Essential Studio for ASP.NET Release Notes

August 28, 2018
Starting with version 16.2 (2018 Vol 2), you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications. Please refer to this help topic for more information


Bug fixes

  • #210910 - Now, chart will render properly, after binding values to primaryYAxis through set model.
  • #212513 - Passing y values as string to dataSource is now working properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #209408 - If field result is now properly updated while updating document fields in a particular Word document.
  • #208463 - Paragraph tags are properly created while converting a particular Word document as PDF with accessibility.
  • #211412, #212690 - OutOfMemoryException will be no longer thrown while performing Find & Replace functionality for a particular Word document.
  • #210863, #211412 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while calling the FindAll() API for a particular Word document.
  • #208450 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting a particular RTF document as PDF.
  • #205945 - Word document will be no longer hangs while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #211046 - The nested AutoNum field is now properly skipped while updating its container field.
  • #208117 - Hanging issue has been resolved while updating fields in a particular Word document.
  • #211709 - Style attribute is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #210867 - List number is now restarted properly on importing contents with ImportOptions as ListRestartNumbering and saving the resultant document as DOC format.
  • #209964 - List style is now preserved properly for the first paragraph inserted to a bookmark using Bookmark Navigator.
  • #204947 - Text wrapping issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #206374 - Content control content is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
  • #207193 - The first dot(.) character of a paragraph within a table containing decimal tab stop position is now automatically justified like tab (\t) character while converting Word document as PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #212778 – Issue in PDF export with task dependencies and milestones enabled has been fixed.
  • Issue in displaying tasks with duration value as 0 in resource view Gantt has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #211327 - Selection is maintained in all pages after the postback.
  • #212194 - Template column works fine after the server postback.


Bug Fixes

  • #207834 - Null reference exception thrown while loading some PDF documents is now fixed.
  • #210943 - String not recognized exception will no longer thrown when loading some PDF documents.
  • #210828 - Corruption issue after signing the PDF document is now fixed.
  • #211845 - SelectedIndex property issue in PdfLoadedRadioButtonField is now fixed.
  • #208585 - Form fields are not duplicated when loading and saving the PDF document.
  • #208463 - Underline text tags are preserved as figure will no longer occur when converting Word to PDF.
  • #210703 - Null value returns from the LinePoints property will no longer occur in PdfLine Annotation.
  • #210779 - Null reference exception will no longer occur when filling the form fields in the PDF document.
  • #210590 - Custom metadata set property are now properly working in the PDF document.
  • #211089 - Appearance are now preserved properly for selected item in the PdfLoadedComboBoxField.
  • #207022 - The text of multiline XFA text box field is now wrapping properly.
  • #208909 - Null reference exception will no longer occur when converting HTML to PDF.
  • #211011 - HTML to tagged PDF conversion will be preserved properly.
  • #211008 - HTML converter will no longer hang when converting HTML to tagged PDF.
  • #204693 - The orientation value set in the image properties is now detected and rendered properly when drawn to the PDF page.


Bug Fixes

  • #208885 - Now, the position of the annotations and signatures are maintained properly in the downloaded document.
  • #205565, #210823 - Text contents of the PDF document are now rendered properly in the PDF viewer control.
  • #209790 - Now, the extracted image is rendered properly.
  • #210136 - Now, the exception is not thrown on performing the extract image functionality with the provided document.
  • #209771 - Now, the extra character is not added in the extracted text.
  • #211766 - Size of the form fields are now maintained properly in the PDF viewer control.



  • #210141 - Conditional formatting can now be applied to PivotGrid present inside PivotClient.


Bug Fixes

  • #209572 - Bullets are now preserved equivalent to the PowerPoint document while converting a PowerPoint slide as image.
  • #211236 - Rotated group shapes are now preserved equivalent to the PowerPoint document while converting a slide as image.
  • #209550 - Object reference exception will no more thrown while loading a PowerPoint document created with XMLPowerTools.
  • #211236 - Individual shape bounds within the group shapes are now updated to the properties while loading a PowerPoint document.
  • String format exception will no more thrown while creating animations in Afrikaans culture.
  • Access violation exception will no more thrown while re-saving a PowerPoint document with same file name.


Bug Fixes

  • #138473 - The header report item overlapping to body content in print preview has been resolved.
  • #210506, 210688 - Now, the multiple nested grouping toggle exports properly to excel when initial toggle state of parent group is hidden.
  • #210669 - Resolved non html tag markup text rendering problem in reportviewer.


Bug Fixes

  • #211707 –  Issue with column resizing action in Firefox browser has been fixed.


Breaking Changes

  • #207306 - DetectMixedValueType enumeration is added for detecting mixed data typed column values while exporting to DataTable.
  • #203029 – TypeMismatchOnExport event and ExportEventArgs class are added in IApplication interface to notify the user about the mismatch between cell type and property type while Exporting data to CLR Objects.

Bug fixes

  • #211514 - NullReferenceException thrown while opening a file in multi-thread environment is fixed.
  • #210082 - Exception thrown while copying an Excel document to another document with named range and saving is resolved.
  • #210172 - Conditional format formulas applied to ConditionValue property are now properly updated in advanced conditional formats.
  • #210172 - Image protection in XLS documents will not be removed after resave.
  • #209739 - Exception thrown while parsing workbook with empty styles is resolved.
  • #209443 - Merged cells are now properly copied to another range during CopyTo() method.
  • #138492 - Issue with ListOfValues property in Data Validation is fixed.
  • #208900 - Invalid operation exception is no longer thrown in Excel to PDF conversion of an Excel document with charts.
  • #211825 - Exception thrown while converting an Excel file to PDF with styles is resolved.
  • #210068 - Shrink to fit now works proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Shape text position will be proper in Excel to PDF conversion when horizontal flip is applied.
  • Number formats are returned proper while parsing.
  • Image will no longer be saved into local storage while converting the Excel workbook to HTML stream.
  • Print area is cleared properly when PrintArea is set to null.
  • Out of Memory Exception thrown while parsing a CSV file with large number of rows is fixed.
  • Issue with clearing Rich-Text and its formatting is resolved.