Persistence support

11 Apr 20173 minutes to read

This features enables you to save current model value to browser cookies for state maintains. When you refresh the ListBox control page, it retains the model value apply from browser cookies. The date type of enable-persistence is Boolean type.

The following steps explains you the configuration of enable-persistence property in ListBox.

  1. Add the below code in your view page to render the ListBox
  • // Add the following code in View page to configure ListBox widget
    <ej-list-box id="listboxsample" datasource="ViewBag.datasource" enable-persistence="true">
        <e-list-box-fields id="empid" text="text"/>
  • C#
  • // Add the following code to add list items in the controller page
    	     public class skillset
                public string text { get; set; }
            public ActionResult Localdata()
                List<skillset> skill = new List<skillset>();
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "ASP.NET" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "ActionScript" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Basic" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "C++" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "C#" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "dBase" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Delphi" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "ESPOL" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "F#" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "FoxPro" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Java" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "J#" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Lisp" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "Logo" });
                skill.Add(new skillset { text = "PHP" });
                ViewBag.datasource = skill;
                return View();