Syncfusion Big Data Platform Release Notes

July 1, 2016

Big Data Studio

Features and Enhancements

  • HDFS browser - Support for cut, copy and paste operations as like in windows file explorer.
  • HDFS browser - Support to perform file search recursively into sub-folders.
  • Added auto complete feature for all keywords in script editors.
  • Support to download JDBC connectors for Sqoop on user confirmation.
  • Support to submit multiple Sqoop jobs.
  • Support to import and export data from PostgreSQL using Sqoop
  • Support to create namespace option in HBase.
  • Improved overall usability and stability of Big Data studio.

Big Data Cluster

Features and Enhancements

  • Support to start and stop the virtual machines with Hadoop cluster at scheduled intervals.
  • Support to schedule start and stop of Hadoop Cluster running in Azure VMs.
  • Support to cache tables in Spark Thrift server.
  • Support to edit all configuration files including batch files of Hadoop and its ecosystem.
  • Support to download JDBC connectors for Sqoop on user confirmation.
  • Support to import and export data from PostgreSQL using Sqoop
  • Improved overall usability and stability of Cluster manager.


  • Upgraded Packages to below stable versions.

    Package Version
    Hadoop 2.7.2
    Pig 0.16.0
    Hive 2.0.1
    HBase 1.1.5
    Oozie 4.2.0