Class GridImageCellRenderer
Represents the class that used to drawing the image in a cell.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Syncfusion.WinForms.DataGrid.Renderers
Assembly: Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.WinForms.dll
public class GridImageCellRenderer : GridCellRendererBase, IGridCellRenderer<TableControl>, IDisposable
Initializes a new instance of the GridImageCellRenderer class.
public GridImageCellRenderer()
DrawImage(Graphics, SfDataGrid, DataColumnBase, CellStyleInfo, Rectangle, Image, String)
Draws the image with the text based on the given inputs.
protected virtual void DrawImage(Graphics paint, SfDataGrid grid, DataColumnBase column, CellStyleInfo style, Rectangle cellRect, Image image, string text)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | paint | The System.Drawing.Graphics that used to draw the image. |
SfDataGrid | grid | The SfDataGrid. |
DataColumnBase | column | The DataColumnBase of the cell. |
CellStyleInfo | style | The Style of the cell. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | cellRect | The bounds of the cell. |
System.Drawing.Image | image | The image that needs to be drawn. |
System.String | text | The text which needs to be display with the image. |
OnKeyDown(DataColumnBase, RowColumnIndex, KeyEventArgs)
Overridden to update the KeyDown event.
protected override void OnKeyDown(DataColumnBase dataColumn, RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex, KeyEventArgs e)
Type | Name | Description |
DataColumnBase | dataColumn | The DataColumnBase of the cell. |
RowColumnIndex | rowColumnIndex | The row and column index of the cell. |
System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs | e | The System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs that contains the event data. |
OnRender(Graphics, Rectangle, String, CellStyleInfo, DataColumnBase, RowColumnIndex)
Overridden to draw the image on the cell.
protected override void OnRender(Graphics paint, Rectangle cellRect, string cellValue, CellStyleInfo style, DataColumnBase column, RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Drawing.Graphics | paint | The System.Drawing.Graphics that used to draw the cell. |
System.Drawing.Rectangle | cellRect | The bounds of the cell. |
System.String | cellValue | The value of the cell. |
CellStyleInfo | style | The CellStyleInfo of the cell. |
DataColumnBase | column | The DataColumnBase of the cell. |
RowColumnIndex | rowColumnIndex | The row and column index of the cell. |