Getting Started with Angular TreeMap

17 Apr 202318 minutes to read

Before we start with the TreeMap, please refer this page for general information regarding integrating Syncfusion widget’s.

Adding JavaScript and CSS Reference

To render the TreeMap control, the following list of external dependencies are needed,

The other required internal dependencies are tabulated below,

Files Description/Usage
ej.core.min.js It is referred always before using all the JS controls. Used to handle data operation and is used while binding data to the JS controls.
ej.treemap.min.js TreeMap core script file which includes TreeMap related scripts files.


TreeMap uses one or more script files, therefore refer the ej.web.all.min.js (which encapsulates all the ej controls and frameworks in a single file) in the application instead of referring all the above specified internal dependencies.

To get the real appearance of the TreeMap, the dependent CSS file ej.web.all.min.css (which includes styles of all the widgets) should also needs to be referred.

Preparing HTML document

Create an HTML page and add the scripts references in the order mentioned in the following code example.

  • HTML
  • <html>
        <title>Angular TreeMap</title>
        <!-- Essential Studio for JavaScript  theme reference -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <!-- Angular related script references -->
        <!-- 1. Load libraries -->
             <!-- Polyfill(s) for older browsers -->
        <script src="node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"></script>   
        <script src="node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"></script>
        <script src="node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"></script>
        <script src="node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script>
        <!-- Essential Studio for JavaScript  script references -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""> </script> 
        <script src=""></script>
        <!-- 2. Configure SystemJS -->
        <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script>
                .then(null, console.error.bind(console));
        <!-- 3. Display the application -->
    		    <div class="splash">
    			      <div class="message">Angular Syncfusion Components App</div>
    			      <div class="spinner"></div>


    Uncompressed version of library files are also available which is used for development or debugging purpose and can be generated from the custom script here.

    Control Initialization

    • Copy TreeMap Syncfusion Angular source component(s) from the below build location and add it in src/ej folder (For ex., consider the treemap component).
  • (Installed Location)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\JavaScript\assets-src\angular2\


    core.ts file is mandatory for all Syncfusion JavaScript Angular components. The repository having the source file from Essential Studio for JavaScript v14.3.0.49.

    • Create treemap folder inside src folder.

    • Create treemap.component.html view file inside src/treemap folder and render ejTreeMap Angular component using the below code example.

  • HTML
  • <ej-treemap id="defaulttreemap">
    • Create treemap.component.ts model file inside the folder src/treemap and create sample component using the below code example.
  • TS
  • import { Component, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'ej-app',
      templateUrl: 'src/treemap/treemap.component.html'
    export class TreeMapComponent {

    Configure the routes for the Router

    Before adding router configuration for above created ejTreeMap component, we recommend you to go through the Angular Routing configuration to get the deeper knowledge about Angular routing.

    • Now, we are going to configure the route navigation link for created treemap sample in src/app.component.html file.
  • HTML
  • <div>
    	<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
               <a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="" 
               href="#treemap" [routerLink]="['/treemap']">treemap </a>
    • Import the ejTreeMap sample component and define the route in src/app.routes.ts file.
  • TS
  • import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
    . . . . 
    import { TreeMapComponent } from './treemap/treemap.component';
    export const rootRouterConfig: Routes = [
        { path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
        . . . . 
        { path: 'treemap', component: TreeMapComponent }
    • Import and declare the Syncfusion source component and ejTreemap sample component into app.module.ts like the below code snippet.
  • TS
  • import { NgModule, enableProdMode, ErrorHandler } from '@angular/core';
    . . . . . 
    import { EJ_TREEMAP_COMPONENTS } from './ej/treemap.component';
    import { TreeMapComponent } from './treemap/treemap.component';
    import { rootRouterConfig } from './app.routes';
    . . . . 
      imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule, HttpModule, RouterModule.forRoot(rootRouterConfig, { useHash: true })],
      declarations: [. . . . , EJ_TREEMAP_COMPONENTS, TreeMapComponent],
      bootstrap: [AppComponent]
    export class AppModule { }

    Populate DataSource

    The dataSource property accepts the collection values as input. For example, you can provide the list of objects as input.

    Weight Value Path

    You can calculate the size of the object using weightValuePath of TreeMap.

    Add a <script> tag anywhere in a web page and initialize TreeMap as illustrated in the following code sample.

  • HTML
  • <div style="height:400px;width:600px;">
    	<ej-treemap id="treemap" [dataSource]="dataSource" weightValuePath="Population">
  • TS
  • import { Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
    import { DataService} from '../service/data.service';
    export class TreemapComponent{
    dataSource: any;
      constructor(dataService:DataService) {

    Populate the TreeMap data in JSON object. For example, you can use population data of countries to generate TreeMap data as illustrated in the following code sample.
    Create a folder service and add file data.service.ts for serving data to chart component file. Refer the below code snippet.

  • TS
  • export class DataService{
    // DataService file containing treemap data in treemapData method
                { Continent: "Asia", Region: "Southern Asia", Growth: 1.32, Population: 1749046000 },
                { Continent: "Asia", Region: "Eastern Asia", Growth: 0.57, Population: 1620807000 },
                { Continent: "Asia", Region: "South-Eastern Asia", Growth: 1.20, Population: 618793000 },
                { Continent: "Asia", Region: "Western Asia", Growth: 1.98, Population: 245707000 },
                { Continent: "Asia", Region: "Central Asia", Growth: 1.43, Population: 64370000 },
                { Continent: "Europe", Region: "Europe", Growth: 0.10, Population: 742452000 },
                { Continent: "America", Region: "South America", Growth: 1.06, Population: 406740000 },
                { Continent: "America", Region: "Northern America", Growth: 0.85, Population: 355361000 },
                { Continent: "America", Region: "Central America", Growth: 1.40, Population: 167387000 },
                { Continent: "Africa", Region: "Eastern Africa", Growth: 2.89, Population: 373202000 },
                { Continent: "Africa", Region: "Western Africa", Growth: 2.78, Population: 331255000 },
                { Continent: "Africa", Region: "Northern Africa", Growth: 1.70, Population: 210002000 },
                { Continent: "Africa", Region: "Middle Africa", Growth: 2.79, Population: 135750000 },
                { Continent: "Africa", Region: "Southern Africa", Growth: 0.91, Population: 60425000 }


    Population data is referred from List of continents by population.

    Running the application

    • To run the application, execute below command.
  • npm start
    • Browse to http://localhost:3000 to see the application. And navigate to treemap tab. The component is rendered as like the below screenshot. You can make changes in the code found under src folder and the browser should auto-refresh itself while you save files.

    Angular TreeMap group with level

    Group with Levels

    You can group TreeMap items using the levels in it.

    Group Path

    You can use groupPath property for every flat level of the TreeMap control. It is a path to a field on the source object that serves as the “Group” for the level specified. You can group the data based on the groupPath in the TreeMap control. When the groupPath is not specified, then the items are not grouped and the data is displayed in the order specified in the dataSource.

    Group Gap

    You can use groupGap property to separate the items from every flat level and to differentiate the levels mentioned in the TreeMap control.

    The following code sample explains how to group TreeMap Items using ‘Levels’.

  • HTML
  • <ej-treemap id="treemap" [dataSource]="dataSource" weightValuePath="Population">
    	  <e-level groupPath="Continent" groupGap="5"></e-level>

    The following screenshot displays grouping of TreeMapItems using Levels.

    Angular TreeMap customize by range

    Customize TreeMap by Range

    You can differentiate the nodes based on its value and color ranges using Range color. You can also define the color value range using from and to properties.

    Color Value Path

    The colorValuePath of TreeMap is a path to a field on the source object. You can determine the color for the object using colorValuePath of TreeMap.

    The following code sample explains how to customize TreeMap appearance using Range.

  • HTML
  • <div style="height:300px;width:500px;margin:0px auto;">
    <ej-treemap id="treemap" [dataSource]="dataSource" weightValuePath="Population"
    	   <e-level groupPath="Continent" groupGap="5"></e-level>
           <e-rangecolor [from]="0" [to]="1" color="#DC562D"></e-rangecolor>
           <e-rangecolor [from]="1" [to]="1.5" color="#FED124"></e-rangecolor>
           <e-rangecolor [from]="1.5" [to]="2" color="#487FC1"></e-rangecolor>
           <e-rangecolor [from]="2" [to]="3" color="#0E9F49"></e-rangecolor>

    The following screenshot displays a customized TreeMap control.

    Angular TreeMap color with path

    Enable Tooltip

    You can enable the tooltip by setting showTooltip property to “true”. By default, it takes the property of the bound object that is referred in the weightValuePath and displays its content when the corresponding node is hovered. You can customize the template for tooltip using tooltipTemplate property.

    Add the template script to index.html file for treemap tooltip template , refer the below code snippet for tooltipTemplate

  • HTML
  • <script  id="template" type="application/jsrender">
            <div  style="margin-left:17px;margin-top:-45px;">      
                <div style="height:auto;width:auto;background:black;border-radius:3px;opacity:1">
                    <div style="margin-top:-20px;margin-left:9px;padding-top:3px;margin-right:9px;">
                        <label style="margin-top:-20px;font-weight:normal;font-size:12px;color:white;font-family:Segoe UI;">''</label>
                   <div style="height:10px;"></div>
                    <div style="margin-top:-10px;margin-left:9px;margin-right:9px;padding-bottom:3px;">
                        <label style="margin-top:-10px;font-weight:normal;font-size:14px;color:white;font-family:segoe ui light;">''</label>
  • HTML
  • <div style="height:300px;width:500px;margin:0px auto;">
    	<ej-treemap id="treemap" [showTooltip]="true" tooltipTemplate="template">

    Leaf ItemSettings

    You can customize the Leaf level TreeMap items using leafItemSettings. The Label and tooltip values take the property of bound object that is referred in the labelPath when defined. The following code sample displays how the tooltip is enabled.

  • HTML
  • <div style="height:300px;width:500px;margin:0px auto;">
    	<ej-treemap id="treemap" leafItemSettings.labelPath="Region">

    The following screenshot displays a ToolTip in a TreeMap control.

    Angular TreeMap enable tooltip

    Enable Legend

    You can set the color value of leaf nodes using TreeMap Legend. This legend is appropriate only for the TreeMap whose leaf nodes are colored using rangeColorMapping. You can set showLegend property value to “true” to make a legend visible.

    Label for Legend

    You can customize the labels of the legend item using legendLabel property of rangeColorMapping.

    The following code sample illustrates how to add labels for legend in a TreeMap.

  • HTML
  • <div style="height:300px;width:500px;margin:0px auto;">
    <ej-treemap id="treemap" [showLegend]="true" [legendSettings.height]="38" 
           <e-rangecolor legendLabel="0 - 1 %    Growth"> </e-rangecolor>
                <e-rangecolor legendLabel="1 - 1.5 %  Growth"></e-rangecolor>
                <e-rangecolor legendLabel="1.5 - 2 %  Growth"></e-rangecolor>
               	<e-rangecolor legendLabel="2 - 3 %  Growth"></e-rangecolor>

    The following screenshot displays labels in a TreeMap control.

    Angular TreeMap Label for Legend


    Population data is referred from List of continents by population.