
8 Mar 20181 minute to read

Predecessor offset with duration units

In Gantt, the predecessor offset can be defined with the following duration units:

  • Day
  • Hour
  • Minute

You can define the offset with various offset duration units for predecessors by using the following code example:

  • <body ng-controller="GanttCtrl">
       <!--Add  Gantt control here-->    
       <div id="GanttContainer" ej-gantt
        e-predecessormapping= "Predecessor"
       var data = [
        Predecessor: "4FS+2d"
            Predecessor: "4FS+16h"
            Predecessor: "4FS+960m"
      angular.module('listCtrl', ['ejangular'])
               .controller('GanttCtrl', function ($scope) {

    The following screenshot depicts the duration unit support in the predecessor offset: