Essential Studio for ASP.NET MVC Release Notes

July 8, 2015


Bug fixes

  • QR barcode will work properly with the specific inputs



  • Chart now supports Trendline for series.

  • Provided support for exporting chart to excel.

  • Provided support for series highlight and selection.

  • Chart now trims the data labels in accumulation series when it exceeds the chart area.

Bug fixes

  • #140279 - Console error is no more thrown while zooming range column.
  • #139770 - chart shows up in iPad now.
  • #136425 - Mouse move is now working in IE 9 - 64bit version.
  • #137151 - Tooltip is not localized when it is placed along with listbox is fixed.
  • #137393 - PrimaryYAxis labels of polar series is now hiding when we set visibility of the axis to false.
  • #118778 - Exception when setting same start and end date of the axis is fixed.
  • #137809 - Margin for data label is now working for bar series.
  • #137912 - Browser crashing issue when clicking legend of pie series has been fixed.
  • #137993 - Margin for pie series will now work properly.
  • #135793 - Tooltip for range area chart series is now working properly.
  • #135935 - Issue with Range area chart rendering wrongly when the last point is empty has been fixed.
  • #138316 - Now ‘tooltip’ class from the styles will not be removed while hovering on chart data.
  • #140255 - LabelIntersectionAction hide is now working properly.
  • #138865 - Polar chart wrongly rendering issue while setting Y-value as ‘0’ has been fixed.
  • #138803 - Series is now visible when setting data source in commonSeriesOptions in angular support.
  • #138803 - Axis range settings are now working in angular support.
  • #138803 - Annotations are now working in angular support.
  • #138803 - Indicators are now working in angular support.
  • #137810 - Axis Title in IE8 is not overlapping with chart now.

Breaking changes

  • ‘exportChart’ method has been deprecated and instead use ‘export’ method to export the chart.
  • Now series animation will not occur every-time while updating a property or redrawing a chart. To animate the series while updating a property simply call animate() method instead of redraw().
  • ValueType of startAngle, endAngle properties in Series has been changed from double to nullable double .
  • ValueType of RowCount, ColumnCount in Legend, ValueType of DesiredInterval, RowIndex, ColumnIndex, RowSpan, ColumnSpan, LabelRotation, MinorTicksPerInterval and RoundingPlace in Axis and ValueType of ExplodeIndex in Series, has been changed from int to nullable int.


Bug fixes

  • #139893 - When unobtrusive is enabled “ Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use ‘in’ operator to search for ‘length’ in” error no more occurs in jquery-2.1.4.js file.



  • #139207-Support to revert and restore the custom actions is added.
  • #127962-Support to modify/disable existing commands and to define new commands is added.
  • #126648-Support to drag and drop elements only on allowable region is added.
  • #126648-Connection can be established when a node is dropped on a connector.
  • #135069,#135167-Click event support for symbol palette is added.
  • #138207-Preview/drop size support for individual palette item is added.
    Justified text alignment support is added

Bug fixes

  • #140020 - Label offset X and Y value defined as zero, then the value is not serialized properly issue is now fixed.

Breaking changes

  • diagram.selectionList will be updated only after selection change event is fired. So use args.selectedItems instead of diagram.selectionList in selection change event.
  • TextAlign and BPMN shape related enums(BPMNEvents, BPMNTriggers.,) are moved under the namespace “Syncfusion.JavaScript.DataVisualization.DiagramEnums”
  • BPMNSubProcess and BPMNTask are moved under the namespace “Syncfusion.JavaScript.DataVisualization.Models.Diagram”



  • #99613, #113446, #118250, #125501, #128443, #130120, #137051 - Added support to create and manipulate chart in docx to docx and docx to pdf conversion.

