Chart Title & Subtitle

28 Jun 20178 minutes to read


By using the title option, you can add the e-title-text as well as customize its e-title-border, e-title-background and e-title-font.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart e-title-text= "Efficiency of oil-fired power production" 
            e-title-background="lightblue" e-title-border-color="blue" e-title-border-width="2" 
            e-title-border-opacity="0.5"  e-title-border-cornerradius="4" e-title-font-fontfamily="Arial" 
            e-title-font-fontstyle="italic"  e-title-font-fontweight="normal" e-title-font-size="23px" >
            angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {

    We can trim, wrap and wrapAndTrim to the chart title using textOverflow property. The original text will be displayed as tooltip on mouse hover.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart e-title-text= "Efficiency of oil-fired power production"  
            e-title-enabletrim="true"  e-title-maximumwidth="15" e-title-textoverflow="trim" >
            angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {

    Title Alignment

    You can change the title alignment to center, far and near by using the e-title-textAlignment property of the chart title.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart e-title-text= "Efficiency of oil-fired power production"
            angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {

    Add Subtitle to the chart

    By using the subTitle option, you can add the e-title-subTitle to the chart title and customize its e-title-subtitle-border, e-title-subtitle-background color and e-title-subtitle-font.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart e-title-subtitle-text= "( in a week )"  
            e-title-subtitle-border-color="blue" e-title-subtitle-border-width="2" 
            e-title-subtitle-border-opacity="0.5"  e-title-subtitle-border-cornerradius="4" 
            e-title-subtitle-font-fontfamily="Arial" e-title-subtitle-font-fontstyle="italic"
            e-title-subtitle-font-fontweight="normal" e-subtitle-title-font-size="23px" >
            angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {

    We can trim, wrap and wrapAndTrim to the chart subtitle using textOverflow property. The original text will be displayed as tooltip on mouse hover.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart e-title-subtitle-text= "( in  a  week )"  
            e-title-subtitle-enabletrim="true"  e-title-subtitle-maximumwidth="50"
            e-title-subtitle-textoverflow="wrap" >
            angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {

    Subtitle Alignment

    You can change the subtitle alignment to center, far and near by using the e-title-subtitle-textAlignment property of the subTitle.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="ChartApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: Chart</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="ChartCtrl">
            <div id="container" ej-chart e-title-subtitle-text= "( in  a  week )" 
             e-title-subtitle-textalignment="center" >
            angular.module('ChartApp', ['ejangular'])
            .controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope) {