28 Jun 201719 minutes to read
The editor provides option to localize its strings, it is used to adapting the editor to a particular local language. By default, the editor will use the US English (en-US) as its language. Please find the table with list of keys and their corresponding values for default language (en-US).
ej.RTE.Locale["en-US"] = {
bold: "Bold",
italic: "Italic",
underline: "Underline",
strikethrough: "Strikethrough",
superscript: "Superscript",
subscript: "Subscript",
justifyCenter: "Align text center",
justifyLeft: "Align text left",
justifyRight: "Align text right",
justifyFull: "Justify",
unorderedList: "Insert unordered list",
orderedList: "Insert ordered list",
indent: "Increase Indent",
fileBrowser: "File Browser",
outdent: "Decrease Indent",
cut: "Cut",
copy: "Copy",
paste: "Paste",
paragraph: "Paragraph",
undo: "Undo",
redo: "Redo",
upperCase: "Upper Case",
lowerCase: "Lower Case",
clearAll: "Clear All",
clearFormat: "Clear Format",
createLink: "Insert/Edit Hyperlink",
removeLink: "Remove Hyperlink",
tableProperties: "Table Properties",
insertTable: "Insert",
deleteTables: "Delete",
imageProperties: "Image Properties",
openLink: "Open Hyperlink",
image: "Insert image",
video: "Insert video",
editTable: "Edit Table Properties",
embedVideo: "Paste your embed code below",
viewHtml: "View HTML",
fontName: "Select font family",
fontSize: "Select font size",
fontColor: "Select color",
format: "Format",
backgroundColor: "Background color",
style: "Styles",
deleteAlert: "Are you sure you want to clear all the contents?",
copyAlert: "Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut instead of copy operation.",
pasteAlert: "Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut instead of paste operation.",
cutAlert: "Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X keyboard shortcut instead of cut operation.",
videoError: "The text area can not be empty",
imageWebUrl: "Web Address",
imageAltText: "Alternate text",
dimensions: "Dimensions",
constrainProportions: "Constrain Proportions",
linkWebUrl: "Web Address",
imageLink: "Image as Link",
imageBorder: "Image Border",
imageStyle: "Style",
linkText: "Text",
linkToolTip: "Tooltip",
html5Support: "This tool icon only enabled in HTML5 supported browsers",
linkOpenInNewWindow: "Open link in new window",
tableColumns: "No.of Columns",
tableRows: "No.of Rows",
tableWidth: "Width",
tableHeight: "Height",
tableCellSpacing: "Cell spacing",
tableCellPadding: "Cell padding",
tableBorder: "Border",
tableCaption: "Caption",
tableAlignment: "Alignment",
textAlign: "Text align",
dialogUpdate: "Update",
dialogInsert: "Insert",
dialogCancel: "Cancel",
dialogApply: "Apply",
dialogOk: "Ok",
createTable: "Insert Table",
insertTable: "Insert",
addColumnLeft: "Insert Columns to the Left",
addColumnRight: "Insert Columns to the Right",
addRowAbove: "Insert Rows Above",
addRowBelow: "Insert Rows Below",
deleteRow: "Delete entire row",
deleteColumn: "Delete entire column",
deleteTable: "Delete Table",
customTable: "Create custom table...",
characters: "Characters",
words: "Words",
general: "General",
advanced: "Advanced",
table: "Table",
row: "Row",
column: "Column",
cell: "Cell",
solid: "Solid",
dotted: "Dotted",
dashed: "Dashed",
doubled: "Double",
maximize: "Maximize",
resize: "Minimize",
swatches: "Swatches",
paragraph: "Paragraph",
quotation: "Quotation",
heading1: "Heading 1",
heading2: "Heading 2",
heading3: "Heading 3",
heading4: "Heading 4",
heading5: "Heading 5",
heading6: "Heading 6",
segoeui: "Segoe UI",
arial: "Arial",
couriernew: "Courier New",
georgia: "Georgia",
impact: "Impact",
lucidaconsole: "Lucida Console",
tahoma: "Tahoma",
timesnewroman: "Times New Roman",
trebuchetms: "Trebuchet MS",
verdana: "Verdana",
disc: "Disc",
circle: "Circle",
square: "Square",
number: "Number",
loweralpha: "Lower Alpha",
upperalpha: "Upper Alpha",
lowerroman: "Lower Roman",
upperroman: "Upper Roman",
none: "None",
linktooltip: "ctrl + click to follow link",
charSpace: "Characters (with spaces)",
charNoSpace: "Characters (no spaces)",
wordCount: "Word Count",
left: "Left",
right: "Right",
center: "Center",
zoomIn: "Zoom In",
zoomOut: "Zoom Out",
print: "Print",
'import': "Import a Document",
wordExport: "Export as Word Document",
pdfExport: "Export as Pdf File",
FindAndReplace: "Find and Replace",
Find: "Find",
MatchCase: "Match Case",
WholeWord: "Whole Word",
ReplaceWith: "Replace with",
Replace: "Replace",
ReplaceAll: "Replace All",
FindErrorMsg: "Couldn't find specified word."
