Title Customization

5 Oct 20151 minute to read


The TagCloud items are displayed with a Title element by default. ShowTitle is a Boolean type, which allow us to Hide or Show the Title. This property is set true by default.

How to disable title in TagCloud

The following step explains you on how to configure title for a TagCloud.

  • <%-- Configure datasource referring local data binding section and assign it to datasource property -- %>
    .TagCloudFields(tag => tag.Text("Text").Url("Url")

    The following screenshot illustrates a TagCloud control when you set false to ShowTitle,


    TagCloud widget allows us to set a custom Title text by using the Title property. By default Title property is set to string value “Title”.

    Defining title text for TagCloud

    The following step explain to us on how to configure Title for a TagCloud.

  • @Html.EJ().TagCloud("tagcloud").Datasource((IEnumerable<WebsiteCollection>)ViewBag.datasource)
    .TagCloudFields(tag => tag.Text("Text").Url("Url")
    .Title("Tech sites")

    The following screenshot illustrates the TagCloud control with customized title text.


    TagCloud widget provides TitleImage to set an image for the title. You can set the desired image URL to TitleImage property.

    Defining Title Image for TagCloud

    The following step explains us to configure TitleImage for a TagCloud.

  • <%-- Configure datasource referring local data binding section and assign it to datasource property -- %>
    .TagCloudFields(tag => tag.Text("Text").Url("Url")
    .Frequency("Frequency")).Title("Tech sites")
    1. Using CSS class you can resize the Title image content as follows.

       <style type="text/css">

      The following screenshot illustrates the TagCloud control with customized title image.