Change workweek/working days in a week in ASP.NET Webforms Gantt

23 Feb 20231 minute to read

Non-working days/weekend are used to represent the non-productive days in a project. It is possible to change the non-working days in a week using the WorkWeek property in Gantt.

By default, Saturdays and Sundays are considered as non-working days/weekend in a project.

The following code example explains how to change weekend/non-working days

  • HTML
  • <ej:Gantt ID="gantt" runat="server" WorkWeek="Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday">

    The above code example makes Fridays and Saturdays as non-working days in a week.

    ASP.NET Webforms Gantt Change workweek

    The above screen shot will be displayed after changing the non-working days in Gantt.