Styles and Appearance

11 Apr 20171 minute to read

Styles and appearance of Tile works based on CSS class. You need two style sheets to apply styles to the Tile control: ej.widget.core.min.css and ej.theme.min.css.

Customize styles

To change the color or design of the Tile control appearance, you can override default styles of the Tile control by using its class names. The following are the specific class names to modify styles and appearance in the Tile.

File Description/Usage
e-tile It is the root class of the Tile.
e-child-tile It class is applied to the child
of the Tile.</td></tr>
e-enabled-text It class is applied to the text of Tile when text element is active
e-tile-text It class is applied to the text of Tile
e-tile-image It class is applied to image of Tile
e-tile-template It class is applied to tile image when tile has image template id property.
e-live-tile-text It class is applied to text elements of individual live tile in the Tile control.
e-template-caption This class is applied to tile caption when tile has caption template id property.