Validating schedule dates

8 Mar 20182 minutes to read

Validating schedule dates is used to dynamically change the start date and end date of the schedule. By this support, e-schedulestartdate and e-scheduleenddate can be automatically updated from the data source. When you change the date of any task item to the date that is beyond e-schedulestartdate or e-scheduleenddate through cell editing, taskbar editing, dialog editing, or toolbar operation, then the e-schedulestartdate and e-scheduleenddate can be dynamically updated based on the task item’s date.

PrevTimeSpan and NextTimeSpan toolbar items are used to create a new time span based on the schedule mode.

  • <body ng-controller="GanttCtrl">
       <!--Add  Gantt control here-->    
       <div id="GanttContainer" ej-gantt
          e-schedulestartdate= "02/01/2014"
          e-scheduleenddate= "03/14/2016"
        var toolbarSettings= {
                    showToolbar: true,
                        toolbarItems: [
                        ej.Gantt.ToolbarItems.NextTimeSpan, ]
        angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('GanttCtrl', function($scope) {
                $scope.toolbarSettings = "toolbarSettings";

    The following screenshot illustrates the output of the above code: