How to

28 Mar 20184 minutes to read

Render ListBox from Code behind

ListBox can be rendered from the code behind by initializing the required properties in controller and passing those properties via ViewData or Model to the client side.

The following code illustrates the initialization of ListBox properties in the controller.

  • C#
  • //Namespace to get the JavaScript (Listbox) component properties
    using Syncfusion.JavaScript.Models;
    namespace MvcApplication.Controllers
        public class ListBoxController: Controller
            public ActionResult ListBoxFeatures()
                 // initialize data
                List<Bikes> bike = new List<Bikes>();
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk1", text = "Aachen RTR" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk2", text = "CBR 150-R" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk3", text = "CBZ Xtreme" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk4", text = "Discover" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk5", text = "Dazzler" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk6", text = "Flame" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk7", text = "Faze" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk8", text = "FZ-S" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk9", text = "Pulsar" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk10", text = "Shine" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk11", text = "R15" });
                bike.Add(new Bikes { id = "bk12", text = "Unicorn" });
                //Initializing the Listbox model
                ListBoxProperties ListObj = new ListBoxProperties();
                //Initializing the datasource and other properties
                ListObj.DataSource = bike;
                ListObj.ListBoxFields.Text = "text";
                ListObj.ListBoxFields.Value = "id";
                ListObj.AllowMultiSelection = true;
                //Passing Listbox properties using the ViewData
                ViewData["ListModel"] = ListObj;
                return View();

    Binding the ListBox properties passed via ViewData from the controller in the client side as below.

  • @{
        Html.EJ().ListBox("bikeList", (Syncfusion.JavaScript.Models. ListBoxProperties)ViewData["ListModel"]).Render();