Getting Started

31 Oct 20167 minutes to read

This section helps to get started of the HeatMap component for Aurelia.

Initialize HeatMap

  • To create Syncfusion Aurelia application refer [Aurelia Getting Started documentation]( “”).
  • Create heatmap folder inside src/samples location.
  • Create heatmap.html file inside src/samples/heatmap folder and use the below code for rendering HeatMap component

The HeatMap can be created from a HTML ‘div’ element. To create the HeatMap, you should call the ‘ejHeatMap’ jQuery plug-in function.

  • HTML
  • <template>
            <ej-heat-map e-width="100%" id="heatmap"

    Prepare and Populate data

    Populate product information in a collection called ItemsSource.

    Map data into HeatMap

    Now data is ready, next we need to configure data source and map rows and columns to visualize. For that, need to prepare ItemsMapping add it in resource and set items source and mapping.
    Next we can configure color range for these values using color mapping and also configure items mapping based on items source.

    • Create heatmap.js file inside src/samples/heatmap folder with below code snippet.
  • export class BasicUse {
        constructor() {
            let itemSource = [];
            let columns = ["Vegie-spread", "Tofuaa", "Alice Mutton", "Konbu", "Fltemysost", "Perth Pasties", "Boston Crab Meat", "Raclette Courdavault"]
            for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
                for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
                    var value = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
                    itemSource.push({ ProductName: columns[i], Year: "Y"+(2011 + j), Value: value })
            let colorMappingCollection = [
              { value: 0, color: '#8ec8f8', label: { text: '0' } },
              { value: 100, color: '#0d47a1', label: { text: '100' } }
            this.colorMappingCollection = colorMappingCollection;
            this.itemsMapping = {
                column: { 'propertyName': 'ProductName', 'displayName': 'Product Name' },
                row: { 'propertyName': 'Year', 'displayName': 'Year' },
                value: { 'propertyName': 'Value' },
                columnMapping: [
                    { 'propertyName': columns[0], 'displayName': columns[0] },
                    { 'propertyName': columns[1], 'displayName': columns[1] },
                    { 'propertyName': columns[2], 'displayName': columns[2] },
                    { 'propertyName': columns[3], 'displayName': columns[3] },
                    { 'propertyName': columns[4], 'displayName': columns[4] },
                    { 'propertyName': columns[5], 'displayName': columns[5] },
                    { 'propertyName': columns[6], 'displayName': columns[6] },
                    { 'propertyName': columns[7], 'displayName': columns[7] },
                headerMapping: { 'propertyName': 'Year', 'displayName': 'Year' }
            this.itemsSource = itemSource;

    Initialize Legend

    A legend control is used to represent range value in a gradient, create a legend with the same color mapping as shown below.

  • HTML
  • <template>
            <ej-heat-map-legend style="margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;" 
  • export class BasicUse {
        constructor() {
          let colorMappingCollection = [
            { value: 0, color: '#8ec8f8', label: { text: '0' } },
            { value: 100, color: '#0d47a1', label: { text: '100' } }
          this.colorMappingCollection = colorMappingCollection;