var format = [
{ text: "Paragraph", value: "p", spriteCssClass: "e-paragraph" },
{ text: "Quotation", value: "blockquote", spriteCssClass: "e-quotation" },
{ text: "Heading 1", value: "h1", spriteCssClass: "e-h1" },
{ text: "Heading 2", value: "h2", spriteCssClass: "e-h2" },
{ text: "Heading 3", value: "h3", spriteCssClass: "e-h3" },
{ text: "Heading 4", value: "h4", spriteCssClass: "e-h4" },
{ text: "Heading 5", value: "h5", spriteCssClass: "e-h5" },
{ text: "Heading 6", value: "h6", spriteCssClass: "e-h6" }
The culture name has to be specified in a standard format such as [Language Code]-[County/Region Code].
To localize the editor’s strings with your own localization, copy the default language informations and localize the strings in the values column. For example, to localize the editor in German language (“de-DE”).
ej.RTE.Locale["de-DE"] = {
bold: "Fett gedruckt",
italic: "Kursiv",
underline: "Unterstreichen",
strikethrough: "Durchgestrichen",
superscript: "Hochgestellt",
subscript: "Index",
justifyCenter: "Textmitte ausrichten",
justifyLeft: "Text linksbündig ausrichten",
justifyRight: "Text richtig ausrichten",
justifyFull: "Rechtfertigen",
unorderedList: "Ungeordnete Liste einfügen",
orderedList: "Geben Sie die geordnete Liste ein",
indent: "Einzug vergrößern",
fileBrowser: "Dateibrowser",
outdent: "Einzug verkleinern",
cut: "Schneiden",
copy: "Kopieren",
paste: "Paste",
paragraph: "Absatz",
undo: "Rückgängig machen",
redo: "Wiederholen",
upperCase: "Gehäuse",
lowerCase: "Kleinbuchstaben",
clearAll: "Alles löschen",
clearFormat: "Format löschen",
createLink: "Hyperlink einfügen / bearbeiten",
removeLink: "Hyperlink entfernen",
tableProperties: "Tabelleneigenschaften",
insertTable: "Einfügen",
deleteTables: "Löschen",
imageProperties: "Bild Eigenschaften",
openLink: "Öffnen Sie Hyperlink",
image: "Bild einfügen",
video: "Video einfügen",
editTable: "Tabelleneigenschaften bearbeiten",
embedVideo: "Fügen Sie Ihren Code einbetten unten",
viewHtml: "HTML ansehen",
fontName: "Wählen Sie Schriftfamilie",
fontSize: "Schriftgröße auswählen",
fontColor: "Farbe wählen",
format: "Format",
backgroundColor: "Hintergrundfarbe",
style: "Stile",
deleteAlert: "Möchten Sie den Inhalt wirklich löschen?",
copyAlert: "Ihr Browser unterstützt keinen direkten Zugriff auf die Zwischenablage. Verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination Strg + C anstelle des Kopiervorgangs.",
pasteAlert: "Ihr Browser unterstützt keinen direkten Zugriff auf die Zwischenablage. Verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination Strg + V anstelle des Einfügevorgangs.",
cutAlert: "Ihr Browser unterstützt keinen direkten Zugriff auf die Zwischenablage. Bitte verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination Strg + X anstelle des Schnittvorgangs.",
videoError: "Der Textbereich darf nicht leer sein",
imageWebUrl: "Webadresse",
imageAltText: "Alternativer Text",
dimensions: "Maße",
constrainProportions: "Proportionen beschränken",
linkWebUrl: "Webadresse",
imageLink: "Bild als Link",
imageBorder: "Bildgrenze",
imageStyle: "Stil",
linkText: "Text",
linkToolTip: "Werkzeugtipp",
html5Support: "Dieses Tool-Symbol wurde nur in HTML5 unterstützten Browsern aktiviert",
linkOpenInNewWindow: "Link in neuem Fenster öffnen",
tableColumns: "Anzahl der Spalten",
tableRows: "Anzahl der Zeilen",
