Bitwise Operations

11 Sep 20201 minute to read

Bitwise Operation

Bitwise Operations are used to manipulate the flagged enumerations [enum]. In this section, Bitwise Operations are illustrated by using Graph Constraints. The same is applicable while working with Node Constraints, Connector Constraints, or Port Constraints.

Add Operation

You can add or enable multiple values at a time by using Bitwise ‘ ’ (OR) operator.
  • C#
  • node.Constraints = NodeConstraints.Select | NodeConstraints.Rotate;

    In the above example, you can do both selection and rotation.

    Remove Operation

    You can remove or disable values by using Bitwise ‘&~’ (XOR) operator.

  • C#
  • node.Constraints = node.Constraints &~ NodeConstraints.Rotate;

    In the above example, Rotation is disabled, but other constraints are enabled.

    Check Operation

    You can check any value by using Bitwise ‘&’ (AND) operator.

  • C#
  • if ((node.constraints & (NodeConstraints.Rotate)) == (NodeConstraints.Rotate));

    In the above example, you can check whether the rotate constraints are enabled in a Node or not. When Node constraints have rotate constraints, the expression returns a rotate constraint.