Summary Types

16 Mar 20195 minutes to read


This feature is applicable only for relational datasource.

Allows you to perform calculations over a group of values using summaryType option. This property includes several types of aggregations like sum, average, minimum, maximum etc. You can see the totals of PivotClient control with any one of the below mentioned summary types.

Also, summary type options are added in the context menu of pivot buttons, in values section, to change the resultant summary value dynamically.

Client mode

Client mode supports the following summary types. By default, sum is applied.

  • Sum
  • Average
  • Count
  • Min
  • Max

Refer the following code sample to implement summary type through code behind.

  • JS
  • <script>
        var pivot_dataset = []; // Specify Data source
        var dataSource = {
                data: pivot_dataset,
                values: [
                        fieldName: "Amount",
                        fieldCaption: "Amount",
                        summaryType: ej.PivotAnalysis.SummaryType.Count
                        fieldName: "Quantity",
                        fieldCaption: "Quantity",
                        summaryType: ej.PivotAnalysis.SummaryType.Min
        angular.module("PivotGridApp",["ejangular"]).controller('PivotGridCtrl', function ($scope) 
            $scope.datasource = dataSource;

    Summary types in AngularJS pivot client client mode

    Server mode

    Server mode supports the following summary types. By default, count is applied.

    • Sum
    • Average
    • Count
    • Min
    • Max
    • DoubleTotalSum
    • DoubleAverage
    • DoubleMaximum
    • DoubleMinimum
    • DoubleStandardDeviation
    • DoubleVariance
    • DecimalTotalSum
    • IntTotalSum
    • DisplayIfDiscreteValuesEqual
    • Count numbers
    • Standard deviation
    • Standard deviation of population
    • Variance
    • Variance of population

    Through code behind

    Refer the following code sample to implement summary type through code behind.

  • C#
  • private PivotReport BindDefaultData()
                PivotReport pivotSetting = new PivotReport();
                pivotSetting.PivotCalculations.Add(new PivotComputationInfo { CalculationName = "Amount", Description = "Amount", FieldHeader = "Amount", FieldName = "Amount", Format = "C", SummaryType = Syncfusion.PivotAnalysis.Base.SummaryType.DoubleTotalSum });
                return pivotSetting;

    Through UI interaction

    You can change summary types at run-time through built-in context menu for respective value field. Once the summary type is selected, the corresponding pivot item will be updated with the respective summary type.

    Summary types in AngularJS pivot client server mode

    To achieve this behavior at run-time, add the following ChangeSummaryType method in WebAPI/WCF service.


  • C#
  • [System.Web.Http.ActionName("ChangeSummaryType")]
        public Dictionary<string, object> ChangeSummaryType(Dictionary<string, object> jsonResult)
                var dictionary = pivotClient.GetJsonData(jsonResult["action"].ToString(), ProductSales.GetSalesData(), jsonResult["summaryType"].ToString());
                return dictionary;


  • C#
  • public Dictionary<string, object> ChangeSummaryType(string action, string currentReport, string summaryType)
                return pivotClient.GetJsonData(action, ProductSales.GetSalesData(), summaryType);