
28 Jun 20173 minutes to read

The ListBox items can be categorize by using the following methods.

  1. Using CSS class

  2. Grouping with Local Data binding

Using CSS class name

The header for each group can be defined using the “li” element”.

<ul id="selectgroup" ej-listbox>
            <li class="e-ghead">A</li>
            <li class="e-ghead">B</li>

Grouping with Local Data binding

The ListBox items can be categorized by using a specific field. This is enabled by using groupBy field on data source binding. By default grouping is disabled in ListBox. The below given example explains the behavior of grouping with JSON array binding.

See Also

Data Binding.

The grouping will be defined based on the “groupBy” API in fields object.

  • HTML
  • <ul id="selectgroup" ej-listbox e-datasource="dataList" e-fields-text="text" e-fields-groupby="groupby"></ul>
  • $scope.dataList = [
             { skill: "Bahrain", category: "B" }, { skill: "Brazil", category: "B" }, { skill: "Argentina", category: "A" },
             { skill: "Bangladesh", category: "B" }, { skill: "Burma", category: "B" }, { skill: "Afghanistan", category: "A" }, { skill: "Antigua and Barbuda", category: "A" },
             { skill: "Barbados", category: "B" }, { skill: "Botswana", category: "B" }, { skill: "Albania", category: "A" }, { skill: "Andorra", category: "A" },
             { skill: "Belarus", category: "B" }, { skill: "Bolivia", category: "B" }, { skill: "Algeria", category: "A" }, { skill: "Angola", category: "A" }
      $scope.text = "skill";
      $scope.groupby = "category";