Server Side Events

28 Aug 20171 minute to read

The server side events present in the NumericTextbox control are as follows.

Event Name Description Arguments
OnFocusOut Triggers when the focus is moved from textBox
  • e.Value– Value of the NumericTextbox
  • e.EventType – Event Name
  • e.Arguments – Contain keys and value of NumericTextbox

The following steps explain you on how to define server side event for a NumericTextbox control.

In an ASPX page, add the NumericTextbox with OnFocusOut server side event as shown in the following code example.

  • HTML
  • <ej:NumericTextBox ID="numeric" Value="11" OnFocusOut="focus"  runat="server" > </ej:NumericTextBox>

    In the code behind, define the action to be performed.

  • C#
  • protected void focus(object Sender, EventArgs e)
                Response.Write("Server side event has been triggered");