Enum DynamicFilterType
Represent relative date filter type.
Namespace: Syncfusion.XlsIO
Assembly: Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base.dll
public enum DynamicFilterType
Name | Description |
April | Represent April month. |
August | Represent August month. |
December | Represent December month. |
February | Represent February month. |
January | Represent January month. |
July | Represent July month. |
June | Represent June month. |
LastMonth | Represent last month of the current month. |
LastQuarter | Represent last quarter of the current quarter year. |
LastWeek | Represent last week of the current week. |
LastYear | Represent last year. |
March | Represent March month. |
May | Represent May month. |
NextMonth | Represent next month of the current month. |
NextQuarter | Represent next quarter of the current quarter year. |
NextWeek | Represent next week of the current week. |
NextYear | Represent next year. |
None | None of the type applied. |
November | Represent November month. |
October | Represent October month. |
Quarter1 | Represent first quarter of the years. |
Quarter2 | Represent second quarter of the years. |
Quarter3 | Represent third quarter of the years. |
Quarter4 | Represent fourth quarter of the years. |
September | Represent September month. |
ThisMonth | Represent current month. |
ThisQuarter | Represent current quarter year. |
ThisWeek | Represent current week. |
ThisYear | Represent current year. |
Today | Represent Today. |
Tomorrow | Represent Tomorrow. |
YearToDate | Represent dates from starting of the current year till today. |
Yesterday | Represent Yesterday. |