
28 Jun 201721 minutes to read

EjChart can generate Trendlines for Cartesian type series (Line, Column, Scatter, Area, Candle, HiLo etc.) except bar type series. You can add more than one trendline object to the e-trendlines option.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                           //Enable Trendline to chart series
                           visibility: "visible", type: "linear"

    Customize the trendline styles

    A trendline can be customized by using the properties such as fill, width, dashArray and opacity. The default type of trendline is “linear”.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Customize the Trendline styles
                             fill: '#99CCFF', width: 3, opacity: 1, dashArray: '2,3'

    Types of Trendline

    EjChart supports the following type of Trendlines.

    • Linear
    • Exponential
    • Logarithmic
    • Power
    • Polynomial
    • MovingAverage


    To render Linear Trendline, you have to set the type as “linear”.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Change the Trendline type


    Exponential Trendline can be rendered by setting the type as “exponential”.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Change the Trendline type


    Logarithmic Trendline can be rendered by setting the type as “Logarithmic”.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Change the Trendline type


    Power Trendline can be rendered by setting the type of the trendline as “power”.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Change the Trendline type


    Polynomial Trendline can be rendered by setting the trendline type as “polynomial”. You can change the polynomial order by using the polynomialOrder of the trendlines. It ranges from 2 to 6.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Change the Trendline type


    MovingAverage Trendline can be rendered by setting the type of the trendline as “movingAverage”.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Change the Trendline type


    Trendline forecasting is the prediction of future/past situations. Forecasting can be classified into two types as follows.

    • Forward Forecasting
    • Backward Forecasting

    Forward Forecasting

    The value set for forwardForecast is used to determine the distance moving towards the future trend.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Set the Forward forecasting value

    Backward Forecasting

    The value set for the backwardForecast is used to determine the past trends.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                             //Set the Backward forecasting value

    Trendlines Legend

    To display the legend item for trendline, use the name property. You can interact with the trendline legends similar to the series legends (show/hide trendlines on legend click).

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart >
            <e-series e-trendlines="trendline"></e-series>
                    angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
                    .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {
                           //Set Trendline name to display in the legend
                           name: 'Linear'