
29 Sep 20171 minute to read

The EJWEB SpellCheck control helps to find and highlight misspelled words from a given content, typically by comparing it with a stored list of dictionary words. Also, correcting it based on its suggestions.

Key Features

Some of the key features of SpellCheck are as follows,

  • Custom Dictionary - Custom dictionary file is used to store and maintain your custom words like technical terms, brand names etc.
  • Ignore Settings - Ignore words composed of alphanumeric characters, mixed case words, uppercase words, URL links, and file path.
  • Ignore Words - Ignore a specific collection of words from the error word consideration.
  • Customize Menu Items - Adding the user defined menu items in the context menu to correct the error words.
  • Misspell Word Style - Highlight the erroneous word based on the user-customized style.
  • Maximum Suggestion Count - Display a number of suggestions based on the user-specified count.