Essential Studio for ASP.NET Core Release Notes

April 5, 2016



  • Provided support for latest ASP.NET Core 1.0.1 Preview 2, Microsoft VS 2015 update 3 which allows simple and custom tag helpers to be used to create controls.
  • Essential Studio for ASP.NET Core components are now compatible with the latest version of jQuery 3.1.0
  • jQuery easing external dependency has been removed from our JavaScript package from this version onwards.
  • Four new themes are available for ASP.NET Core components: two that are high contrast, a material theme, and an Office 365 theme.

    RadialSlider preview

We have newly introduced RadialSlider with ASP.NET Web Forms support. The RadialSlider provides an optimized interface for selecting a numeric value using a touch interface. Value is returned based on direct needle selection or needle move. It can also be customized as a full circle, half circle, or any portion of a circle, based on start angle and end angle.


  • Angle Support: Provides start and end angle level view of RadialSlider.
  • Animation: Offers animation effect for the RadialSlider handle.
  • Image Customization: Supports customize the images of the inner circle in Radial Slider.
  • Dimension: Allows to change the radius and Stroke width of RadialSlider .
  • Accuracy: Provides way to select accurate numeric value and customize the display values

    Kanban preview


The ASP.NET Core Kanban control provides an efficient way to visualize the workflow of tasks at each stage along its path to completion. This gives teams more flexible planning options, clear focus, and transparency throughout the development cycle.

Key Features

  • Drag and Drop - Supports dragging and dropping of cards.
  • Swim lanes – Grouping of cards based on given key.
  • Editing - Offers card editing, inserting, and deleting.
  • Filtering - Supports filtering based on user Query.
  • Adaptive Rendering – Allows the Kanban to adapt to the screen size.
  • Column level Constraint - Offers column or swim lane based constraint.
  • Stacked Header - Allows to categorize and group the column headers.

    Spreadsheet preview


  • The Spreadsheet control for ASP.NET Core provides a Microsoft Excel-like spreadsheet component for the web. It provides an editing experience that is very similar to that of Excel, and is able to import and export Excel workbook files.

    Tooltip preview

Provided Wrapper support for Tooltip control in ASP.NET Core.


  • Pop-up Display: The tooltip control displays a pop-up hint when users hover, click, or focus on an element.
  • Positioning: The tooltip will be positioned based on browser window, mouse, target element, or x and y coordinates.
  • Layout Customization: The tooltip’s layout can be customized to create a distinct visualized element.


Bug Fixes

  • #162485 - AutocompleteFor control rendering issue in ASP.NET Core have been fixed.



  • Provided touch support for interactive feature like tooltip.


Breaking Changes

  • e-icon class has been removed from ejButton source. Display EJ icons as prefix/suffix icon by using their corresponding class names along with e-icon class (e-icon icon_name).


Bug Fixes

  • #160143, #161014, #161078 - 3D chart is now rotating properly, when the web page is having more than one chart.
  • #156777 - Unwanted scrollbar in the window is now removed, while zooming the chart.
  • #159173 - Tooltip for chart is now working properly, when placing the chart in Dialog control.
  • #158340, #159294 - Chart is now rendering properly, when binding small set of data to the series, after a large set.
  • #162439 - Axis font style will not change while scrolling the chart.
  • #162004 - Last label will not hide while rendering in mobile, when the LabelPlacement is BetweenTicks .
  • #161632, #161794 - Zooming is now working properly in canvas mode.
  • #160593 - Stacking Area is now rendering properly, when it has null value.
  • #163164 - Localization is now working properly for numeric axis.
  • #162980 - Axis range is now calculated properly for logarithmic axis.
  • #162776 - Chart is now updating on changing the DataSource using KO Observable array.
  • #162220 -Y axis labels is now rendering properly when y axis Range starts from 0 and all y values has same decimal points.


  • #157009 - Provided support for rounded corners in column chart.
  • #145092 - Provided support for padding in axis title.
  • #158006 - Provided support for showing trackball tooltip in grouped mode.
  • #117713, #147049, #146053, #121284, #147784 - Provided support for multi-level axis labels.
  • #155743, #159246 - Provided support to select point/series programmatically while initializing the chart.
  • Provided support to wrap the data label in Pie, Doughnut, Pyramid and Funnel series.
  • Provided support for rounded corners in trackball tooltip.
  • Provided touch support for interactive features like trackball, crosshair, tooltip, selection and pinch zooming.

