Application Tab
14 Aug 20186 minutes to read
The Application Tab is used to represent a Menu
that do some operations, such as File menu to create, open, and print documents. Application Tab classified by Type
property with the following:
- Menu
- Backstage
Application Menu
The Application Menu is similar to traditional file menu options and Syncfusion ejMenu
control is used internally to render this. To show Application Menu in Ribbon, set the Type
as menu
and MenuSettings
to customize properties of ejMenu
Create Using Template
Set the UL element Id
to MenuItemID
property to create Application Menu and it will acts as template to render menu.
<ej:Ribbon ID="Ribbon" runat="server" Width="100%">
<ApplicationTab MenuItemID="ribbonmenu" Type="Menu">
<MenuSettings OpenOnClick="false"></MenuSettings>
<ej:RibbonTab Id="home1" Text="HOME">
<ej:TabGroup Text="New" AlignType="Columns">
<ej:ContentGroup Id="new1" Text="New" Type="Custom" ContentID="Contents">
<!--UL template to render menu-->
<ul id="ribbonmenu">
<div id="Contents">Custom control</div>
Binding Data Source
Application Menu can be rendered using JSON Data Source. Please refer this
page to set data source to ejMenu
<ej:Ribbon ID="Ribbon" runat="server" Width="100%" AllowResizing="true" Create="createControl">
<ApplicationTab MenuItemID="ribbonmenu1" Type="Menu">
<MenuSettings OpenOnClick="false" />
<ej:RibbonTab Id="home" Text="HOME">
<ej:TabGroup Text="Font">
<ej:ContentGroup id="bold" Text="Bold" IsBig="true">
<ButtonSettings ContentType="ImageOnly" PrefixIcon="e-icon e-ribbon e-bold" />
<ul id="ribbonmenu1">
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = [{
id: 1,
text: "File",
parentId: null
}, {
id: 11,
parentId: 1,
text: "Open"
}, {
id: 12,
parentId: 1,
text: "Save"
}, {
id: 121,
parentId: 12,
text: "Save As"
}, {
id: 122,
parentId: 12,
text: "Save All"
$(function() {
fields: {
dataSource: data,
id: "id",
parentId: "parentId",
text: "text"
Backstage Page
The Backstage page is where documents and related data of those can be managed, such as Create, Save and other information.
The Backstage page has a feature to add custom Control in left side of the page which contains menu items and the right side contains corresponding user controls.
You can set Application Tab Type
as backstage
and set Id
, Text
to backstage items. Backstage Pages
can be added with required ItemType
and ContentID
as template id to render template into Backstage.
Separator between Backstage items can be enabled by setting EnableSeparator
as true. Width of back stage side header can be customized using HeaderWidth
, If not set based on content given width will be considered.
To render the Ribbon with the Backstage page, refer to the following code snippet.
<ej:Ribbon ID="Ribbon" runat="server" Width="800px">
<ApplicationTab Type="Backstage">
<BackstageSettings HeaderWidth="125" Text="FILE" Height="360" Width="600">
<ej:BackstagePage Id="new1" Text="New" ContentID="newCon" />
<ej:BackstagePage Id="close" Text="Close" EnableSeparator="true" ItemType="Button" />
<ej:BackstagePage Id="account" Text="Office Account" ContentID="accountCon" />
<ej:RibbonTab Id="home1" Text="HOME">
<ej:TabGroup Text="Save" AlignType="Columns">
<ej:ContentGroup Text="New" Type="Custom" ContentID="ribbonContent">
<div id="newCon">
<button id="btn1" class="e-bsnewbtnstyle">Blank WorkBook</button></td>
<div id="accountCon">
<div class="e-userDiv">
<span>User Information</span>
<div class="e-accuser e-newpageicon"></div>
<div class="e-userCon">
<div>[email protected]</div>
<a href="#">Sign out</a>
<div id="ribbonContent">Home control</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
size: "large",
height: 200,
width: 205,
contentType: "textandimage",
imagePosition: "imagetop",
prefixIcon: "e-icon e-blank e-infopageicon"
<style type="text/css">
.e-accuser {
background-image: ("../Content/ej/web/common-images/ribbon/User.jpg");
.e-blank {
background-image: url("../Content/ej/web/common-images/ribbon/blank.png");
.e-infopageicon {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 150px;
width: 198px;
.e-newpageicon {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 42px;
width: 42px;
.e-bspagestyle {
line-height: 0;
font-size: 30px;
.e-ribbon .e-ribbonbackstagepage .e-bsnewbtnstyle {
color: #212121;
background: #fdfdfd;
margin: 20px;
Height & width of backstage can be set using
, if these are not set, Ribbon’s Height & Width will be considered.
You can add/remove/update backStage item to the ribbon control by using addBackStageItem
, removeBackStageItem
and updateBackStageItem
methods. Also you can show/hide the backstage page in ribbon control by using showBackstage
and [hideBackstage
]( methods.