Swim lanes

28 Jun 201711 minutes to read

Swim lanes are a horizontal categorization of issues in the Kanban control which brings transparency to the workflow. This can be enabled by mapping the swimlaneKey to appropriate column name in the dataSource.

The following code example describes the above behavior.

  • <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" ng-app="KanbanApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Kanban</title>    
        <body ng-controller="KanbanCtrl">
            <div id="Kanban" ej-kanban e-datasource="data" e-keyfield="Status" e-allowtitle="true" e-fields-content="Summary" e-fields-primarykey="Id" e-fields-swimlanekey="Assignee" e-fields-imageurl="ImgUrl">
                <div e-workflows>
                    <div e-workflow e-key="Open" e-allowedtransitions="InProgress"></div>
                    <div e-workflow e-key="InProgress" e-allowedtransitions="Testing,Close"></div>
                <div e-columns>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Backlog" e-key="Open"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="In Progress" e-key="InProgress"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Testing" e-key="Testing"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Done" e-key="Close"></div>
                angular.module('KanbanApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('KanbanCtrl', function ($scope) {
                        $scope.data = new ej.DataManager(window.kanbanData).executeLocal(ej.Query().take(30));

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code example.

    Drag And Drop between swim lanes

    You can set allowDragAndDrop property of swimlaneSettings as true to enable Drag and Drop between the swim lanes.

    If a card is to be dragged in the same swim lane, only a droppable target cell is added to the dotted line border. If a card is dragged from one swim lane to another, all the Kanban cells will be added to the dotted line borders, except the dragged card cell.

    The following code example describes the above behavior.

  • <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" ng-app="KanbanApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Kanban</title>        
        <body ng-controller="KanbanCtrl">
            <div id="Kanban" ej-kanban e-datasource="data" e-keyfield="Status" e-allowtitle="true" e-fields-content="Summary" e-fields-primarykey="Id" e-fields-swimlanekey="Assignee" e-fields-imageurl="ImgUrl" e-swimlanesettings-allowdraganddrop="true">
                <div e-columns>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Backlog" e-key="Open"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="In Progress" e-key="InProgress"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Testing" e-key="Testing"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Done" e-key="Close"></div>
                angular.module('KanbanApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('KanbanCtrl', function ($scope) {
                        $scope.data = new ej.DataManager(window.kanbanData).executeLocal(ej.Query().take(30));

    The following output is displayed as a result of the above code example.

    Unassigned swim lane group

    Unassigned swim lane feature provides option to group some common swim lane key values as separate swim lane group. You can enable and disable this behavior using the property enable.
    User can use default common key values or user defined key values.

    •	Using default values
    •	Using user defined values


    By default, given common keys are grouped under the swim lane name “Unassigned”, user can customize the name using localization.

    Using default values

    By default, the swim lane keys of card which is having null, undefined, empty string (“”) values will be grouped as unassigned category when enable property is set as true.
    Default values in the keys collection are null, undefined, empty string (“”).

    The following code example describes the above behavior.

  • <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" ng-app="KanbanApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Kanban</title>       
        <body ng-controller="KanbanCtrl">
            <div id="Kanban" ej-kanban e-datasource="data" e-keyfield="Status" e-allowtitle="true" e-fields-content="Summary" e-fields-primarykey="Id" e-fields-swimlanekey="Assignee" e-fields-imageurl="ImgUrl" e-swimlanesettings-allowdraganddrop="false">
                <div e-columns>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Backlog" e-key="Open"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="In Progress" e-key="InProgress"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Testing" e-key="Testing"></div>
                    <div e-column e-headertext="Done" e-key="Close"></div>
                angular.module('KanbanApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('KanbanCtrl', function ($scope) {
                        $scope.data = [{ Id: 1, Status: "Open", Summary: "Analyze the new requirements gathered from the customer.", Type: "Story", Priority: "Low", Tags: "Analyze, Customer", Estimate: 3.5, Assignee: "Andrew Fuller", ImgUrl: "../content/images/kanban/2.png", RankId: 1 },
                            { Id: 2, Status: "InProgress", Summary: "Improve application performance", Type: "Improvement", Priority: "Normal", Tags: "Improvement", Estimate: 6, Assignee: "Andrew Fuller", ImgUrl: "../content/images/kanban/2.png", RankId: 1 },
                            { Id: 3, Status: "Open", Summary: "Arrange a web meeting with the customer to get new requirements.", Type: "Others", Priority: "Critical", Tags: "Meeting", Estimate: 5.5, Assignee: undefined, RankId: 2 },
                            { Id: 4, Status: "InProgress", Summary: "Fix the issues reported in the IE browser.", Type: "Bug", Priority: "Release Breaker", Tags: "IE", Estimate: 2.5, Assignee: null, RankId: 2 },
                            { Id: 5, Status: "Close", Summary: "Fix the issues reported by the customer.", Type: "Bug", Priority: "Low", Tags: "Customer", Estimate: "3.5", Assignee: "", RankId: 1 }];

    The output of the above code example.