
28 Jun 20171 minute to read

The DropDownList widget displays a single column list of items which enables you to select single or multiple items from the list. By default no selection is been made in the widget, the user has to navigate through the items using mouse or keyboard actions to select an item.

##Key Features

  • DataSources - Supports various client-side and remote data sources such as JSON, RESTful services, OData services, WCF services and much more. 
  • Sorting - Sorts both ascending and descending orders. 
  • Grouping - Categorizes the list Items. 
  • Searching - Provides both incremental and Filter Search. 
  • Virtual scrolling - Fetches the data from remote on demand. 
  • PopupList Resize - Resizes the popup list in the needed dimensions. 
  • Template - Designs own layout of list items. 
  • Cascading - Cascades the data sources with multiple DropDownList. 
  • State persistence - Persistent state of properties on page refresh. 
  • Responsive - Suits responsive layouts. 
  • Validation - Built in jQuery validation. 
  • Localization - Supports localization to different cultures.
  • Selection - Supports single or multi selection with the DropDownList and display the text in two modes, delimiter and visual mode.
  • Accessibility - Supports keyboard and ARIA accessibility.