
28 Jun 201717 minutes to read

The FileExplorer control provides the translations for all static texts and messages. By default the FileExplorer uses the US English (en-US) language, and it having the built-in values of all texts with the corresponding key.

The below table lists out the keys with corresponding texts in English culture.

  • ej.FileExplorer.Locale["en-US"] = {
    		    Back: "Backward",
                Forward: "Forward",
                Upward: "Upward",
                Refresh: "Refresh",
                Addressbar: "Address bar",
                Upload: "Upload",
                Rename: "Rename",
                Delete: "Delete",
                Download: "Download",
                Error: "Error",
                Cut: "Cut",
                Copy: "Copy",
                Paste: "Paste",
                Details: "Details",
                Searchbar: "Search bar",
                Open: "Open",
                Search: "Search",
    			EmptyResult:"No items match your search",
    			EmptyFolder: "This folder is empty",
                NewFolder: "New Folder",
                Size: "Size",
                RenameAlert: "Please enter new name",
                NewFolderAlert: "Please enter new folder name",
                ContextMenuOpen: "Open",
                ContextMenuNewFolder: "New Folder",
                ContextMenuDelete: "Delete",
                ContextMenuRename: "Rename",
                ContextMenuUpload: "Upload",
                ContextMenuDownload: "Download",
                ContextMenuCut: "Cut",
                ContextMenuCopy: "Copy",
                ContextMenuPaste: "Paste",
                ContextMenuGetinfo: "Get info",
                ContextMenuRefresh: "Refresh",
                Item: "item",
                Items: "items",
                ErrorOnFolderCreation: "This destination already contains a folder named '{0}'. Do you want to merge this folder content with already existing folder '{0}'?",
                GeneralError: "Please see browser console window for more information",
                ErrorPath: "FileExplorer can't find '{0}'. Check the spelling and try again.",
                ReplaceAlert: "File named '{0}' already exists. Replace old file with new one?",
                DuplicateAlert: "There is already a file with the same name '{0}'. Do you want to create file with duplicate name",
                DuplicateFileCreation: "There is already a file with the same name in this location. Do you want to rename '{0}' to '{1}'?",
                DeleteFolder: " Are you sure you want to delete ",
                DeleteMultipleFolder: "Are you sure you want to delete these {0} items?",
                CancelPasteAction: "The destination folder is a subfolder of source folder.",
                OkButton: "Ok",
                CancelButton: "Cancel",
                YesToAllButton: "Yes to all",
                NoToAllButton: "No to all",
                YesButton: "Yes",
                NoButton: "No",
                Grid: "Grid View",
                Tile: "Tile View",
                Name: "Name",
                Location: "Location",
                Type: "Item type",
                Created: "Created",
                Accessed: "Accessed",
                Modified: "Modified",
                DialogCloseToolTip: "close",
                UploadSettings: {
                    buttonText: {
                        upload: "Upload",
                        browse: "Browse",
                        cancel: "Cancel",
                        close: "Close"
                    dialogText: {
                        title: "Upload Box",
                        name: "Name",
                        size: "Size",
                        status: "Status"
                    dropAreaText: "Drop files or click to upload",
                    filedetail: "The selected file size is too large. Please select a file within the valid size.",
                    denyError: "Files with #Extension extensions are not allowed.",
                    allowError: "Only files with #Extension extensions are allowed.",
                    cancelToolTip: "Cancel",
                    removeToolTip: "Remove",
                    retryToolTip: "Retry",
                    completedToolTip: "Completed",
                    failedToolTip: "Failed",
                    closeToolTip: "Close"

    Change the Culture

    The language of the FileExplorer can be changed by the locale property. This property allows the culture code of the country as input. The culture code has to specify in the standard format as ** [Language Code]-[County/Region Code]**.

    For example the culture code for Spanish is es-ES.

    You can customize built-in text and messages based on your culture. The below example shows the usage of FileExplorer with German (de-DE) culture.