Bug fixes

  • #140008-InvalidOperationException exception is fixed now while exporting html to stream.
  • #139830-ArgumentOutOfRangeException in Doc to Pdf conversion is fixed.
  • #139736-Null reference does not throw exception while updating document fields.
  • #139829 - XML Exception is no more thrown while loading the DOCX document.
  • #139419 - All possible values of the supported attributes of CSS style are now parsed.
  • #140009 - Null Reference Exception is no more thrown in GetValidParaItemIndex() method.
  • #139658 - Image preservation issue with HTML Image in Pdf conversion is now resolved.
  • #139488 - Horizontal rule and table border preservation issues in RTF to Pdf conversion are now fixed.
  • #139433 - Content layouting issue in Word document to Pdf conversion is now resolved.
  • #134204 - Content preservation issue while converting Doc To Pdf conversion is now resolved.
  • #134177,#135068 - Paragraph bottom border preservation issue in Doc to Pdf conversion is now resolved.
  • #139753 - Null reference exception is no more thrown while loading attached word documents by using DocIO.
  • #136500 - Paper source property preservation issue while saving the DOCX format document has been resolved.
  • #136421 - Images will not repeat now while converting RTF to Word document.
  • #136828 - Text direction and language id preservation issue while opening and saving the Word document has been resolved.
  • #139363 - Hanging issue while loading Word document has been resolved.
  • #137874 - Exception is no more thrown while opening the doc and text format document.
  • #138308 - Cell shading preservation issue in Doc to DOCX conversion has been resolved.
  • #137189 - Paragraph style preservation issue in RTF document has been resolved.
  • #138254 - culture not found exception is no more thrown while opening the Word document in (.doc) format.
  • #139055,#140409 - Cannot recognize current file type Exception is no more thrown while saving the Word document.
  • #137967,#138017 - Null reference exception is no more thrown on accessing imported style properties.
  • #136064,#140284 - Exception and line spacing preservation issues has been resolved.
  • #138962 - Table cell horizontal merge continue preservation issue in Doc format document has been resolved.
  • #138966 - Argument out of range Exception is no more thrown while deleting the bookmark content.
  • #136381 - Date Format preservation issue in Mail merge has been resolved.
  • #137384 - Null Reference Exception is no more thrown, when using UpdateDocumentFields()
  • #138110 - Invalid meta file format exception issue has been resolved while appending the image(.WMF) format.
  • #137632 - Exception and Formula field result updating issue has been resolved.
  • #138961 - Corruption and Macro preservation issue while saving the document in (.docm) has been resolved.
  • #138465 - Argument out of range exception is no more thrown while opening the Word document.
  • #136637 - Numbering and formatting preservation issue while converting RTF to Word conversion has been resolved.
  • #139090 - Tab preservation issue with DOCX document in Index field has been resolved.
  • #138591 - System out of memory exception issue while saving the Word document has been resolved.
  • #139162 - Content preservation issue in Doc to Pdf conversion has been resolved.
  • #137969 - Issue with including heading and custom styles in updating table of contents in Word document has been resolved.
  • #137967 - Exception issues while Updating TOC has been resolved.
  • #137275 - Content and text Preservation issue while converting rtf to Word and Pdf conversion has been resolved.
  • #135703 - Null reference Exception is no more thrown and preservation issues in Word document to Image conversion has been resolved.
  • #138846 - Font,Numbering and content Preservation issue in DOCX to Pdf conversion has been resolved.
  • #139063 - Tab preservation issue in TOC has been resolved.
  • #137967 - Stack over flow exception is no more thrown while updating TOC.
  • #132151 - Image preservation, frame position and line spacing issues in RTF to Pdf conversion has been resolved.
  • #136446,#137967 - Null reference exception is no more thrown in Word to Pdf conversion.
  • #136064 - Null reference exception issue is no more thrown in Doc to Pdf conversion.
  • #135840 - Table Cell Border preservation issue in doc to pdf has been resolved.
  • #139830 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no more thrown in Doc to Pdf conversion.
  • #137337 - Cluster issues in Word to PDF Conversion has been resolved.
  • #131457,#137330 - Span tag content preservation issue in HTML to Word document conversion has been resolved.
  • #139027 - Alt attribute missing exception is no more thrown for image tag with Strict validation type.
  • #139419 - Input string was incorrect format exception is no more thrown while appending HTML string.


Bug fixes

  • #140083 - FilterType in FilterSettings property of fileexplorer is now working properly.


