Map Providers

12 Jun 20231 minute to read

Map control support map providers such as OpenStreetMap that can be added to any layers in maps.

Open Street Map

OpenStreetMap is a map of the entire world. The OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from any place on the Earth.

Enable OSM

You can enable this feature by setting the layer-type property value as “OSM”.

  • <ej-map id="maps">
    <e-layers >
    <e-layer  layer-type="@LayerType.OSM" 

    URL Template

    The url-template property determines the format of tile map. You can specify the template for the tile layer.

    Bing Map

    Bing Map is a key feature in accessing the external geospatial imagery services for deep-zoom satellite view.

    Enable Bing Maps

    You can enable this feature by defining the layer-type as “Bing”.

  • <ej-map id="maps">
    <e-layers >
    <e-layer  layer-type="@LayerType.Bing" 
    key="// ...bingMapKey">


    The bing Map Key is provided as input to this key property. The Bing Map key can be obtained from