tableWidth: "Breite",
tableHeight: "Höhe",
tableCellSpacing: "Cellspacing",
tableCellPadding: "Cellpadding",
tableBorder: "Rand",
tableCaption: "Bildunterschrift",
tableAlignment: "Ausrichtung",
textAlign: "Textausrichtung",
dialogUpdate: "Aktualisieren",
dialogInsert: "Einfügen",
dialogCancel: "Stornieren",
dialogApply: "Übernehmen",
dialogOk: "OK",
createTable: "Tabelle einfügen",
insertTable: "Einfügen",
addColumnLeft: "Fügen Sie Spalten nach links ein",
addColumnRight: "Fügen Sie Spalten nach rechts ein",
addRowAbove: "Zeilen oben einfügen",
addRowBelow: "Zeilen unten einfügen",
deleteRow: "Gesamte Zeile löschen",
deleteColumn: "Gesamte Spalte löschen",
deleteTable: "Tabelle löschen",
customTable: "Benutzerdefinierte Tabelle erstellen ...",
characters: "Figuren",
words: "Wörter",
general: "General",
advanced: "Fortgeschritten",
table: "Tabelle",
row: "Reihe",
column: "Spalte",
cell: "Zelle",
solid: "Solide",
dotted: "Dotted",
dashed: "Gestrichelt",
doubled: "Doppelt",
maximize: "Maximieren",
resize: "Minimieren",
swatches: "Farbfelder",
paragraph: "Absatz",
quotation: "Zitat",
heading1: "Überschrift 1",
heading2: "Überschrift 2",
heading3: "Überschrift 3",
heading4: "Überschrift 4",
heading5: "Überschrift 5",
heading6: "Überschrift 6",
segoeui: "Segoe UI",
arial: "Arial",
couriernew: "Kurier Neu",
georgia: "Georgia",
impact: "Einfluss",
lucidaconsole: "Lucida-Konsole",
tahoma: "Tahoma",
timesnewroman: "Times New Roman kaufen",
trebuchetms: "Trebuchet MS",
verdana: "Verdana",
disc: "Scheibe",
circle: "Kreis",
square: "Platz",
number: "Nummer",
loweralpha: "Unteres Alpha",
upperalpha: "Oberes Alpha",
lowerroman: "Untere Römer",
upperroman: "Oberrömisch",
none: "Keiner",
linktooltip: "Strg + Klick, um Link zu folgen",
charSpace: "Zeichen (mit Leerzeichen)",
charNoSpace: "Zeichen (keine Leerzeichen)",
wordCount: "Wortzahl",
left: "Links",
right: "Recht",
center: "Center",
zoomIn: "hineinzoomen",
zoomOut: "Rauszoomen",
print: "Drucken",
wordExport: "Als Word-Dokument exportieren",
pdfExport: "Als Pdf-Datei exportieren",
FindAndReplace: "Suchen und Ersetzen",
Find: "Finden",
MatchCase: "Streichholzschachtel",
WholeWord: "Ganze Welt",
ReplaceWith: "Ersetzen mit",
Replace: "Ersetzen",
ReplaceAll: "Alles ersetzen",
FindErrorMsg: "Konnte das angegebene Wort nicht finden."
var format_DE = [
{ text: "Absatz", value: "p", spriteCssClass: "e-paragraph" },
{ text: "Zitat", value: "blockquote", spriteCssClass: "e-quotation" },
{ text: "Kopf 1", value: "h1", spriteCssClass: "e-h1" },
{ text: "Kopf 2", value: "h2", spriteCssClass: "e-h2" },
{ text: "Kopf 3", value: "h3", spriteCssClass: "e-h3" },
{ text: "Kopf 4", value: "h4", spriteCssClass: "e-h4" },
{ text: "Kopf 5", value: "h5", spriteCssClass: "e-h5" },
{ text: "Kopf 6", value: "h6", spriteCssClass: "e-h6" }
You can set the locale property of the editor to the new language.
<textarea id="texteditor" ej-rte e-value="val" e-locale="de-DE" e-format="format"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module('rteApp', ['ejangular'])
.controller('RTECtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.val= "The RichTextEditor (RTE) control enables you to edit the contents with insert table and images," +
" it also provides a toolbar that helps to apply rich text formats to the content entered in the TextArea.";
$scope.format = format_DE;