Breaking Changes

  • Rounded corner Rx and Ry values for crosshair tooltip has been changed from 0 to 3.
  • Now the trackball tooltip will render with rounded corners by default.
  • Revamped the position and content of trackball tooltip in charts such as Candle, OHLC, HiLo, Range Column, Range Area.
  • Default font size of Title.Font.Size has been changed from 20px to 16px.
  • Default font size of PrimaryXAxis.Title.Font.Size has been changed from 16px to 14px.
  • Default font size of PrimaryYAxis.Title.Font.Size has been changed from 16px to 14px.
  • Default font size of PrimaryXAxis.Font.Size has been changed from 13px to 11px.
  • Default font size of PrimaryYAxis.Font.Size has been changed from 13px to 11px.
  • Default font size of Series.Marker.DataLabel.Font.Size has been changed from 12px to 11px.


Bug Fixes

  • #159955, #160361 - Pointer value is now updating properly, while resizing the window.


  • Provided touch support for interactive features like tooltip, pointer drag and drop.



  • #156278, #159217 - Built-in support to activate the connection when mouse hover on the port is added.
  • #158548 - Support to get diagram id from client side events arguments has been implemented.
  • #160442 - Support to position the cursor for label editor has been implemented.
  • #154120 - Support to render the nodes and connector with sharp edges is added.
  • Support to restrict the undo and redo actions to a certain limit is added.
  • Multiplicity support for UML Connectors is added.
  • Expand and collapse icon support for node is added.

Breaking changes

  • Events nodeCollectionChangeconnectorCollectionChange and selectionChange will be triggered twice in the diagram, to represent different state.
    • It will be trigger before adding the node/connector/selection in the diagram which is cancelable.
    • it will trigger again after adding the node/connector/selection into the diagram which is not be cancelable. 



  • #158446 - Support to access and modify AllowOverlap for a Textbox has been added.
  • #160314 - Support to access CommentStart and CommentEnd range for a Comment has been added.
  • #134302, #125959 - Added support to export Word document as an OpenDocument Text(ODT) format documents.

Bug Fixes

  • #156461 - Symbol preservation issue has been fixed while resaving the particular RTF document.
  • #156461 - Table header row is now preserved properly while resaving the particular RTF document.
  • #158390 - Special characters is now preserved properly while resaving the RTF document.
  • #156461 - TOC alignment is now preserved properly while converting a particular RTF file to Word document.
  • #159078 - AutoHyphenation setting is now preserved properly while resaving the Word document as RTF file.
  • #159658 - Line break is now preserved properly while converting particular Word document to RTF.
  • #159668 - Paragraph style is now preserved properly while resaving a RTF document.
  • #158263 - TOC text contents are now preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #160117 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while performing Mail merge using ExpandoObjects.
  • #160072 - EndGroup merge field preservation issue while using RemoveEmptyGroup has been resolved.
  • #159331 - Line spacing preservation issue has been fixed while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #157651 - ArithmeticException will no longer thrown while parsing DOC format Word document.
  • #159459 - Date format with invalid value is now preserved properly while performing Mail merge.
  • #159300 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while inserting a section break using InsertSectionBreak API.
  • #159295 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #161012 - Null reference exception will no longer thrown while opening a particular RTF file.
  • #159859 - Image background color is now preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #160658 - Picture color is now preserved properly while resaving the Word document.
  • #161449, #158728 - No longer hangs while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #162513 - Image overlapping issue has been fixed while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #158472 - Checkbox is now preserved properly while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #156622 - File corruption issue has been fixed after executing Mail merge process for a particular Word document.
  • #158650 - No longer hangs while updating document fields for a particular Word document.
  • #159712 - Image size is now preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF document.
  • #163074 - PageRef field result value is now properly updated while updating document fields for a particular Word document.
  • #163074 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while updating document fields for a particular document.
  • #158494 - Spacing and symbols are now preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF document.
  • #158494 - Paragraph missing issue has been fixed while resaving a particular RTF document.
  • #158494 - Normal style is now preserved properly while resaving a particular RTF document.
  • #162224 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while resaving a particular Word document.
  • #162163 - Font name is now preserved properly while inserting a text using BookmarkNavigator.InsertText API.
  • #162204 - DocIO generated documents are now properly opened in Google docs.
  • #162224, #157132 - NullReferenceException will no longer while opening a particular Word document.
  • #160467, #162755 - Images are now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as HTML.



