
Sunburst chart is used to display hierarchical data. You can add more than one hierarchical data by using the e-levels property of Sunburst chart. Each level of the hierarchy is represented by circle.
The following code snippet illustrates

  • JS
  • <div id="container" ej-sunburstchart  e-levels= "levels">


    It is the string property that is used to map the group category value in the dataSource .
    You can define the levels as shown in the below code example

  • JS
  • <div id="container" ej-sunburstchart  e-levels= "levels">
     angular.module('SunburstChartApp', ['ejangular'])
     .controller('SunburstChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
     $scope.levels = [
     { groupMemberPath:"Level1"},
     { groupMemberPath:"Level3"},

    The following screenshot illustrates the Sunburst Chart with different levels