Data Binding

28 Jun 20177 minutes to read

Bullet Graph supports binding JSON data from a remote server or data created in client-side. You can use the fields property to customize the data bound with Bullet Graph.

Local Data

Data available in client-side (local data) can be bound with Bullet Graph using fields property. This property provides option to specify data source, fields representing progress measure bar value, comparative measure value and category value.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="BulletGraphApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: BulletGraph</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="BulletGraphCtrl">
            <div id="bulletframe">
                     <ej-bulletgraph e-qualitativerangesize="60" e-quantitativescalesettings-location-x="50"
                     e-quantitativescalesettings-location-y="20" e-height="120"
                     e-fields-dataSource="dataSource" e-fields-category="category"
         <script >
           var localData = [
                       value: 9.5, comparativeMeasureValue: 7.5,
                       category: 2001
                       value: 9.5, comparativeMeasureValue: 5,
                       category: 2002
           angular.module('BulletGraphApp', ['ejangular'])
           .controller('BulletGraphCtrl', function ($scope) {
                     $scope.dataSource= localData;

    The following screenshot displays Bullet Graph with local data generated using html

    Remote Data

    Bullet Graph provides option to bind data from a remote server using ejDataManager as data source in fields property. A query object should also be passed to query property when using data manager as data source.

  • HTML
  • <html xmlns="" lang="en" ng-app="BulletGraphApp">
            <title>Essential Studio for AngularJS: BulletGraph</title>
            <!--CSS and Script file References -->
        <body ng-controller="BulletGraphCtrl">
            <div id="bulletframe">
                     <ej-bulletgraph e-qualitativerangesize="60" e-quantitativescalesettings-location-x="50" 
                     e-quantitativescalesettings-minimum="5" e-quantitativescalesettings-maximum="45"
                     e-quantitativescalesettings-location-y="20" e-height="120"
                     e-fields-dataSource="dataManger" e-fields-query="query" e-fields-category="ProductID"
                     e-fields-featureMeasures="UnitPrice" e-fields-comparativeMeasure="Quantity">
                     <e-qualitativerange e-rangeend="25"></e-qualitativerange>
                     <e-qualitativerange e-rangeend="37"></e-qualitativerange>
                     <e-qualitativerange e-rangeend="45"></e-qualitativerange>
                 <script >
               var dataManger = ej.DataManager({
                        url: ""
                   // Query creation
               var query = ej.Query().from("Order_Details").take(3)
                        .where("UnitPrice", ej.FilterOperators.greaterThan, 18, false)
                        .where("UnitPrice", ej.FilterOperators.lessThanOrEqual, 40, false)
                        .where("Quantity", ej.FilterOperators.greaterThan, 5, false)
                        .where("Quantity", ej.FilterOperators.lessThanOrEqual, 45, false);
               angular.module('BulletGraphApp', ['ejangular'])
               .controller('BulletGraphCtrl', function ($scope) {
                     $scope.dataManger= dataManger;

    The following screenshot displays a Bullet Graph bounded with data from a remote server