
8 Mar 20182 minutes to read

Resources are represented by staff, equipment, and materials etc. In Gantt control, you can show/allocate the resources (human resources) for each task. The following steps explain how to configure the Gantt with resources:

Step 1: Create a collection of JSON object that contains id and name of the resource, and assign it to the e-resources property.

Step 2: Specify the field name for id and name of the resource in the resource collection to e-resourceidmapping and e-resourcenamemapping properties. 

Step 3: The name of the field that contains the actual resources assigned for a particular task in the data source is specified using the e-resourceinfomapping property.

  • <body ng-controller="GanttCtrl">
       <!--Add  Gantt control here-->    
       <div id="GanttContainer" ej-gantt
       e-resourceinfomapping= "resourceId"
            e-resourcenamemapping= "resourceName"
            e-resourceidmapping= "resourceId"
            e-resources= "projectResources"
            e-showresourcenames= "true">
       var projectResources = [{
            resourceId: 1,
            resourceName: "Project Manager"
        }, {
            resourceId: 2,
            resourceName: "Software Analyst"
        }, {
            resourceId: 3,
            resourceName: "Developer"
        }, {
            resourceId: 4,
            resourceName: "Testing Engineer"
        angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
               .controller('GanttCtrl', function ($scope) {

    The following screenshot shows the Gantt control with resources: