnit
- PdfNamedAction
- PdfNamedDestination
- PdfNamedDestinationCollection
- PdfPageTemplate
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- PdfPolygonAnnotation
- PdfPolyLineAnnotation
- PdfPopupAnnotation
- PdfPopupAnnotationCollection
- PdfPopupIcon
- PdfRadioButtonItemCollection
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- PdfRadioButtonListItem
- PdfRectangleAnnotation
- PdfRedactionAnnotation
- PdfRemoteDestination
- PdfRemoteGoToAction
- PdfResetAction
- PdfRichMediaActivationMode
- PdfRichMediaAnnotation
- PdfRichMediaContent
- PdfRichMediaContentType
- PdfRichMediaPresentationStyle
- PdfRubberStampAnnotation
- PdfRubberStampAnnotationIcon
- PdfSignatureAppearanceField
- PdfSignatureField
- PdfSignatureStyledField
- PdfSound
- PdfSoundAction
- PdfSoundAnnotation
- PdfSoundChannels
- PdfSoundEncoding
- PdfSoundIcon
- PdfSquareAnnotation
- PdfSquareMeasurementAnnotation
- PdfStyledField
- PdfSubmitAction
- PdfSubmitFormFlags
- PdfTextBoxField
- PdfTextMarkupAnnotation
- PdfTextMarkupAnnotationType
- PdfTextStyle
- PdfTextWebLink
- PdfUriAction
- PdfUriAnnotation
- PdfWatermarkAnnotation
- SubmitDataFormat
- BeginItemLayoutEventArgs
- BeginItemLayoutEventHandler
- EndItemLayoutEventArgs
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- ListBeginPageLayoutEventArgs
- ListEndPageLayoutEventArgs
- PdfList
- PdfListItem
- PdfListItemCollection
- PdfListMarkerAlignment
- PdfMarker
- PdfOrderedList
- PdfOrderedMarker
- PdfUnorderedList
- PdfUnorderedMarker
- PdfUnorderedMarkerStyle
- Syncfusion.Pdf.Native
- AnalyzerResult
- AnnotationDataFormat
- DataFormat
- ExportFormSettings
- ImportFormSettings
- MatchedItem
- MatchedItemCollection
- OnPdfPasswordEventArgs
- PdfAConversionProgressEventArgs
- PdfAnnotationExportSettings
- PdfCertificateField
- PdfDocumentAnalyzer
- PdfDocumentExtractor
- PdfDocumentSplitEventArgs
- PdfExportAnnotationCollection
- PdfFontEventArgs
- PdfLoadedAnnotationCollection
- PdfLoadedButtonField
- PdfLoadedButtonItem
- PdfLoadedButtonItemCollection
- PdfLoadedCheckBoxField
- PdfLoadedCheckBoxItem
- PdfLoadedCheckBoxItemCollection
- PdfLoadedChoiceField
- PdfLoadedComboBoxField
- PdfLoadedComboBoxItem
- PdfLoadedComboBoxItemCollection
- PdfLoadedDocument
- PdfLoadedDocument.OnPdfPasswordEventHandler
- PdfLoadedDocument.PdfAConversionProgressEventHandler
- PdfLoadedDocument.PdfDocumentSplitEventHandler
- PdfLoadedDocument.PdfFontEventHandler
- PdfLoadedDocument.RedactionProgressEventHandler
- PdfLoadeddStateItemCollection
- PdfLoadedField
- PdfLoadedFieldImportError
- PdfLoadedFieldItem
- PdfLoadedForm
- PdfLoadedFormFieldCollection
- PdfLoadedListBoxField
- PdfLoadedListFieldItem
- PdfLoadedListFieldItemCollection
- PdfLoadedListItem
- PdfLoadedListItemCollection
- PdfLoadedPageCollection
- PdfLoadedPageEnumerator
- PdfLoadedPopupAnnotationCollection
- PdfLoadedRadioButtonItem
- PdfLoadedRadioButtonItemCollection
- PdfLoadedRadioButtonListField
- PdfLoadedSignatureField
- PdfLoadedSignatureItem
- PdfLoadedSignatureItemCollection
- PdfLoadedStateField
- PdfLoadedStateItem
- PdfLoadedStateItemCollection
- PdfLoadedStyledField
- PdfLoadedStyledField.GraphicsProperties
- PdfLoadedTexBoxItem
- PdfLoadedTextBoxField
- PdfLoadedTextBoxItemCollection
- PdfRevision
- PdfSignatureValidationOptions
- RedactionProgressEventArgs
- SyntaxAnalyzerResult
- TextSearchResultCollection
- Syncfusion.Pdf.Redaction
- Aes
- Aes.KeySize
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- DigestAlgorithm
- IPdfExternalSigner
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- LtvVerificationInfo
- PdfCertificate
- PdfCertificationFlags
- PdfDocumentSecureStore
- PdfEncryptionAlgorithm
- PdfEncryptionKeySize
- PdfEncryptionOptions
- PdfPermissionsFlags
- PdfRevocationCertificate
- PdfSecurity
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- PdfSignatureEventArgs
- PdfSignatureEventHandler
- PdfSignatureSettings
- PdfSignatureValidationException
- PdfSignatureValidationResult
- PdfSignerCertificate
- RevocationResult
- RevocationStatus
- RevocationType
- RevocationValidationType
- RevokedCertificate
- SignatureStatus
- StoreRegion
- StoreType
- TimeStampInformation
- TimeStampServer
- BeginCellLayoutEventArgs
- BeginCellLayoutEventHandler
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- EndCellLayoutEventArgs
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- PdfCellStyle
- PdfColumn
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- PdfHeaderSource
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- PdfLightTableException
- PdfLightTableLayoutFormat
- PdfLightTableLayoutResult
- PdfLightTableStyle
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- PdfRowCollection
- QueryColumnCountEventArgs
- QueryColumnCountEventHandler
- QueryNextRowEventArgs
- QueryNextRowEventHandler
- QueryRowCountEventArgs
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- PdfLoadedXfaArea
- PdfLoadedXfaCheckBoxField
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- PdfXfaComboBoxField
- PdfXfaCorner
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- PdfXfaDateTimeFormat
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- PdfXfaDocument
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- PdfXfaHandedness
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- PdfXfaNumericField
- PdfXfaNumericType
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- PdfXfaRotateAngle
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- PdfXfaType
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- RightsManagementSchema
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- XmpJobStruct
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- XmpMetadata
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- XmpSchemaType
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- XmpType
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- IAnimationPoints
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- IComment
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- IParagraphs
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- IPictures
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- ISections
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- ISequences
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- IShapes
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- ISlideItem
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- IWarning
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- Presentation
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- PropertyCalcModeType
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- Syncfusion.TreeView.Engine
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- ChartParagraphType
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- ExcelBubbleSize
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- ExcelCFType
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- ExcelChartDisplayUnit
- ExcelChartHorzAlignment
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- ExcelChartPlotEmpty
- ExcelChartType
- ExcelChartVertAlignment
- ExcelCheckState
- ExcelClearOptions
- ExcelColorFilterType
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- ExcelCombinationFilterType
- ExcelComboType
- ExcelCommandType
- ExcelCommentHAlign
- ExcelCommentVAlign
- ExcelComparisonOperator
- ExcelConnectionsType
- ExcelConstants
- ExcelCopyRangeOptions
- ExcelCredentialsMethod
- ExcelDataLabelPosition
- ExcelDataProviderType
- ExcelDataSourceType
- ExcelDataType
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- ExcelDownloadType
- ExcelDropLineStyle
- ExcelEncryptionType
- ExcelEngine
- ExcelErrorBarInclude
- ExcelErrorBarType
- ExcelErrorStyle
- ExcelExportDataOptions
- ExcelExportDataTableOptions
- ExcelExportType
- ExcelFillType
- ExcelFilterAction
- ExcelFilterCondition
- ExcelFilterDataType
- ExcelFilterType
- ExcelFindOptions
- ExcelFindType
- ExcelFontVertialAlignment
- ExcelFormatType
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- ExcelFunction
- ExcelGradientColor
- ExcelGradientPattern
- ExcelGradientPreset
- ExcelGradientStyle
- ExcelGradientVariants
- ExcelGroupBy
- ExcelHAlign
- ExcelHorizontalAlignment
- ExcelHttpContentType
- ExcelHyperlinkAttachedType
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- ExcelIconSetType
- ExcelIgnoreError
- ExcelImageFormat
- ExcelImportDataOptions
- ExcelInsertOptions
- ExcelKnownColors
- ExcelLegendPosition
- ExcelLegendSpacing
- ExcelLineStyle
- ExcelListObjectSourceType
- ExcelMergeOperation
- ExcelMoveDirection
- ExcelNamesMergeOptions
- ExcelNestedDataGroupOptions
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- ExcelObjectTextLink
- ExcelOpenType
- ExcelOrder
- ExcelPageBreak
- ExcelPageBreakExtent
- ExcelPageOrientation
- ExcelPagesOrder
- ExcelPaperSize
- ExcelParameterDataType
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- ExcelParseOptions
- ExcelPattern
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- ExcelPrintedChartSize
- ExcelPrintErrors
- ExcelPrintLocation
- ExcelQuartileCalculation
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- ExcelReadingOrderType
- ExcelRectangleStyle
- ExcelSaveAsAccessMode
- ExcelSaveType
- ExcelSeriesNameLevel
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- ExcelShapeArrowWidthLength
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- ExcelShapeLineStyle
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- ExcelSheetProtection
- ExcelSheetType
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- ExcelSplitType
- ExcelStyleMergeOptions
- ExcelTableStyleElementType
- ExcelTableType
- ExcelTextRotation
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- ExcelTickLabelPosition
- ExcelTickMark
- ExcelTopFormat
- ExcelTotalsCalculation
- ExcelTreeMapLabelOption
- ExcelTrendLineType
- ExcelUnderline
- ExcelVAlign
- ExcelVersion
- ExcelVerticalAlignment
- ExcelWorkbookNotSavedException
- ExcelWorksheetCopyFlags
- ExcelXmlOpenType
- ExcelXmlSaveType
- ExpandCollapseFlags
- ExportDataTableActions
- ExportEventArgs
- ExportEventHandler
- ExportImageFormat
- ExportImageOptions
- FilterOperator
- FilterOperator2007
- FontScheme
- HtmlImportOptions
- IAboveBelowAverage
- IAddInFunction
- IAddInFunctions
- IApplication
- IAutoFilter
- IAutoFilterCondition
- IAutoFilters
- IBorder
- IBorders
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- IChartAxis
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- IChartDataLabels
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- IChartDataPoints
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- IChartDropBar
- IChartErrorBars
- IChartFillBorder
- IChartFormat
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- IChartGridLine
- IChartInterior
- IChartLayout
- IChartLegend
- IChartLegendEntries
- IChartLegendEntry
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- IChartRichTextString
- ICharts
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- IChartShape
- IChartShapes
- IChartTextArea
- IChartTrendLine
- IChartTrendLines
- IChartValueAxis
- IChartWallOrFloor
- ICheckBoxes
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- IColorConditionValue
- IColorScale
- ICombinedRange
- IComboBoxes
- IComboBoxShape
- IComment
- IComments
- ICommentShape
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- IConditionalFormat
- IConditionalFormats
- IConditionValue
- IConnection
- IConnections
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- ICustomXmlPartCollection
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- IDataBar
- IDataSort
- IDataValidation
- IErrorIndicator
- IExtendedFormat
- IFill
- IFont
- IGroupShape
- IHFEngine
- IHPageBreak
- IHPageBreaks
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- IHyperLinks
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- IIconSet
- IListObject
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- IListObjects
- ImageType
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- IMigrantRange
- IName
- INameIndexChangedEventProvider
- INames
- INumberFormat
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- IOleObjects
- IOptionButtons
- IOptionButtonShape
- IPageSetup
- IParameter
- IParameters
- IParentApplication
- IPictures
- IPictureShape
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- IPivotCaches
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- IPivotDataFields
- IPivotField
- IPivotFieldGroup
- IPivotFieldItem
- IPivotFieldItems
- IPivotFields
- IPivotFilter
- IPivotFilters
- IPivotTable
- IPivotTableOptions
- IPivotTables
- IPivotValueLableFilter
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- IRanges
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- IScenarios
- IShadow
- IShape
- IShapeLineFormat
- IShapes
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- ISlicerCache
- ISlicerCacheItem
- ISlicerCacheItems
- ISlicers
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- ISortFields
- ISortingAlgorithm
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- ITableStyleElements
- ITableStyles
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- ITabSheets
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- ITemplateMarkersProcessor
- ITextBox
- ITextBoxes
- ITextBoxShape
- ITextBoxShapeEx
- ITextFrame
- ITextRange
- IThreadedComment
- IThreadedComments
- IThreeDFormat
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- IVPageBreak
- IVPageBreaks
- IWarning
- IWorkbook
- IWorkbooks
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- IWorksheetGroup
- IWorksheets
- IXlsIORenderer
- LayoutModes
- LayoutTargets
- MeasureUnits
- OleLinkType
- OleObjectType
- OrderBy
- PasswordRequiredEventArgs
- PasswordRequiredEventHandler
- PivotAreaType
- PivotAxisTypes
- PivotAxisTypes2007
- PivotBuiltInStyles
- PivotDataType
- PivotFieldDataFormat
- PivotFieldGroupType
- PivotFieldSortType
- PivotFilterType
- PivotFilterType2007
- PivotItemType
- PivotItemType2007
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- PivotSubtotalItems2007
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- PivotSubtotalTypes2007
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- ProgressEventArgs
- ProgressEventHandler
- ReadOnlyFileEventArgs
- ReadOnlyFileEventHandler
- RefreshConnectionEventArgs
- RefreshConnectionEventHandler
- ScalingMode
- SheetView
- SkipExtRecords
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- SortingAlgorithms
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- SortOrientation
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- StringEnumerations
- TableBuiltInStyles
- TemplateMarkerAttributes
- TextDirection
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- TextVertOverflowType
- UnknownVariableAction
- VariableTypeAction
- WarningInfo
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- WorksheetVisibility
- XlsIOConfig
- CalcEngine
- CalcEngine.LibraryFunction
- CalcEngineHelper
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- CalcSheet
- CalcSheetList
- CalcWorkbook
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- FormulaInfoHashtable
- FormulaInfoSetAction
- FormulaParsingEventArgs
- FormulaParsingEventHandler
- GridSheetFamilyItem
- ICalcData
- ISheetData
- LookupCachingMode
- QuickValueSetEventArgs
- QuickValueSetEventHandler
- RangeInfo
- UnknownFunctionEventArgs
- UnknownFunctionEventHandler
- ValueChangedEventArgs
- ValueChangedEventHandler
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.FormatParser
- AmPmToken
- AsterixToken
- CharacterToken
- ColorToken
- ConditionToken
- CultureToken
- DayToken
- DecimalPointToken
- DigitToken
- DollarToken
- FormatConstants
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- FractionToken
- GeneralToken
- Hour24Token
- HourToken
- InBracketToken
- InsignificantDigitToken
- MilliSecondToken
- MinuteToken
- MinuteTotalToken
- MonthToken
- PercentToken
- PlaceReservedDigitToken
- ReservedPlaceToken
- ScientificToken
- SecondToken
- SecondTotalToken
- SectionSeparatorToken
- SignificantDigitToken
- SingleCharToken
- StringToken
- TextToken
- ThousandsSeparatorToken
- TokenType
- UnknownToken
- YearToken
- AddInFunctionImpl
- ApplicationImpl
- AutoFilterConditionImpl
- AutoFilterImpl
- BitConverterGeneral
- BorderImpl
- BorderImplArrayWrapper
- CalculationOptionsImpl
- CellDataImpl
- CellStyle
- CellValueChangedEventArgs
- ChartPageSetupImpl
- ChartRichTextString
- ColorConditionValue
- ColorFilter
- ColorObject
- ColorObject.AfterChangeHandler
- ColorType
- CombinationFilter
- CommonObject
- CommonWrapper
- ConditionalFormatImpl
- ConditionalFormatWrapper
- ConditionValueWrapper
- CustomXmlPart
- CustomXmlSchemaCollection
- DataBaseProperty
- DataValidationArray
- DataValidationImpl
- DataValidationWrapper
- DateTimeFilter
- DynamicFilter
- ErrorIndicatorImpl
- EvaluateEventArgs
- ExcelToHtmlConverter
- ExportDataTableEventArgs
- ExtendedFormatImpl
- ExtendedFormatWrapper
- ExternalConnection
- ExternalConnectionCollection
- ExternNameImpl
- ExternWorkbookImpl
- ExternWorksheetImpl
- FillImpl
- FontArrayWrapper
- FontImpl
- FontWrapper
- FormatImpl
- FormulaParser
- FormulaTokenizer
- FormulaUtil
- GradientArrayWrapper
- GradientWrapper
- HashCalculate
- HeaderImageGetter
- Heap
- HFEngine
- HPageBreakImpl
- HtmlSaveOptions
- HtmlSaveOptions.GetText
- HyperLinkImpl
- IconFilter
- IdReserver
- IncreaseIndex
- InteriorArrayWrapper
- InteriorWrapper
- IRTFWrapper
- ItemSizeHelper
- ItemSizeHelper.SizeGetter
- LatinEncoding
- MathGeneral
- Memory
- MergeCellsImpl
- MetaPropertyImpl
- MigrantRangeImpl
- MissingFunctionEventArgs
- MissingFunctionEventHandler
- NameImpl
- NameImpl.NameIndexChangedEventHandler
- NameIndexChangedEventArgs
- ODBCConnection
- OLEDBConnection
- OleObject
- OleObjects
- OutlineWrapper
- PageSetupBaseImpl
- PageSetupBaseImpl.PaperSizeEntry
- PageSetupBaseImpl.THeaderSide
- PageSetupImpl
- ParseParameters
- PivotCellFormat
- PivotCellFormatWrapper
- PromptEventArgs
- PromptEventHandler
- QueryTableImpl
- RangeImpl
- RangeImpl.CellValueChangedEventHandler
- RangeImpl.TCellType
- RangeRichTextString
- RangesOperations
- RecordExtractor
- RichTextString
- RTFCommentArray
- RTFStringArray
- RtfTags
- RtfTextWriter
- ShadowImpl
- ShapesGetter
- SparkConstants
- SparklineGroup
- SparklineGroups
- Sparklines
- SparklineVerticalAxis
- SSTDictionary
- StrikeThroughStyle
- StyleArrayWrapper
- StyleImpl
- SubstituteFontEventArgs
- SubstituteFontEventHandler
- TextFilter
- ThreeDFormatImpl
- TypedSortedListEx<TKey, TValue>
- UnderlineStyle
- VPageBreakImpl
- WorkbookImpl
- WorkbookImpl.ShapesGetterMethod
- WorkbookImpl.WorkbookExcel97Serializator
- WorkbookShapeDataImpl
- WorkbookShapeDataImpl.BlipParams
- WorksheetBaseImpl
- WorksheetCustomProperty
- WorksheetHelper
- WorksheetImpl
- WorksheetImpl.ExportDataTableEventHandler
- WorksheetImpl.TRangeValueType
- XmlMap
- ChartAxisImpl
- ChartBorderImpl
- ChartCategory
- ChartCategoryAxisImpl
- ChartCategoryCollection
- ChartDataLabelsImpl
- ChartDataPointImpl
- ChartDataPointsCollection
- ChartDataTableImpl
- ChartDropBarImpl
- ChartErrorBarsImpl
- ChartFillImpl
- ChartFormatCollection
- ChartFormatImpl
- ChartFrameFormatImpl
- ChartGlobalFormatsCollection
- ChartGridLineImpl
- ChartImpl
- ChartInteriorImpl
- ChartLayoutImpl
- ChartLegendEntriesColl
- ChartLegendEntryImpl
- ChartLegendImpl
- ChartManualLayoutImpl
- ChartParentAxisImpl
- ChartPlotAreaImpl
- ChartSerieDataFormatImpl
- ChartSerieImpl
- ChartSeriesAxisImpl
- ChartSeriesCollection
- ChartTextAreaImpl
- ChartTrendLineCollection
- ChartTrendLineImpl
- ChartValueAxisImpl
- ChartWallOrFloorImpl
- ChartWrappedFrameFormatImpl
- ChartWrappedTextAreaImpl
- AddInFunctionsCollection
- ArrayListEx
- AutoFiltersCollection
- BordersCollection
- BordersCollectionArrayWrapper
- BuiltInDocumentProperties
- CellRecordCollection
- ChartsCollection
- CheckBoxCollection
- CollectionBase<T>
- CollectionBaseEx<T>
- CollectionBaseEx<T>.CollectionChange
- CollectionBaseEx<T>.CollectionClear
- CollectionBaseEx<T>.CollectionSet
- CollectionChangeEventArgs<T>
- ComboBoxCollection
- CommentsCollection
- CondFormatCollectionWrapper
- ConditionalFormats
- CustomDocumentProperties
- CustomXmlPartCollection
- DataValidationCollection
- DataValidationTable
- ErrorIndicatorsCollection
- ExtendedFormatsCollection
- ExternBookCollection
- ExternNamesCollection
- FontsCollection
- FormatsCollection
- HeaderFooterShapeCollection
- HPageBreaksCollection
- HyperLinksCollection
- MetaPropertiesImpl
- OptionButtonCollection
- PicturesCollection
- PivotCacheFieldsCollection
- RangesCollection
- RecordTable
- RecordTableEnumerator
- RowStorage
- RowStorage.CellMethod
- RowStorageEnumerator
- SFArrayList<T>
- SFTable
- ShapeCollectionBase
- ShapesCollection
- StylesCollection
- TextBoxCollection
- VPageBreaksCollection
- WorkbookNamesCollection
- WorkbooksCollection
- WorksheetChartsCollection
- WorksheetConditionalFormats
- WorksheetCustomProperties
- WorksheetNamesCollection
- WorksheetsCollection
- XmlMapCollection
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.Collections.Grouping
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.Exceptions
- Average
- BinaryList
- CalculationType
- CountSummary
- CoveredCellRange
- DecimalTotalSummary
- DisplayIfDiscreteValuesEqual
- DisplayOption
- DoubleAverageSummary
- DoubleMaxSummary
- DoubleMinSummary
- DoubleStDevSummary
- DoubleTotalSummary
- DoubleVarianceSummary
- DynamicPropertyDescriptor
- ExpressionError
- ExpressionPropertyDescriptor
- ExtensionClass
- FieldInfo
- FieldTypes
- FilterExpression
- FilterHelper
- FilterItemElement
- FilterItemsCollection
- GetValueDelegate
- GridLayout
- HiddenGroup
- IAdjustable
- IndexEngine
- IntTotalSummary
- ListIndexInfo
- Max
- Min
- PivotCellInfo
- PivotCellInfos
- PivotCellType
- PivotComputationInfo
- PivotEngine
- PivotEngine.CalcSortComparer
- PivotEngine.SortKeys
- PivotGridConstants
- PivotItem
- PivotSchemaChangedArgs
- PivotSchemaChangedEventHandler
- RowType
- SchemaChangeHints
- SortComparer
- StdDev
- StdDevP
- Sum
- SummaryBase
- SummaryDisplayLevel
- SummaryPivotItem
- SummaryType
- Variance
- VarianceP
- CellType
- FieldGroupImpl
- PivotArea
- PivotCacheCollection
- PivotCacheFieldImpl
- PivotCacheImpl
- PivotCalculatedFields
- PivotCalculatedItemImpl
- PivotCalculatedItems
- PivotDataField
- PivotDataFields
- PivotFieldImpl
- PivotItemOptions
- PivotTableCollection
- PivotTableFields
- PivotTableImpl
- PivotTableLayout
- PivotTableOptions
- PivotTableParts
- PivotTableStyleRenderer
- PivotValueCollections
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.Security
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.Shapes
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.Tables
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.TemplateMarkers
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.XmlReaders
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.XmlReaders.Shapes
- AddSlashPreprocessor
- AF
- BorderSettingsHolder
- CF
- ContentTypes
- DLSXmlSerializator
- DV
- Excel2007Serializator
- Excel2007Serializator.CellType
- Excel2007Serializator.FormulaType
- Excel2010Serializator
- Excel2013Serializator
- Excel2016Serializator
- FileDataHolder
- FileVersion
- Relation
- RelationCollection
- RelationTypes
- Vml
- Vml.DropStyles
- Vml.SelectionTypes
- WorkbookXmlSerializator
- WorkbookXmlSerializator.XmlSerializationCellType
- WorksheetDataHolder
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.XmlSerialization.Charts
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.XmlSerialization.Constants
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.XmlSerialization.PivotTables
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Implementation.XmlSerialization.Shapes
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Interfaces
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Interfaces.Shapes
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Interfaces.XmlSerialization
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Parser
- ArrayRecord
- AutoFilterInfoRecord
- AutoFilterRecord
- AutoFilterRecord.DOPER
- AutoFilterRecord.DOPER.DOPERComparisonSign
- AutoFilterRecord.DOPER.DOPERDataType
- BackupRecord
- BeginRecord
- BiffAttribute
- BiffContinueRecordRaw
- BiffOffsetOrderAttribute
- BiffOffsetsRecordsAttribute
- BiffRecordPosAttribute
- BiffRecordRawWithArray
- BiffRecordRawWithDataProvider
- BiffRecordWithContinue
- BiffRecordWithStreamPos
- BitmapRecord
- BlankRecord
- BOFRecord
- BOFRecord.TType
- BookBoolRecord
- BoolErrRecord
- ByteArrayDataProvider
- BytesList
- CalcCountRecord
- CalcModeRecord
- CellPositionBase
- CF12Record
- CFExAverageTemplateParameter
- CFExDateTemplateParameter
- CFExFilterParameter
- CFExRecord
- CFExTextTemplateParameter
- CFGradientItem
- CFIconMultiState
- CFIconSet
- CFInterpolationCurve
- CFRecord
- ChartUnitsRecord
- CodeNameRecord
- CodepageRecord
- ColorScale
- ColumnInfoRecord
- CondFmt12Record
- CondFMTRecord
- ContinueRecord
- ContinueRecordExtractor
- CountryRecord
- CRNRecord
- CustomPropertyRecord
- DataBar
- DataProvider
- DateWindow1904Record
- DBCellRecord
- DConBinRecord
- DConNameRecord
- DCONRecord
- DConRefRecord
- DefaultColWidthRecord
- DefaultRowHeightRecord
- DeltaRecord
- DimensionsRecord
- DSFRecord
- DValRecord
- DVRecord
- DxGCol
- EndRecord
- EOFRecord
- ExtendedFormatCRC
- ExtendedFormatRecord
- ExtendedFormatRecord.TXFType
- ExtendedProperty
- ExtendedXFRecord
- ExternCountRecord
- ExternNameRecord
- ExternSheetRecord
- ExternSheetRecord.TREF
- ExtSSTInfoSubRecord
- FilePassRecord
- FilePassStandardBlock
- FilePassStrongBlock
- FileSharingRecord
- FilterModeRecord
- FnGroupCountRecord
- FontRecord
- FormatRecord
- FormulaRecord
- GradStops
- GridsetRecord
- GutsRecord
- HasBasicRecord
- HeaderAndFooterRecord
- HeaderContinueRecordBuilder
- HeaderFooterImageRecord
- HeaderFooterRecord
- HideObjRecord
- HLinkRecord
- HorizontalPageBreaksRecord
- HorizontalPageBreaksRecord.THPageBreak
- IBiffStorage
- ICellPositionFormat
- IChartType
- IDoubleValue
- IFormulaRecord
- ILengthSetter
- IMultiCellRecord
- InterfaceEndRecord
- InterfaceHdrRecord
- IntPtrContinueRecordBuilder
- IOutline
- IOutlineWrapper
- ISharedFormula
- IStringValue
- IterationRecord
- IValueHolder
- LabelRangesRecord
- LabelRecord
- LabelSSTRecord
- MarginRecord
- MergeCellsRecord
- MergeCellsRecord.MergedRegion
- MMSRecord
- MSODrawingGroupRecord
- MSODrawingRecord
- MulBlankRecord
- MulRKRecord
- MulRKRecord.RkRec
- NameRecord
- NoteRecord
- NumberRecord
- ObjectProtectRecord
- OBJRecord
- OffsetArrayList
- OleSizeRecord
- PaletteRecord
- PaletteRecord.TColor
- PaneRecord
- PasswordRecord
- PasswordRev4Record
- PrecisionRecord
- PrinterSettingsRecord
- PrintGridlinesRecord
- PrintHeadersRecord
- PrintSetupRecord
- ProtectionRev4Record
- ProtectRecord
- QuickTipRecord
- RangeProtectionRecord
- RecalcIdRecord
- RefModeRecord
- RefreshAllRecord
- RKRecord
- RowRecord
- RStringRecord
- RStringRecord.TFormattingRun
- SaveRecalcRecord
- ScenProtectRecord
- SelectionRecord
- SelectionRecord.TAddr
- SharedFormulaRecord
- SheetCenterRecord
- SheetLayoutRecord
- SheetProtectionRecord
- SortRecord
- SSTRecord
- StringRecord
- StyleRecord
- SupBookRecord
- TabIdRecord
- TableRecord
- TAddr
- TBIFFRecord
- TemplateRecord
- TextObjectRecord
- TextWithFormat
- TextWithFormat.StringType
- TFieldType
- UnkMacrosDisable
- UnknownBeginRecord
- UnknownEndRecord
- UnknownMarkerRecord
- UnknownRecord
- UseSelFSRecord
- VerticalPageBreaksRecord
- VerticalPageBreaksRecord.TVPageBreak
- WindowOneRecord
- WindowProtectRecord
- WindowTwoRecord
- WindowZoomRecord
- WriteAccessRecord
- WriteProtection
- WSBoolRecord
- XCTRecord
- Chart3DDataFormatRecord
- Chart3DRecord
- ChartAIRecord
- ChartAIRecord.LinkIndex
- ChartAIRecord.ReferenceType
- ChartAlrunsRecord
- ChartAlrunsRecord.TRuns
- ChartAreaFormatRecord
- ChartAreaRecord
- ChartAttachedLabelLayoutRecord
- ChartAttachedLabelRecord
- ChartAxcextRecord
- ChartAxesUsedRecord
- ChartAxisDisplayUnitsRecord
- ChartAxisLineFormatRecord
- ChartAxisOffsetRecord
- ChartAxisParentRecord
- ChartAxisRecord
- ChartAxisRecord.ChartAxisType
- ChartBarRecord
- ChartBegDispUnitRecord
- ChartBoppCustomRecord
- ChartBoppopRecord
- ChartCatserRangeRecord
- ChartChartFormatRecord
- ChartChartLineRecord
- ChartChartRecord
- ChartDataFormatRecord
- ChartDataLabelsRecord
- ChartDatRecord
- ChartDefaultTextRecord
- ChartDefaultTextRecord.TextDefaults
- ChartDropBarRecord
- ChartEndDispUnitRecord
- ChartFbiRecord
- ChartFontxRecord
- ChartFormatLinkRecord
- ChartFrameRecord
- ChartGelFrameRecord
- ChartIfmtRecord
- ChartLegendRecord
- ChartLegendxnRecord
- ChartLineFormatRecord
- ChartLineRecord
- ChartMarkerFormatRecord
- ChartMarkerFormatRecord.TMarker
- ChartObjectLinkRecord
- ChartPicfRecord
- ChartPicfRecord.TEnvironment
- ChartPicfRecord.TImageFormat
- ChartPicfRecord.TPicture
- ChartPieFormatRecord
- ChartPieRecord
- ChartPlotAreaLayoutRecord
- ChartPlotAreaRecord
- ChartPlotGrowthRecord
- ChartPosRecord
- ChartRadarAreaRecord
- ChartRadarRecord
- ChartSbaserefRecord
- ChartScatterRecord
- ChartSerAuxErrBarRecord
- ChartSerAuxErrBarRecord.TErrorBarValue
- ChartSerAuxTrendRecord
- ChartSerAuxTrendRecord.TRegression
- ChartSerFmtRecord
- ChartSeriesListRecord
- ChartSeriesRecord
- ChartSeriesRecord.DataType
- ChartSeriesTextRecord
- ChartSerParentRecord
- ChartSertocrtRecord
- ChartShtpropsRecord
- ChartSiIndexRecord
- ChartSurfaceRecord
- ChartTextRecord
- ChartTickRecord
- ChartValueRangeRecord
- ChartWrapperRecord
- FopteOptionWrapper
- IFopteOptionWrapper
- IMaxCross
- PrintedChartSizeRecord
- ShadowData
- TRotation
- Area3DPtg
- AreaError3DPtg
- AreaErrorPtg
- AreaNPtg
- AreaPtg
- ArrayPtg
- AttrPtg
- BooleanPtg
- CellIntersectionPtg
- CellRangeListPtg
- ControlPtg
- DoublePtg
- ErrorCodeAttribute
- FormulaToken
- FunctionPtg
- FunctionVarPtg
- IAdditionalData
- IntegerPtg
- IRangeGetter
- IRangeGetterToken
- IRectGetter
- IReference
- ISheetReference
- IToken3D
- MemAreaPtg
- MemErrPtg
- MemFuncPtg
- MissingArgumentPtg
- NamePtg
- NameXPtg
- OperationPtg
- ParenthesesPtg
- Priority
- Ptg
- Ref3DPtg
- ReferenceIndexAttribute
- RefError3dPtg
- RefErrorPtg
- RefNPtg
- RefPtg
- StringConstantPtg
- TokenAttribute
- TOperation
- UnaryOperationPtg
- UnknownPtg
- ArrayWrapper
- IPictureRecord
- MsoBase
- MsoBitmapPicture
- MsoBlipCompression
- MsoBlipFilter
- MsoBlipType
- MsoBlipUsage
- MsoContainerBase
- MsoDrawingAttribute
- MsoFactory
- MsofbtAnchor
- MsofbtBSE
- MsofbtBstoreContainer
- MsofbtChildAnchor
- MsofbtClientAnchor
- MsofbtClientData
- MsofbtClientTextBox
- MsofbtDg
- MsofbtDgContainer
- MsofbtDgg
- MsofbtDgg.ClusterID
- MsofbtDggContainer
- MsofbtOPT
- MsofbtRegroupItems
- MsofbtSp
- MsofbtSpContainer
- MsofbtSpgr
- MsofbtSpgrContainer
- MsofbtSplitMenuColors
- MsoMetafilePicture
- MsoOptions
- MsoRecordFactory
- MsoRecords
- MsoUnknown
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Parser.Biff_Records.ObjRecords
- CacheDataExRecord
- CacheDataRecord
- DataConsolidationInfoRecord
- DataConsolidationInfoRecord.FunctionTypes
- DataItemRecord
- ExternalSourceInfoRecord
- LineItem
- LineItem.LineItemType
- LineItemArrayRecord
- PageItemIndexesRecord
- PageItemNameCountRecord
- PageItemRecord
- PageItemRecord.FieldInfo
- ParsedExpressionRecord
- PivotBooleanRecord
- PivotDateTimeRecord
- PivotDoubleRecord
- PivotEmptyRecord
- PivotErrorRecord
- PivotFieldRecord
- PivotFormatRecord
- PivotFormulaRecord
- PivotIndexListRecord
- PivotNamePairRecord
- PivotNameRecord
- PivotSourceInfoRecord
- PivotStringRecord
- PivotViewDefinitionRecord
- PivotViewFieldsExRecord
- PivotViewFieldsRecord
- PivotViewItemRecord
- PivotViewItemRecord.ItemTypes
- PivotViewSourceRecord
- PivotViewSourceRecord.DataSourceTypes
- RowColumnFiledIdRecord
- RuleDataRecord
- RuleFilterRecord
- RuleFilterRecord.FunctionType
- SelectionInfoRecord
- SQLDataTypeIdRecord
- SQLDataTypeIdRecord.SQLDataType
- StreamIdRecord
- ViewExtendedInfoRecord
- Syncfusion.XlsIORenderer
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