Enum PivotTableGridLine
Defines modes of GridLine, They are Both - Show both the vertical and horizontal line in the Grid. None - Hide both the vertical and horizontal line in the Grid. Horizontal - Shows the horizontal line only in the Grid. Vertical - Shows the vertical line only in the Grid. Default - Shows the grid lines based on the theme.
Namespace: Syncfusion.EJ2.Pivot
Assembly: Syncfusion.EJ2.Pivot.dll
public enum PivotTableGridLine
Name | Description |
Both | Both - Show both the vertical and horizontal line in the Grid. |
Default | Default - Shows the grid lines based on the theme. |
Horizontal | Horizontal - Shows the horizontal line only in the Grid. |
None | None - Hide both the vertical and horizontal line in the Grid. |
Vertical | Vertical - Shows the vertical line only in the Grid. |