Drag and drop

14 Aug 20182 minutes to read

To perform drag and drop operation in TreeView, specify allowDragAndDrop as true. It allows you to drag and drop node in all level of same TreeView.

  • HTML
  • <div id="treeView" e-allowdraganddrop="true" ej-treeview e-fields-datasource="dataList" e-fields-id="id" e-fields-parentid="pid" e-fields-text="name" e-fields-haschild="hasChild" e-fields-expanded="expanded" />


    TreeView provides much easier option to drop the dragged nodes at any levels by indicator lines with icons.

    Position Indicators

    TreeView provides much easier option to drop the dragged nodes at any levels by indicator lines with icons such as line, plus/minus and restrict icons while dragging and dropping the nodes. It represents exact position where the node to be dropped as sibling or child. Refer below screen shot of position indicator.

    Indicators description
    Plus icon

    represents the dragged node to be added as child of targeted node

    Minus with restrict icon

    represents the dragged node not to be dropped at the hovered region

    In between icon

    represents the dragged node to be dropped in between the nodes as siblings


    You can restrict the dragged nodes to be dropped at siblings or children’s level by using allowDropSibling and allowDropChild property.

  • HTML
  • <div id="treeView" e-allowdraganddrop="true" e-allowdropsibling="true" e-allowdropchild="true" ej-treeview e-fields-datasource="dataList" e-fields-id="id" e-fields-parentid="pid" e-fields-text="name" e-fields-haschild="hasChild" e-fields-expanded="expanded" />

    Drag and Drop between Trees

    You can drag and drop tree nodes between two TreeView by setting allowDragAndDrop as true along with allowDragAndDropAcrossControl as true.
    The nodeDrag, nodeDragStart, nodeDragStop and
    nodeDropped event occurs based on Treeview node drag and drop state.

  • HTML
  • <div id="treeView" e-allowdraganddrop="true" e-allowdraganddropaccesscontrol="true" e-allowdropsibling="true" e-allowdropchild="true" ej-treeview e-fields-datasource="dataList" e-fields-id="id" e-fields-parentid="pid" e-fields-text="name" e-fields-haschild="hasChild" e-fields-expanded="expanded" />

    For more details about drag and drop between TreeView, refer the sample here.