Syncfusion Big Data Platform Release Notes

January 21, 2016

Big Data Studio


  • Integrated Spark (Python and IPython), HBase in Studio.
  • Improved cluster communication behavior with remote agent.
  • Improved console editor usability.
  • Improved Home page design with back stage view to add / remove cluster in studio.
  • Improved HDFS file browser usability and now you can preview the files in HDFS via file viewer.
  • Hive database and HBase tables tree view usability improved with more options in context menu as like in SQL Data explorer.
  • Hive and HBase tables are now displayed in Grid.
  • Similar support is added to view the Pig and Hive results in Grid.
  • Added support to export Hive results to CSV file.
  • Support for auto update big data studio application.
  • Improved performance and usability of local service manager.

Big Data Cluster


  • Support to create and manage pseudo node Hadoop cluster.
  • Added support to start/stop all thrift services (Hive, Spark and HBase) and Oozie server.
  • Added support to submit and monitor Oozie jobs.
  • Support for HDFS and HBase data backup and restore from both Hadoop cluster and Azure blob storage.
  • Added support to automate on premise cluster provisioning.
  • Added support to manage Python packages.
  • Added support for Alerts and notification for common Hadoop cluster errors.
  • Added support to edit Hadoop configurations in running cluster.
  • Support to aggregate cluster logs at a single click.
  • Added support to add multiple data nodes at a time.
  • Support for auto update cluster manager application.

C# libraries

  • Syncfusion.ThriftHive.Base
    • Supports both Spark and Hive thrift server.
    • Support for accessing Spark / Hive data from any secured Kerberos enabled cluster configured with Active Directory.
  • Syncfusion.ThriftHBase. Base
    • Support for accessing data in C# from HBase thrift server.
    • Added support to perform complex filter operation.
    • Support for accessing data from any secured Kerberos enabled HBase cluster configured with Active Directory.
  • Predictive analytics (Syncfusion.PMML.Base)
    • Added compatibility support for Spark generated PMML files.


  • Integrated HBase, Oozie, Spark (python and IPython), WinPython (required for IPython integration) and Gradle