
22 Mar 20171 minute to read

The appearance of the Sunburst Chart can be customized as shown below


The Sunburst Chart displays different segments in different colors by default. You can customize the color of each segment by providing a custom color palette of your choice by using the Palette property.

  • HTML
  • <ej:SunburstChart  ID="container" runat="server"  >                           
  • CS
  • public partial class _Default : Page
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.container.Palette = new List<string>() { "#002e4d", "#005c99", "#008ae6", "#33adff", "#80ccff" };

    The Sunburst Chart rendered with palette colors

    Built- in Themes

    The Sunburst Chart supports different themes.

    • flatlight
    • flatdark
    • gradientlight
    • gradientdark
    • azure
    • azuredark
    • lime
    • limedark
    • saffron
    • saffrondark
    • gradient-azure
    • gradient-azuredark
    • gradient-lime
    • gradient-limedark
    • gradient-saffron
    • gradient-saffrondark

    You can set your desired theme by using the Theme property. Flat light is the default theme used in the Sunburst Chart.

  • JS
  • <ej:SunburstChart  ID="container" runat="server" Theme="flatdark" >                           