RTL Support

11 Apr 20173 minutes to read

This feature supports to change the left-to-right alignment of the ListBox widget to right-to-left (RTL).

Defining the RTL property

The following steps explains you the configuration of enable-rtl properties in ListBox.

  1. Add the below code in your page to render the ListBox with right to left alignment
  • // Add the following code in View page to configure ListBox widget
    	<div id="control"> 
    	<h5 class="ctrllabel">
    		Select a skill 
    <ej-list-box id="listboxsample" datasource="ViewBag.datasource" enable-rtl="true">
        <e-list-box-fields id="empid" text="text"/>
  • C#
  • // Add the following code to add list items in the controller page
    	     public class skillset
                public string text { get; set; }
            public ActionResult Localdata()
                List<skillset> skill = new List<skillset>();
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "ASP.NET" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "ActionScript" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Basic" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "C++" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "C#" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "dBase" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Delphi" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "ESPOL" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "F#" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "FoxPro" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Java" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "J#" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Lisp" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Logo" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "PHP" });
                ViewBag.datasource = skill;
                return View();
    1. Output of the above steps.