Sparkline Types

21 Apr 20171 minute to read

Line Type

To render a Line type Sparkline, set the type as line. To change the color and width of the line, you can use the fill and width property.

  • <ej-spark-line width="3" fill="#33ccff">

    Column Type

    To render a Column Sparkline, set the type as column To change the color of the column, you can use the fill property.

  • <ej-spark-line type="@SparklineType.Column" fill="#33ccff">

    Area Type

    To render an Area Sparkline, you can specify the type as area. To change the Area color, you can use the fill property

  • <ej-spark-line type="@SparklineType.Area" fill="#69D2E7">

    WinLoss Type

    WinLoss Sparkline render as a column segment and it show the positive, negative and neutral values. You can customize the positive and negative color of the win-loss type.

  • <ej-spark-line type="@SparklineType.Winloss" fill="#69D2E7">

    Pie Type

    You can create a pie type sparkline by setting the type as pie. Colors for the pie can be customize using Palette property.

  • <ej-spark-line type="@SparklineType.Pie">