Server Side Events

1 Oct 20151 minute to read

The following are the server side events available in the TimePicker control.

Event Event Description Event Description
OnSelect Occurs when selecting the time value in TimePicker Event Argument contains parameters are

e.EventType – Event Name.e.Value – It holds current selected time value.

e.Arguments – Contain keys and values for event args.

In the ASPX page, add the TimePicker control to configure the TimePicker events.

  • HTML
  • <ej:TimePicker ID="time" OnSelect="time_Select" runat="server"></ej:TimePicker>
  • C#
  • protected void time_Select(object sender, Syncfusion.JavaScript.Web.TimePickerEventArgs e)
    	//e.EventType – Event Name
    	//e.Arguments – Contains keys and values for Event and Args
    	//e.Value – selected time value.