  • ej.FileExplorer.Locale["es-ES"] = {
            EmptyResult: "Ningun articulo concuerda con su busqueda",
            EmptyFolder: "Esta carpeta est� vac�a",
            ProtectedFolder: "Sie ist nicht die Berechtigung diesen Ordner zugreifen",
            Back: "hacia atr�s",
            Forward: "adelante",
            Upward: "Hacia arriba",
            Refresh: "refrescar",
            Addressbar: "Barra de direcci�n",
            Upload: "Subir",
            Rename: "rebautizar",
            Delete: "borrar",
            Download: "Descargar",
            Error: "error",
            Cut: "cortada",
            Copy: "copia",
            Paste: "pasta",
            Details: "Detalles",
            Searchbar: "barra de b�squeda",
            Open: "abierto",
            Search: "busqueda",
            NewFolder: "Nueva Carpeta",
            SelectedFileUrl: "direcci�n Web",
            SelectedFileName: "t�tulo",
            ImageWidth: "ancho",
            ImageHeight: "altura",
            Insert: "Insertar",
            Cancel: "cancelar",
            RenameAlert: "Por favor, introduzca el nuevo nombre",
            NewFolderAlert: "Introduzca el nuevo nombre de la carpeta",
            ContextMenuOpen: "abierto",
            ContextMenuNewFolder: "nueva carpeta",
            ContextMenuDelete: "borrar",
            ContextMenuRename: "rebautizar",
            ContextMenuUpload: "Subir",
            ContextMenuDownload: "descargar",
            ContextMenuCut: "cortada",
            ContextMenuCopy: "copia",
            ContextMenuPaste: "pasta",
            ContextMenuGetinfo: "Obt�n informaci�n",
            ContextMenuRefresh: "refrescar",
            ContextMenuOpenFolderLocation: "Ubicaci�n de la carpeta abierta",
            ContextMenuSortBy: "Ordenar por",
            SortBy: "Ordenar por",
            Item: " art�culo",
            Items: " art�culos",
            Selected: "seleccionado",
            Permission: "Permiso",
            OkButton: "Okay",
            CancelButton: "cancelar",
            YesButton: "s�",
            NoButton: "No",
            YesToAllButton: "Si a todo",
            NoToAllButton: "No a todos",
            Size: "tama�o",
            Grid: "Vista de cuadr�cula",
            Tile: "vista de mosaicos",
            LargeIcons: "Iconos grandes",
            Layout: "Dise�o",
            SkipButton: "Omitir",
            ErrorOnFolderCreation: "Este destino ya contiene una carpeta llamada '{0}'. �Desea fusionar este contenido de la carpeta con la carpeta ya existente '{0}'?",
            InvalidFileName: "Un nombre de archivo no puede contener ninguno de los siguientes caracteres: \\/:*?\"<>|",
            GeneralError: "Por favor, vea ventana de la consola del navegador para obtener m�s informaci�n",
            ErrorPath: "FileExplorer no puede encontrar '{0}'. Revisa la ortograf�a y vuelva a intentarlo.",
            ReplaceAlert: "Archivo llamado '{0}' ya existe. Reemplazar archivo antiguo por uno nuevo?",
            DuplicateAlert: "Ya existe un archivo con el mismo nombre '{0}'. �Quieres crear el archivo con nombre duplicado",
            DuplicateFileCreation: "Ya existe un archivo con el mismo nombre en esta ubicaci�n. �Quieres cambiar el nombre de '{0}' a '{1}'?",
            DeleteFolder: " Estas seguro que quieres borrarlo ",
            DeleteMultipleFolder: "�Seguro que quieres eliminar estos {0} art�culos?",
            CancelPasteAction: "La carpeta de destino es una subcarpeta de la carpeta de origen.",
            Name: "nombre",
            Location: "ubicaci�n",
            Type: "Tipo De Art�culo",
            Created: "creado",
            Modified: "Modificado",
            DialogCloseToolTip: "cerca",
            UploadSettings: {
                buttonText: {
                    upload: "Subir",
                    browse: "Explorar",
                    cancel: "cancelar",
                    close: "cerca"
                dialogText: {
                    title: "Subir Box",
                    name: "nombre",
                    size: "tama�o",
                    status: "estado"
                cancelToolTip: "cancelar",
                removeToolTip: "quitar",
                retryToolTip: "Reintente",
                completedToolTip: "terminado",
                failedToolTip: "fracasado",
                closeToolTip: "cerca"
  • HTML
  • <div id="fileExplorer" ej-fileexplorer e-path="path" e-ajaxaction="ajaxaction" e-isresponsive="true" e-locale="es-ES" ></div>
  • angular.module('FileCtrl', ['ejangular']).controller('FileCtrl', function ($scope) {
            $scope.path = "http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejServices/Content/FileBrowser/",
            $scope.ajaxaction = "http://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejServices/api/FileExplorer/FileOperations"