
2 Nov 20161 minute to read

Essential JavaScriptRating control provides an intuitive Rating experience that enables you to select a number of stars that represent a Rating. You can configure the item size, orientation and the number of displayed items in the Rating control. You can also customize the Rating star image by using custom CSS.

##Key Features

Some important features of Chart for Essential JavaScript are as follows:

  • Precision support - You can set the three different precisions like full, half, and exact.
  • Orientation support - Rating control can be displayed in horizontal or vertical direction.
  • Read-only mode - Rating control can be rendered in the read-only mode to enable or disable user interaction.
  • Reset - You can reset the Rating value by using the Reset button.
  • Tooltip - You can set a tooltip for displaying the currently selected Rating value.
  • Theme - Rating control consists of 12 built-in themes ( 6 – metro and 6 – gradient effects), and also supports custom skins to set user-defined themes.