  • #135640, 137008,141041, 154323, 150261, 157435- Now the UI of add and edit dialogs in Gantt has been enhanced with tabbed view for displaying multiple fields, and also added ‘Notes’ tab to add task description.
  • Gantt now supports rendering manually scheduled tasks and auto scheduled tasks in a project.
  • #150261, 157443 ,158462 – Now Gantt provides support to highlight the important and critical tasks in a project.
  • Gantt now supports customizable working time ranges in a day for the tasks along the project.
  • Now Gantt provides support for work calculation for the tasks based on task type (fixed duration, fixed work, fixed resource units) and effort driven values.
  • #161981 - Now actionBegin event will also be triggered while adding a new row to Gantt.

Bug fixes

  • #160524- Header alignment issue in year schedule mode for ‘d/M/yyyy’ date format has been fixed.
  • #162073- Issue with tasks’ end date calculation in 8 hour working timescale has been fixed.
  • #162071- Issue with taskbar width calculation for date format with ‘HH’ has been fixed now.

Breaking Changes

  • Now the editor type of the duration column has been changed from Numeric to string type, to support displaying duration units in the project such as days, hours and minutes. Hence duration column will be displayed along with duration unit, with days as default duration unit.
  • Now the editor type for the duration and predecessor offset fields in the add and edit dialogs has been changed from Numeric to string type, to support displaying duration units in the project such as days, hours and minutes.



  • Internet Explorer 8 browser support for the heat map control has been added.
  • Responsive support for the heat map control has been provided.



  • Provided touch support for interactive features like tooltip, pointer drag and drop.



  • Provided touch support for interactive features like tooltip, selection and highlight.



  • #157234 - Support for adding textbox fields with same name has been added for both the existing and new documents.
  • #158792 - Performance is now improved while merging PDF documents.

Bug Fixes

  • #161606 - Application will never hang while generating PDF documents in multithreading environment.
  • #162060 - Exception is no longer thrown, while reading the form fields.
  • #161619 - Border width of checkbox field is now preserved properly.
  • #163097 - Border width of textbox field is now preserved properly.
  • #163551 - Web link will be enabled properly when adding PdfTextWebLink to PdfLoadedDocument.
  • #161994 - Exception is no longer thrown while flattening the form field.
  • #160057 - NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while merging the PDF document.
  • #159398 - NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while getting the index from page.
  • #159067 - Fatal error is no longer thrown while loading the PDF document.
  • Annotations are now removed properly while using remove method in PdfLoadedAnnotationCollection.
  • Text is now retrieved properly from PdfLoadedTextBoxField.
  • Currency symbol is now retrieved properly from PdfLoadedTextBoxField.
  • Popup annotation position has been preserved properly.

PivotChart Preview

The pivot chart control is a lightweight control that reads OLAP and relational data and visualizes it in a graphical format, giving users the ability to drill up and down through the data.


  • OLAP and Relational data source
  • Drill Option
  • Chart Types
  • Responsive

PivotGauge Preview

The pivot gauge control is ideal for highlighting business-critical key performance indicator (KPI) information in executive dashboards and report cards. It lets you present values against goals in a very intuitive manner. For relational data sources, the pivot gauge lets you visualize summary values using a pointer over a circular scale.


  • OLAP and Relational data source
  • Layouts
  • Responsive Layout

PivotGrid Preview

The pivot grid control is an easily configurable, presentation-quality business control that reads both relational and OLAP data sources. It features drill-up and drill-down capabilities and exceptional performance.


  • OLAP and Relational data source
  • Key Performance Indicator
  • Grouping Bar
  • PivotTable Field List
  • Filtering
  • Sorting
  • Responsive Layout

PivotTreeMap Preview

The pivot tree map control lets users visualize OLAP data in the form of nested nodes in a hierarchical order with the ability to drill up and down.


  • OLAP data source
  • Drill up/down operation
  • Color Mapping
  • Responsive Layout



  • #159550 - Support for marking PowerPoint presentations as final, making it non-editable, was now added.
  • #137837, #159731, #160172, #160129 - Support was now added to include and remove the OLE Objects in PowerPoint presentation
  • #158245 - Support was added to modify the slide layouts in PowerPoint presentation

Breaking Changes

  • The property Masters was now added into IPresentation interface
  • The property Final was now added into IPresentation interface
  • The property LayoutSlides was now added into IMasterSlide interface
  • The method Add was now added in ILayoutSlides interface
  • The method Add was now added in ISlides interface
  • The method AddOleObject was now added in IShapes interface

