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State Persistence
16 Feb 20183 minutes to read
The tree view state can be persisted by using the EnablePersistence. In which, only the user intractable model values has been persisted to maintain the performance.
The following model values are maintained through id basis of the tree node.
- selected
- checked
- expanded/collapsed state
The “UL” and “li” template state has been persisted by index.
The tree view stores its model in local storage/cookies of the browser before the page refreshes, and reinitialized with their stored model after refreshes.
In the controller page, create a data list that contains the details about the tree nodes.
public partial class TreeViewController : Controller
List<LoadData> treeData = new List<LoadData>();
public ActionResult TreeViewFeatures()
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 1, Parent = 0, Text = "Item 1" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 2, Parent = 0, Text = "Item 2" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 3, Parent = 0, Text = "Item 3" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 4, Parent = 0, Text = "Item 4" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 5, Parent = 1, Text = "Item 1.1" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 6, Parent = 1, Text = "Item 1.2" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 7, Parent = 1, Text = "Item 1.3" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 8, Parent = 3, Text = "Item 3.1" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 9, Parent = 3, Text = "Item 3.2" });
treeData.Add(new LoadData { Id = 10, Parent = 5, Text = "Item 1.1.1" });
ViewBag.datasource = treeData;
return View();
In the view page, add the following code with the following properties.
<ej-tree-view id="treeview">
<e-tree-view-fields datasource="ViewBag.datasource" id="Id" parent-id="Parent" text="Text" enable-persistence="true">