
28 Jun 20172 minutes to read

The editor provides zoom tools which enlarges the view of an editor’s object enabling you to see more detail. You can continuous zoomIn and zoomOut either using zoom tools or keyboard.

You can assign Increases and decreases of zooming range using zoomStep property

  • HTML
  • <textarea id="texteditor" ej-rte e-value="val" e-toolslist="toolsList" e-tools="tools" e-zoomstep="zoomStep"></textarea>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    angular.module('rteApp', ['ejangular'])
    .controller('RTECtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.val= "The RichTextEditor (RTE) control enables you to edit the contents with insert table and images," + " it also provides a toolbar that helps to apply rich text formats to the content entered in the TextArea.";
    $scope.toolsList= ["view"];
    $scope.tools={ view:["zoomIn","zoomOut"]};
    $scope.zoomStep= 0.1;


    28 Jun 20172 minutes to read

    The editor provides print tools which use to print the contents of the editor.

  • HTML
  • <textarea id="texteditor" ej-rte e-value="val" e-toolslist="toolsList" e-tools="tools"></textarea>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            angular.module('rteApp', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('RTECtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.val= "The RichTextEditor (RTE) control enables you to edit the contents with insert table and images," + " it also provides a toolbar that helps to apply rich text formats to the content entered in the TextArea.";
                $scope.toolsList= ["print"];
                $scope.tools = { print: ["print"] };