Quick start

  • To get started simply install the Syncfusion Big Data Studio application accepting defaults.
  • Start the Big Data Platform Dashboard application.
  • Click on the Service Manager button to launch the service manager application.
  • Starting this application will automatically start the process to start the local Hadoop cluster. This may take a few minutes especially the first time around.
  • Once the local cluster is running each service will have a green icon next to it. If there are issues initializing then a red icon is displayed against each service that did not initialize. In cases where you see an error please contact Syncfusion for further assistance.
  • Please note that HBase and Oozie services are not started by default in order to keep memory usage down. You can start these services also if you plan to work with them during this session.
  • You can then start the Big Data Studio application.
  • Once the application comes up you will be presented with an interface where you can add a cluster. In order to add the local cluster you can simply use localhost.
  • The studio application will take a few seconds to connect. Once connected the view will automatically switch to display the HDFS filesystem on the local cluster.
  • At this point you can navigate between tabs and access systems such as Hive, Pig, Sqoop and HBase.
  • Navigating to the Spark tab for the first time may take a bit longer since the system starts Spark on demand due to Spark’s memory requirements being higher than for core Hadoop services.
  • Several samples are provided with the product and can be easily submitted for processing from within the studio environment itself.
  • With the Java and Scala samples a Gradle build file is provided along with a readme file that details steps that can be taken to build and submit samples directly using Gradle or by using an IDE such as IntelliJ or Eclipse.
  • For C# samples Visual Studio project files are provided.

####Working with the local install of Hadoop directly from the command shell or from PowerShell

We provide shortcuts for this purpose directly from the installed dashboard. These links start the appropriate shell along with the right environment settings.


Several samples use an environment variable named “SYNCBDP_HOME”. If working with an IDE please ensure that this variable is set to the root of the installation directory. This is typically “C:\Syncfusion\BigData[version]\BigDataSDK”. You do not need to set this value when working within the big data studio or from shells initialized by Syncfusion installed shortcuts.