
13 Jun 20232 minutes to read

EJMVC DatePicker provides very cool way to validate the value by custom rules and messages before its get processing. Enhanced APIs and built-in validation support in EJWEB DatePicker provides the quick validation in client side itself which provides the easy customization and better user experience than the validating the values in server side. Most common client side validation plugin is jQuery Validation.

DatePicker supports this validation by built-in, so you can do client validation with simple steps to validate and respond validation message. The jQuery validate plugin rules and custom methods can be used in the DatePicker control with the help of two properties,ValidationRules and ValidationMessage.

Before using those properties, you need to add the jQuery validate plugin to your HTML page.

Refer the below jQuery validation plugin script after jQuery script reference.

  • <script src=""></script>

    jQuery validation library contains some default settings for validating the form. By default, it ignores hidden elements in from validation. But some of our EJ components (“Checkbox”, “MaskEdit”, ”NumericTextbox”, “CurrencyTextbox”, “PercentageTextbox”, “RTE”, “Dropdownlist” ) contains hidden fields with values, these
    values need to be validated at here. So to perform the validation properly, you have to set “[]” in “ignore” API of “$.validator.setDefaults”.

    If validation gets fail, in-built “error” class will be added to corresponding element. Here you can specify a custom class with your own style using “errorClass” API and you can place the error message in necessary position using “errorPlacement” API. Refer following code block to customize the default jQuery validation settings.

  • $.validator.setDefaults({
               //if we don’t set custom class, default “error” class will be added
               errorClass: 'e-validation-error',
               //it specifies the error message display position
               errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
  • <!--form to submit-->
         @using (Html.BeginForm())
        //Sets the field to be required with validation message
        @Html.EJ().DatePicker("datePicker").ValidationRules(rule => rule.AddRule("required", true)).ValidationMessage(msg => msg.AddMessage("required", "Required Date value"));
        <input type="submit" value="click here!" />


    jQuery validation works only within the form element.