
13 Oct 20173 minutes to read

GroupButton can populate the button items based on data source and by specifying the associated fields.

Refer the below table to know about the available fields


Text to be displayed in button


Icon class name – prefixIcon will be displayed from the left margin of the button.


Icon class name – suffixIcon will be displayed from the left margin of the button.


Specifies content type of button item


Specifies position of the image in a button item


Specifies the selection state of button item


Used to include the URL tag to the button item


It defines the HTML attributes such as class and styles for an button item.


It defines the image attributes such as height, width, styles, etc.

Local Data

To set the local JSON data, define a JSON array and initialize the GroupButton with dataSource property. Specify the column names in the fields’ property.


the columns are bounded automatically when the fields are specified with the default names like id, text, etc…

Below is the sample to code to render the GroupButton JSON dataSource,

  • /*ej-Tag Helper code to render GroupButton*/
    <ej-group-button id="GroupButton" width="100%" group-button-mode="@GroupButtonMode.RadioButton" show-rounded-corner="true" datasource="ViewBag.datasource">
        <e-group-button-fields id="BtnID" text="Text" content-type="ContentType" selected="Selected" />    
  • /*Razor code to render GroupButton*/
         @{Html.EJ().GroupButton("GroupButton").Width("100%").GroupButtonMode(GroupButtonMode.RadioButton).ShowRoundedCorner(true).Datasource((IEnumerable<Groupbutton_core.ButtonController.Groupbutton>)ViewBag.Model).GroupButtonFields(e => e.Text("text").Selected("Selected")).Render(); }


    To render the GroupButton Control you can use either Razor or Tag helper code as given in the above code snippet.

  • C#
  • // Add the following code to add list items in the controller page
    	public class Btn
                public string Text { get; set; }
                public string ContentType { get; set; }
                public string BtnID { get; set; }
                public string Selected { get; set; }
            List<Btn> file = new List<Btn>();
            public IActionResult Index()
                file.Add(new Btn { BtnID = "btn1", Text = "Day" });
                file.Add(new Btn { BtnID = "btn2", Text = "Week" });
                file.Add(new Btn { BtnID = "btn3", Text = "Work Week" });
                file.Add(new Btn { BtnID = "btn4", Text = "Month", Selected="selected" });
                file.Add(new Btn { BtnID = "btn5", Text = "Agenda" });
                ViewBag.datasource = file;
                return View();

    Remote Data

    To bind remote data to the GroupButton, you can assign a service data as an instance of ejDataManager to the dataSource property along with the fields mapping.

  • <ej-group-button id="groupButton" query="ej.Query().from('Orders').take(6)" width="100%">
        <e-datamanager url="//" offline="false"></e-datamanager>
        <e-group-button-fields text="CustomerID" />