Change week start day in month timescale mode

14 Nov 20172 minutes to read

Using start date mode as Month

When setting the timescale-start-date-mode property as Month, the project will start from the first date of the same month of the first task in a project. Using below code example we can change the week start day of the project start date in month timescale mode.

  • <ej-gantt id="ganttSample" datasource="ViewBag.datasource"
           load="load" >
          <e-schedule-header-settings schedule-header-type="Month" week-start-day=2  
    	              week-header-format="M/dd" month-header-format="MMM yyyy" 
    				  timescale-start-date-mode="Month" />
  • function load(args) {
            var ganttObj = $("#GanttContainer").data("ejGantt"),
            ganttObj._enableMonthStart = false;

    Using start date mode as Year

    When setting the timescale-start-date-mode property as Year, the project will start from the first date of the same year to which the first task in a project starts. Using below code example we can change the week start day of the project start date in year timescale mode.

  • <ej-gantt id="ganttSample" datasource="ViewBag.datasource"
           load="load" >
          <e-schedule-header-settings schedule-header-type="Month" timescale-start-date-mode="Year" 
    	  week-start-day=5 week-header-format="M/dd" >
  • function load(args) {
            var ganttObj = $("#GanttContainer").data("ejGantt"),
            ganttObj._enableMonthStart = false;

    By default _enableMonthStart property will be true. Week header in month schedule mode will be rendered with month/year start day. To customize the week start day in month mode we need to set _enableMonthStart as false.