
28 Jun 20171 minute to read

Sunburst chart allows you to animate the chart segments. You can enable animation using e-enableanimation property.

  • HTML
  • <div id="container" ej-sunburstchart e-enableanimation="true" >					

    Animation Types

    Sunburst chart provide options to animate the chart segments in different ways using e-animationtype property.

    FadeIn – It gradually changes opacity of the chart segment.
    Rotation – During an animation, control rotate from 0 to 360 angle.

    Fade In

    The Fade In animation is enabled as follows

  • HTML
  • <div id="container" ej-sunburstchart e-enableanimation="true" e-animationtype="fadeIn" >					


    The following example shows how to enable rotation animation in ejSunburstChart

  • HTML
  • <div id="container" ej-sunburstchart e-enableanimation="true" e-animationtype="rotation" >					

    Click here to view the online demo sample of Animation in the Sunburst Chart.