Bug fixes

  • #140066 - Script error is no longer thrown while refreshing dataSource of a grid with foreignKey column.
  • #129579 - No longer throws exception when using Properties Model Grid.
  • #139349 - columnIndex is now correctly calculated while rendering more than one grid when enabling the grouping for the first grid.
  • #139582 - Script error is no more thrown while adding data in the empty Grid with summary row.
  • #140053, #140608 - Script error is no more thrown by excel filter when null value is present in Grid.
  • #139443 - Issue with Grid showing no record to display after filtering date column with enable persistence has been fixed.
  • #139822 - Details Template row index now calculates properly while selecting the row after expanding details row.
  • #139233 - Added record displayed the first record value when identity the field enabled issue is now fixed.
  • #134694 - Note the Tick mark next to Greater Than in Excel.
  • #138988 - DetailsTemplate is not working properly when using scrolling.
  • #139052 - Need to provide Excel filtering support while exporting.
  • #139242 - After sorting context menu does not open for last row when allowScrolling is enabled.



  • SelectedItems - API name is added for to get the collection of selected maps data

Bug fixes

  • #140139 - Custom item template tooltip issues has been fixed
  • #140054 - DockPosition bottom for legend issues has been fixed
  • #140054 - Text of some legend elements wrap into few lines issues has been fixed


Bug fixes

  • #139681- “InputMode” property works properly in MaskEditTextBoxFor control.

    OLAP Chart


  • #120027, #124881, #127612, #132818, #136626, #138105, #138480 - Exporting OlapChart to Word,Excel,PDF and image formats has been implemented.

    OLAP Client


  • #120027, #124881, #127612, #132818, #136626, #138105, #138480 - Exporting OlapChart and PivotGrid to Word and PDF documents has been implemented.

    Essential PDF

Bug fixes

  • #143150 - HTML to PDF conversion takes more time and never finishes issue is now resolved.

  • #138951-Text will not overlap while drawing empty string in PdfTextElement.
  • #135741-Object null reference exception will not occur when creating the document in multithreading environment
  • #139050-Access Violation Exception will not throw when we tried to open the attached PDF File
  • #139089 - Getting wrong temp path issue in webkit converter is now resolved.
  • #137593 - Getting empty string issue while applying OCR to the image with intersected region is now resolved.
  • #139386 - Pdf document is now transparent when overlaid into pdf template.
  • #138640 - Getting white spaces issue in right side of the pdf document while converting Html to Pdf has been resolved.
  • #137894 - Exception no more occurs while merging password protected document.
  • #137889 - Getting blur image issue while drawing the png image in pdf document has been resolved.
  • #137554 - Exception no more occurs when extracting the font from PDF.
  • #136525 - Document containing wrong offset values are now corrected.
  • #137138 - Unsupported security dictionary exception no more occurs while loading a secured pdf file.
  • #135741 - Object null reference exception no more occurs while creating the document in multithreading environment.
  • #135736 - Key not found exception no more occurs while creating the document in multithreading environment.
  • #135734 - Collection was modified and enumeration operation may not execute exception no more occurs while saving the document.
  • #135733 - Dead lock no more occurs while saving the Watermarked PDF document in multi threading environment.
  • #138951 - Text overlapping issue while setting empty string in PdfTextElement has been resolved.
  • #138337 - Legacy Drawing now updates the Registry properly.
  • #138368 - Getting checkbox properties are changed issue while highlighting the fields has been resolved.
  • #107371,#112562,#115995 - Repeated contents appearing in HTML to PDF conversion issue is now fixed.
  • #135853 - Text preservation issue while enabling cache is false has been resolved.
  • #136332 - Exception no more occurs while converting XPS to Pdf.
  • #137724, #139566 - While converting Doc to Pdf, Pdf file size is large issue is now fixed.
  • #137271 - Font preservation issue in PdfLoadedTextBox fields text has been resolved.


  • Loading annotations from existing documents has been improved.
  • EMF to PDF conversion has been improved.
  • PDF creator has been enhanced for multi threaded environments.



  • #107127, #112524, #114329 - Expand and collapse support has been provided for PivotGrid containing Relational datasource.
  • #120027, #124881, #127612, #132818, #136626, #138105, #138480 - Exporting PivotGrid to Word and PDF documents has been implemented.
  • #119715 - Provided support for conditional formatting.
  • Grouping bar support has been provided for PivotGrid containing Relational datasource.
  • Cell selection support has been implemented.



  • #140163 , #139903- Support for cloning and merging slides in Presentation files has been added.
  • Support for encrypting and decrypting Presentation files has been added.

Bug fixes

  • #138896 - Indent spacing and text spacing issue while converting PPTX file to PDF has been resolved.
  • #138896 - Slide Background shape issue in provided sample has been resolved.
  • #139125 - Argument exception is no more thrown while converting presentation file to pdf.
  • #139125 - Argument out of range exception is no more thrown while converting a presentation file to pdf.
  • #139125 - Null Reference exception is no more thrown while converting a presentation file to pdf.
  • #139125 - Color blend object no more throws exception while converting PPTX to PDF conversion.


Bug fixes

  • #139991 - Render Area is now displayed in ReportViewer mobile mode.
  • #138585 - Default value now applies when you get default value from stored procedure.
  • #139820 - Tablix disappear when you specify the conditional color code for textbox issue is now fixed.
  • #140641 - No more exceptions will be thrown in header style json models.
  • #139480 - Text can now be vertically aligned in TextBox.
  • #138180 - Tablix report item height does not exceed the body page height.
  • #137458 - Query based expression works fine now.


Breaking changes

  • Provided Backstage Page support for Ribbon



  • The priority feature allows you to prioritize the appointments with default values and individual icons/images. You can also customize the priority values and icons by using the template or from a data source.
  • The Inline delete feature is provided to the appointments. When you hover, a button appears and by clicking the “X” button on the appointment deletes it.
  • Customizing the time scale option is provided by which you can enable or disable the time scale by using the “showTimeScale” property.
  • The header bar can be enable/disable by using the “showHeaderBar” property.
  • Daylight Saving Time (DST) feature is added to the schedule appointments that can be enabled by setting the “DaylightSavingTime” property to true.

Bug fixes

  • #139835, #139834 - Date navigation and alignment issue in custom view of horizontal multiple resource has been resolved.
  • #139705 - Script error is no more thrown when you create the appointment without binding any data.
  • #139983 - AppointmentClick and AppointmentHover argument returns undefined appointment issue is now fixed.



  • #130466,#130535 - Provided support for summary rows in TreeGrid.
  • #136365 - Provided support for details row template in TreeGrid.
  • #137447,#138371 - Provided support for dropdown filtering.
  • Now an additional argument columnIndex is included in contextMenuOpen event arguments for fetching column details.

Breaking changes

  • requestType value in rowDragStop event arguments is changed from rowDragStop to insert position(insertAbove/insertBelow/insertAsChild).


Bug fixes

  • #139243 - UploadBox now raises error event properly in IE8 and IE9.


Bug fixes

  • #137871 - Text alignment differs while exporting to PDF is now resolved.

  • #139737 - Data validations in extension list is no longer lost while resaving in XlsIO.

  • #139986 - Excel to PDF Conversion process hangs is now resolved.

  • #140408 - Calibri Unicode characters are now properly converted in ExcelToPDF.

  • #140408 - Alignment is changed while converting Calibri Unicode characters to PDF is now resolved.

  • #140485 - Background color is missing in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • #140547 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no more thrown when converting a Excel file to PDF in Italian culture.

  • #140873 - File no longer gets corrupted due to repeated data validations during CopyTo().

  • #140888 - Cell Formatting is now proper in XlsIO.

  • #141140, #F119555 - Null reference exception thrown while converting Excel to PDF is now fixed.

  • #141188 - Excel overlapping scenario using merged ranges is now resolved.

  • #141200 - RTF issues with line breaks are resolved.

  • #141287, #143511 - ParseException is no more thrown at parsing the formula of an Excel file.

  • #141357 - FormatException is no more thrown when converting an Excel file to PDF.

  • #141360 - Date format loss in display text having formulas in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • #141373 - ApplicationException is no more thrown while opening a file in XlsIO.

  • #141529 - Time Formatting issue in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • #141783, #142874, #144317 - DataValidations are missed while resaving in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • #141835, #142140 - XlsIO throws out of memory exception and takes a long time to perform AutoFitColumns is now fixed.

  • #141904 - Chart Data Range is updated properly while inserting a new range.

  • #142117, #144113 - Custom DateTime formatting issues in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • #142165 - Performance issue while accessing IRange.RowHeight property in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • #142285 - Number format contains escape sequences issue is now fixed.

  • #142507 - Display Text Property dropping last “0” character in cell is now resolved.

  • #142530 - Protecting an unprotected sheet, no more throws an exception in binary file.

  • #142538 - RTF alignment support is now provided in ExcelToPDFConversion.

  • #142611 - Row height is properly updated in copied worksheets.

  • #142740, #143592 - Parsing a workbook with shapes no more throws argument exception.

  • #142755 - ParseException is no more thrown while accessing IRange.ConditionalFormats property in XlsIO.

  • #142811 - Border is incorrect on merged cells in ExcelToPDF Conversion is now resolved.

  • #142816 - PrintArea is null while changing the workbook version is now resolved.

  • #142969 - Support is now provided to parse and serialize the chart caches in XlsIO.

  • #143074 - Getting different row height, when row contain rotated text as merged cell in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • #143378 - Named range now returns proper value in XlsIO.

  • #143421 - Chart is now preserved while passing file stream in ExcelToPDFConverter.

  • #143460 - Access violation exception is no more thrown while closing the workbook.

  • #143661 - Chart position is now retained properly in Excel to PDF conversion.

  • #143769 - NullReferenceException is no more thrown while converting excel to PDF.

  • #143769 - Scale with document option is now working properly in excel to PDF conversion.

  • #144471 - The outlineWrapper range is now properly updated while modifying the rows with in the group.

  • Issue with AutoFitColumns and AutoFitRow() method is fixed.

  • RightBorder issue in ExcelToPDFConversion is now resolved.

  • DataBar formatting is not applied to cell even if the cell value is blank or 0.

  • Exception is no more thrown while collapsing the inner outline level.

  • Issue in CopyStyles Options in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • NullReferenceException is no more thrown while opening file with background image.

  • Rounding value is now properly working in XlsIO.

  • InvalidOperationException is no more thrown while parsing CF of type 3Stars IconSet.

  • Display text is changed after creating the table format for the range is now resolved.

  • ArgumentOutOfRange Exception is no more thrown while adding empty formula of extern book.

  • Table style issues in ExcelToPDFConversion is now resolved.

  • Radar chart is now preserved properly while resaving an excel document.

  • Auto-Filter returns invalid results in XlsIO is now resolved.

  • First Condition property with AutoFilters is now working properly.

  • SecondCondition property with AutoFilters is now working properly.

  • IsFirstCondition is now working in AutoFilters.

  • IsAnd property is working Incorrectly in AutoFilters is now resolved.

  • IsSecondCondition property is working properly in AutoFilters.

  • Null reference exception is no more thrown while parsing the data bar for Conditional Format.

  • Parsing support is now provided for Data bar properties in XlsIO.

  • Duplicate CF added is removed, when CF have Data bar type.

  • Default conditional value type “Automatic” support is now provided for Data bar in XlsIO.

  • Exception is no more thrown at parsing chart sheet.

  • Sorting is incorrect when apply sorting for column containing both number and text is now fixed.

  • Applying a cell style removes the existing cell style is resolved.

  • Copying and pasting a table with styles is working properly in XlsIO.

  • Destination cell value is cleared when copying a range with CopyStyles option is now resolved.

  • Page is Missing in ExcelToPDFConversion is now resolved.

  • Chart Area Fill color is now preserved while cloning the workbook.

  • RTF support is now provided in HeaderFooter.

  • Text missing issue when cell text is move to next page in ExcelToPDFConversion is now resolved.

  • Argument out of range exception is no more thrown while opening a CSV file using XlsIO.

  • DateTime is serialized when DataValidation AllowType property as Time is now resolved.

  • ConditionalFormat is now applied properly in XlsIO.

  • IShape.IsShapeVisible property is always true for hidden image is now resolved.

  • LeftBorderLineStyle of ExtendedFormatImpl returns wrong value is now fixed.

  • XlsIO returns incorrect icon set format style while import on Default is now resolved.

  • Reverse order for icon set was not properly handled at parsing is fixed.

  • Not a legal oleaut date while opening CSV file is now resolved.

  • IRange.Comment property returns value instead of Null is now resolved.

  • Conditional Format order is different in XlsIO is now fixed.

  • Argument Exception is no more thrown while opening the input file having form Control.

  • Chart is preserved properly when an excel file is resaved.

  • ThrowNotSavedOnDestroy property while closing a workbook is implemented.

  • Styles are preserved even the hyperlinks where removed from the sheet object is now resolved.

  • Resaving a file fails to preserve scheme color of a shape is now resolved.