Layout Customization

28 Jun 20178 minutes to read


Allows you to render PivotClient in different sizes. You can set height and width under ‘e-size’ property.

Set size in Pixels

  • HTML
  • <div ng-controller="PivotClientCtrl">
        <div id="PivotClient1" ej-pivotclient e-size="size" />
        angular.module('PivotClientApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotClientCtrl', function ($scope) {
            $scope.size = {
                    width: "1000px" , height: "685px"

    PivotClient with decreased size from Default size

    Set size in percentage

    You can set the PivotClient size in percentage also.


    Size of the parent container should be set in Pixels.

  • HTML
  • <div id="control" style="width:1000px; height:800px">
    <div ng-controller="PivotClientCtrl">
        <div id="PivotClient1" ej-pivotclient e-size="size" />
        angular.module('PivotClientApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotClientCtrl', function ($scope) {
            $scope.size = {
                    width: "50%" , height: "80%"


    PivotClient set with minimum height and width to show decent UI.

    Control Placement

    Tab View

    In Tab View representation, both Grid and Chart will be displayed in separate tabs. This could be set by using the e-controlPlacement property under the e-displaySettings option. By default, Tab value is set.

  • <div ng-controller="PivotClientCtrl">
        <div id="PivotClient1" ej-pivotclient e-displaySettings="displaySettings" />
        angular.module('PivotClientApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotClientCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.displaySettings = {
                        controlPlacement: ej.PivotClient.ControlPlacement.Tab

    Tile View

    In Tile View representation, both Grid and Chart will be displayed one above the other, in the same layout. Tile view can be set by using the controlPlacement property under the e-displaySettings option.

  • $scope.displaySettings = {
            controlPlacement: ej.PivotClient.ControlPlacement.Tile

    Default View

    Grid View

    To display Grid control by default, set defaultView property under e-displaySettings option to Grid, which is the default value of the property.

  • $scope.displaySettings = {
            defaultView: ej.PivotClient.DefaultView.Grid

    Chart View

    To display Chart control by default, set the property defaultView property to Chart.

  • $scope.displaySettings = {
            defaultView: ej.PivotClient.DefaultView.Chart

    Display Mode

    Grid Only

    By setting the mode property under e-displaySettings option to GridOnly, PivotGrid component alone will get rendered and PivotChart will not be rendered.

  • $scope.displaySettings = {
            mode: ej.PivotClient.DisplayMode.GridOnly

    Chart Only

    By setting the mode property under e-displaySettings option to ChartOnly, PivotChart component alone will get rendered and PivotGrid will not be rendered.

  • $scope.displaySettings = {
            mode: ej.PivotClient.DisplayMode.ChartOnly

    Both Chart and Grid

    By setting the mode property under e-displaySettings option to ChartAndGrid, data is displayed in both Grid and Chart. This is the default value of the property.

  • $scope.displaySettings = {
            mode: ej.PivotClient.DisplayMode.ChartAndGrid

    Toggle Panel

    Toggle panel option lets the user to toggle the visibility of Axis Element Builder and Cube Dimension Browser panels in PivotClient with a use of a button. The button could be added to the control by enabling the enableTogglePanel property under e-displaySettings option. This property is disabled by default.

  • $scope.displaySettings = {
            enableTogglePanel: true

    Maximized/Full Screen View

    Full screen view helps to visualize the PivotGrid and PivotChart controls inside PivotClient precisely according to the browser window size. By selecting full screen icon in the toolbar, the control which is in the view gets maximized. Drilldown action can also be performed in both PivotGrid and PivotChart in the maximized view. This option is enabled by setting the enableFullScreen property under e-displaySettings option to true. The value is false by default.

  • $scope.displaySettings = {
            enableFullScreen: true

    The following screenshot shows the maximized view of PivotGrid.

    Chart Types

    While loading the PivotClient initially, the PivotChart widget can be rendered in any one of the available chart types using the e-chartType property.

  • <div ng-controller="PivotClientCtrl">
        <div id="PivotClient1" ej-pivotclient e-chartType="chartType" />
        angular.module('PivotClientApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotClientCtrl', function ($scope) {
                $scope.chartType = ej.PivotChart.ChartTypes.Area;

    The e-chartType property takes Column Chart by default. The types available are Column, Stacking Column, Bar, Stacking Bar, Line, Spline, Step Line, Area, Spline Area, Step Area, Stacking Area, Pie, Funnel and Pyramid.

    The Chart Type can also be changed dynamically through the toolbar icon.



    This feature is applicable only for OLAP data source bound from server-side.

    You can include the PivotTreeMap component as one of the chart types by setting e-enablePivotTreeMap property to true.

  • <div ng-controller="PivotClientCtrl">
        <div id="PivotClient1" ej-pivotclient e-enablePivotTreeMap="enablePivotTreeMap" />
        angular.module('PivotClientApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotClientCtrl', function ($scope) {
            $scope.enablePivotTreeMap = true;

    Report Toolbar

    You can customize the display of toolbar by enabling/disabling the visibility of each of the icons. This can be achieved by setting the properties under e-toolbarIconSettings option to false. The values are true by default.

  • <div ng-controller="PivotClientCtrl">
        <div id="PivotClient1" ej-pivotclient e-toolbarIconSettings="toolbarIconSettings" />
        angular.module('PivotClientApp', ['ejangular']).controller('PivotClientCtrl', function ($scope) {
                //Disable toolbar icon in PivotClient.
                $scope.toolbarIconSettings = {
                    enableAddReport: false,
                    enableNewReport: false,
                    enableRemoveReport: false

    The following screenshot shows after disabling the toolbar icons.