Swim lane

14 Oct 201612 minutes to read

Swim-lane Diagrams are typically used to visualize the relationship between a business process and the department responsible for it by focusing on the logical relationships between activities. Swimlanes may be arranged either horizontally or vertically.

##Initialize the Diagram model
Create a Object for diagram properties model element that can be used to initialize the diagram widget as shown below.

  • <div>
          <ej-diagram id="diagram" width="900px" height="600px"></ej-diagram>

    Create a swimlane

    To create a swimlane, you need to use the Swimlane class. By default, the swimlanes are arranged vertically. You can change that with the Orientation property of swimlane.

    The following code example illustrates how to define a swimlane object.

  • <e-swim-lane name="SwimlaneNode" orientation="horizontal" offset-x="400" offset-y="200" width="700" height="100">
          <e-swim-lane-header height="50"></e-swim-lane-header>

    Add swimlane into diagram

    Adding a swimlane to the Diagram is same as adding a node. You can add either through the Nodes collection or through the client side method add. You can also drag and drop a swimlane from symbol palette.
    For more information about adding a node/swimlane to the Diagram, refer to Add Nodes.

    The following code example illustrates how to add a swimlane to the Diagram through Nodes collection.

  • <ej-diagram id="diagram" width="900px" height="600px">
            <e-swim-lane name="SwimlaneNode" orientation="horizontal" offset-x="400" offset-y="200" width="700" height="100">
              <e-swim-lane-header height="50"></e-swim-lane-header>


    Swimlane allows to define a header to textually describe it. The Header property of swimlane allows you to define its textual description(Text) and to customize its appearance. The following code example illustrates how to define swimlane header.

  • <ej-diagram id="diagram" width="900px" height="600px">
            <e-swim-lane name="SwimlaneNode" orientation="horizontal" offset-x="400" offset-y="200" width="700" height="100">
              <e-swim-lane-header text="Swimlane" height="50" fill-color="#C7D4DF" font-color="black" font-size="11" font-family="Arial" italic="true" bold="true" text-decoration="Underline"></e-swim-lane-header>
  • JS
  • //Updates the swimlane header at runtime
        var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
        diagram.updateNode("swimlaneName", { header: {fontColor:"white"} })

    Update Header

    Swimlane headers can be updated at runtime with the client side method updateNode. The following code example illustrates how to update a lane’s header at runtime.

  • JS
  • var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
        //Defines the header and format its text
        var header = {
            text: "swimlane",
            bold: true,
            italic: true
        diagram.updateNode("swimlane", { header: header });

    Disable headers

    You can hide the swimlane headers. The following code example illustrates how to hide headers.

  • <e-swim-lane-header text="Swimlane" height="0" fill-color="#C7D4DF" font-color="black" font-size="11" font-family="Arial" italic="true" bold="true" text-decoration="Underline"></e-swim-lane-header>


    Lane is a functional unit or a responsible department of a business process that helps to map a process within the functional unit or in between other functional units.
    You can add any number of lanes to a swimlane and the lanes are automatically stacked inside a swimlane based in the order they are added.

    Create an empty lane

    To create an empty lane, you need to define an object with IsLane property that helps identify the object as a lane. The following example illustrates how to define a swimlane with a lane.

  • <ej-diagram id="diagram" width="900px" height="600px">
            <e-swim-lane name="SwimlaneNode" orientation="horizontal" offset-x="400" offset-y="200" width="700" height="100">
                <e-lane name="lane1" fill-color="#f5f5f5" min-height="120"></e-lane>
              <e-swim-lane-header text="Swimlane" height="50" fill-color="#C7D4DF" font-color="black" font-size="11" font-family="Arial" italic="true" bold="true" text-decoration="Underline"></e-swim-lane-header>

    Create a lane with header

    The Header property of the lane allows you to textually describe the lane(text) and to customize the appearance of the description. The following code example illustrates how to define a lane header.
    You can limit the size of a lane with its MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, and MaxHeight properties.

  • <ej-diagram id="diagram" width="900px" height="600px">
            <e-swim-lane name="SwimlaneNode" orientation="horizontal" offset-x="400" offset-y="200" width="700" height="100">
                <e-lane name="lane1" fill-color="#f5f5f5" height="120" min-height="120" min-width="500" max-height="200" max-width="700">
                  <e-lane-header text="Lane" height="50" fill-color="#C7D4DF" font-color="black" font-size="11" font-family="Arial"></e-lane-header>
              <e-swim-lane-header text="Swimlane" height="50" fill-color="#C7D4DF" font-color="black" font-size="11" font-family="Arial"></e-swim-lane-header>

    Disable/Update header

    You can disable/update the lane header at runtime with the client side method, updateNode. The following code example illustrates how to disable the lane header at run time.

  • JS
  • var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
            //Sets "0" to hide header
            diagram.updateNode("laneName", { header: {height: 0} })

    Add nodes to a lane

    To add nodes to a lane, You need to add them to the Children collection of lane. The following code example illustrates how to add nodes to a lane.

  • <ej-diagram id="diagram" width="900px" height="600px">
            <e-swim-lane name="SwimlaneNode" orientation="horizontal" offset-x="400" offset-y="200" width="700" height="100">
                <e-lane name="lane1" fill-color="#f5f5f5" height="120" min-height="120" min-width="500" max-height="200" max-width="700">
                  <e-lane-header text="Lane" height="50" fill-color="#C7D4DF" font-color="black" font-size="11" font-family="Arial"></e-lane-header>
                    <e-node name="child" width="70" height="30" margin-left="70" margin-top="1">
                        <e-diagram-label text="Node"></e-diagram-label>
              <e-swim-lane-header text="Swimlane" height="50" fill-color="#C7D4DF" font-color="black" font-size="11" font-family="Arial"></e-swim-lane-header>


    Phases are the sub-processes that are used to break the swimlane into multiple smaller regions.

    Add phase

    To define a phase, you have to set the length of the region to the Offset property of phase. Every region can be textually described with the Label property of phase.

    The following code example illustrates how to add a phase on initializing swimlane.

  • <ej-diagram id="diagram" width="900px" height="600px">
            <e-swim-lane name="SwimlaneNode" orientation="horizontal" offset-x="400" offset-y="200" width="500" height="100">
              <e-swim-lane-header height="50"></e-swim-lane-header>
                <e-lane name="lane1" fill-color="#f5f5f5" height="120" min-height="120">
                  <e-lane-header text="Function"></e-lane-header>
                <e-phase name="Phase1" offset="300" line-width="1" line-dash-array="3 3" line-color="#606060">
                  <e-label text="Phase1"></e-label>
                <e-phase name="Phase2" line-width="1" line-dash-array="3 3" line-color="#606060">
                  <e-label text="Phase2"></e-label>

    Add phase at runtime

    You can add a region at runtime with the client side method, addPhase. The following code example illustrates how to add a phase at runtime.

  • JS
  • var phase = {
            name: "Phase3",
            label: { text: "Phase3" }
        var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
        diagram.addPhase("swimlaneName", phase);

    A phase can be updated at runtime with the client side API updateNode. The following code example illustrates how to a update phase at runtime.

  • JS
  • var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
        var options = {
            //Specifies the style of the phase to be updated
            lineDashArray: "3,3",
            lineColor: "#C7D4DF",
            lineWidth: 2
        diagram.updateNode("phaseName", options);


    A default phase is added, when the phase collection of the swimlane is empty. When the phase collection is initialized, a default phase is appended at the end of swimlane.


    • You cannot add connectors as the children of lanes.