Bug Fixes

  • #159312 - PowerPoint presentations will be no longer corrupted while resaving
  • #159550 - The video files will be now preserved while resaving the PowerPoint presentations
  • #159309 - PowerPoint presentations will be no longer corrupted while cloning the slides containing comments
  • #157762, #160677 - The existing paragraph font size is now retrieved properly while loading the PowerPoint presentations
  • #157742 - The font size for the contents within table is now retrieved properly while loading the PowerPoint presentations
  • #160677 - The “FontName” of the paragraph is now retrieved properly while loading the PowerPoint presentations
  • #160677 - The “HorizontalAlignment” value of the shapes are now retrieved properly while loading the PowerPoint presentations
  • #160677 - The “VerticalAlignment” value of the shapes are now retrieved properly while loading the PowerPoint presentations
  • #157132 - The “Null Reference Exception” will no longer be thrown while parsing PowerPoint slides containing charts.
  • #162341 - Null reference exception will be no longer thrown while merging a cloned slide to another presentation
  • #161913 - The SmartArt diagrams will be now preserved properly while cloning a PowerPoint slide



  • Provided touch support for interactive features like selection, tooltip and slider.



  • Adaptive support has been provided to Ribbon to adjust its size according to the screen size on which it renders.



  • The rich text editor supports XHTML validation from the server side to ensure given HTML complies with the XHTML standard. This feature helps export content from the control into a Word or PDF document with the proper formatting.

  • The RTE provides Custom execute command that execute selection, range and cursor based commands for all the browser. Since the default execute command behaves inconsistencies across browsers.



  • #156158 - Scheduler is now provided with an option to show/hide the timezone fields in an appointment window using the API showTimeZoneFields. It also provides another API namely, applyTimeOffset to include or exclude the time offset calculation on appointments based on the timezones.

  • #150560 - PDF Export feature in Scheduler has been enhanced with additional options to export it along with the custom dates, block out settings features and also allowing it to show/hide the header bar, all-day row and time scale options.

  • A new client-side method namely notifyChanges has been introduced to handle the Scheduler CRUD operations while using SignalR concept.



  • Provided touch support for interactive feature like tooltip.


Bug Fixes

  • #162485 - TextboxFor control rendering issue in ASP.NET Core with Razor format has been fixed.



  • #156028-TreeGrid now provides support for checkbox row selection.

Bug fixes

  • #160976- Now the console error in Internet Explorer 11 browser while focusing the hidden TreeGrid element will no longer be thrown.
  • #161106- Now the console error while adding a record from toolbar in self-referential data source will no longer be thrown.

Breaking Changes

  • The property selectionMode has been deprecated, instead use selectionSettings.selectionMode.
  • The property selectionType has been deprecated, instead use selectionSettings.selectionType.
  • The excel export method Export(TreeGridProperties, IEnumerable, string, ExcelVersion, TreeGridExportSettings, string) has been deprecated, instead use Export(TreeGridProperties,IEnumerable ,String,ExcelVersion ,TreeGridExportSettings)



  • Provided touch support for interactive features like tooltip and selection.



  • Provided option in CollapseAll/ExpandAll method to expand /collapse nodes up to specific level.

  • #156288 - Provided multiple node selection support in TreeView control.

  • #133614, #158321 - Provided option to drag multiple nodes in TreeView control.

  • #160961 - Provided option to get the child nodes of the specific node.



  • Provided support for WaitingPopup element append to the given container element.



  • Support for adding and modifying hyperlink to shapes is provided.
  • Support for Excel to ODS export is provided.

Breaking changes

  • The properties Shape and AttachedType are now added in IHyperLink interface.
  • The method Add is now added in IHyperLinks interface.

Bug fixes

  • #F125604, #162915 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while opening an Excel file containing rich-text.
  • #154153 - Issues with custom gradients are fixed.
  • #157638 - Issue with missing of sorted values in the created document is fixed.
  • #158543 - Formatting issue in copied worksheet when using Workbook.AddCopy in XLS format is fixed.
  • #160686 - Unexpected token exception is no longer thrown while accessing cell with formula.
  • #161932 - Argument out of range exception raised while opening Excel document with conditional number formats is fixed.
  • #162065 - CSV file is preserved proper in Dutch culture.
  • #162324 - XML exception raised while parsing AutoFilters is resolved.
  • #162324 - XML exception raised while parsing image information of a chart is fixed.
  • #162419 - Issue with row and column values of selection range is fixed.
  • #162601 - Issue with copying DataValidation is fixed.
  • #162844 - Index out of range exception thrown while setting empty value to range of cells is resolved.
  • #163029 - Argument exception is no longer thrown while inserting a row.
  • #163119 - Duplicate replacement issue when value to be replaced is enclosed in square bracket using Replace method is fixed.
  • #163244 - Not implemented exception thrown while setting wrap text is resolved.
  • #163450 - Unknown exception thrown while auto fitting rows for multiple worksheets is resolved.
  • #163544 - DateTimeModified field is empty on compression is fixed.